Refresh failed due to an unexpected error - Excel Add in reports for some of the users.
Hi, There are some Financial reports that has been created using Excel add in functionality. Some users are having issues while refreshing it and getting error message. Whereas others are fine with it. A few users are getting this error for some of the reports, but they are able to refresh other add in reports. Could…
Import into DAT02 Shipping Metrics module unsuccessful: Ensure the column headers in the import file
When i am trying for getting error as "Import into DAT02 Shipping Metrics module unsuccessful: Ensure the column headers in the import file map to the correct dimensions in your module, then run the import again."
Remove 10 million item limit from the ISFIRSTOCCURRENCE function
Brief description of the idea Remove 10 million item limit from the ISFIRSTOCCURRENCE function Expected benefit/impact Removing this limit would allow imports to be ran into large hierarchies that are referenced in ISFIRSTOCCURRENCE formula. Currently they fail with an error message.
Allowing Documents (pdf, excel, word, ppt) attachments in Anaplan
It will be helpful if there is capability to attach Documents (pdf, excel, word, ppt) in Anaplan. Many planning decisions/inputs need supporting documents as attachments.
I am looking at integeration of Anaplan with SAP
We are looking on creating some utlity or similar to it using open source API's or using Python or R or can be any other tool to intgerate Aanaplan with SAP to make our offer more cost effective and lucrative
Alternatives to connect Anaplan to Tableau
Hi, We are connecting Anaplan to Tableau in one of our engagements, where Tableau is the downstream system. Currently we are refreshing Tableau data or pulling data into Tableau via Anaplan-Tableau connector (which is native to Tableau). However, as per Tableau 2023.1 release, Anaplan connector will be depricated in 1-2…
Anaplan Connect: Export to SQL Server
Hi, I am setting up export connections from Anaplan to SQL Server. We do this using Anaplan Connect. We have already set up around 100 export connections, but we are still facing difficulties with one specific export. In the screenshots below you can find the error log we’re facing. We use a simple query to insert the…
Export Action
Hi Members, Can someone please guide me, how can I create an export action? As Export Action is not displaying.
CA Certificate Quick Start Guide using Sectigo
Creating an Anaplan CA Certificate using the Sectigo Personal Email Security (S/MIME) certificate involves several steps. Here's a quick start guide to help you through the process: Step #1: Purchase the Sectigo Personal Email Security (S/MIME) certificate from Sectigo's website. You can find it here. The cost is $15 for a…
Level2- Sprint1- 1.3.8 model to model import-unable to import parent from saved view build location
Level2- Sprint1- 1.3.8 model to model import -unable to import parent country column in G3 Location list from saved view - build location. Please help me out to resolve the same.
OEG Best Practice: Anaplan Python OAuth Example
The Anaplan Python OAuth Example demonstrates using the Anaplan REST API with OAuth with device-based authorization. The code highlights how to generate a device_id, access_token, and refresh_token. Additionally, the code highlights a multi-threaded approach to request a new access_token while performing other,…
OEG Best Practice: Using Anaplan Connect with OAuth
How to Use Anaplan Connect with OAuth Authorization Anaplan Connect is a powerful command line interface that allows you to automate your Anaplan environment, enabling seamless data integration and synchronization between Anaplan and other systems. While Anaplan Connect offers various authentication methods, including…
Bi-directional Integration: Bridging Workday and Anaplan
Intended Audience Level of Difficulty: Advanced Requires an experienced developer, solution architect, or data engineer Resources Required: Internal Expertise: Data Engineer/IT Admin/Integration Admin Tools Needed: Anaplan Connect, SQL Database, Text Editor Access Requirements: Database access, Anaplan model/s Estimated…
Data load to SQL using JDBC connection failed : Cannot deserialize value of type
Hi Team, one of the export from Anaplan to SQL tables failing with the following error message. This script ran successfully till 27th Aug and it was failing for past 2 days. No changes were made and it was the same export script and JDBC properties file and same target table is being used. Appreciate for your guidance to…
CloudWorks - Model to Model Processes
I am trying to schedule automated Model-to-Model processes using CloudWorks so that it doesn't have to be done manually by a human. What I've noticed is some of my Actions within the automated Process don't run properly when CloudWorks runs it vs. when I manually run it. It seems that Cloudworks, "Internal (Full Access)",…
Duplicate Rows or Columns Excel Add in
After closing and reopening an excel add-in linked workbook I am seeing the attached error. The workbook worked fine before being closed. It has also broken the connection on another tab that was working correctly, I think this may be a separate issue.
Cloudworks - view the queued processes and/or cancel process queuing
In case of Anaplan issues with Cloudworks servers, processes that were on schedule start to form a queue that is released once Anaplan solve the problem. We ended up a few times in situation where the same 30 min process (normally scheduled every 2h), run 3 times one after another. This is causing problems with other…
Update Current Period Action
From April 24, 2021, model builders will be able to update Current Period via an action. Workspace Administrators (WSAs) can always update the Current Period manually via the Model Calendar, however, this may not always be convenient. The Update Current Period action enables the WSAs to increase efficiency and reduce…
How to mass-delete data from a List
Hi experts, Could someone give me a way to mass-delete data from a list? There are 300,000 of product data in the L_Product, and when I try to select all and delete them, "Cannot delete over 10,000 records" error appeared. Regards, inoue
Timedimension while exporting a module in .csv file
I am facing an issue when trying to export a module in .csv format. I have setup a Time Range that has 2 Periods and have available aggregations set as Total of All. In a Module I have this Time Range (which is in periods - Jan 20/Feb 20/etc...) in column and when I am exporting the module as a .csv file in the .csv file…
How I Built It: Beginners guide to integrating with Anaplan using Python
Author: Matt Budd, Certified Master Anaplanner and CIO at Nightingale College and Solution Architect at Dialed Solutions. Hello Anaplan Community! In the last year, I've done a lot of work around creating automation and integrations with Anaplan using Python. Several solutions I've built using Python include: Creating a…
Data Validation when using Anaplan API
One thing i've found quite challenging when doing API implementations (and at this point i've done well into my 20s of these) is, what is the best way to validate that my API calls are properly working? Specifically - how can I validate that file uploads are pushing in the right data? There are so many different variables…
Provide capability to import blank values for dates and list formatted line items
I would like the capability to blank out cells. This is not currently possible without clearing target before import. Description of the enhancement required: Ability to blank out cells without clearing the entire module each time An example of the enhancement: During the upload, there is an option which allows user to…
JAVA REST API example with Anaplan generated Certificate
Hi All - SSO is enabled for my tenant with exemption users not allowed due to internal policy so certificate authentication is my next option to bring data into anaplan is a systematic flow. I will obtain a CA Certificate as described…
Update export actions created from a saved view when saved view is modified
I think the title says it mostly, but to be clear I'd like to be able to do the following: 1. Create a saved view of a module 2. Create and export action using the saved view as basis 3. Modify and re-save the saved view (i.e. add a new column, change the filter etc.) 4. The export action should update itself based on my…
Option to export conditional formatting in export to xls
Description of the enhancement: Add an option to include conditional formatting in exports to xls
Model history api endpoint
As a integration admin, i d need to be able to access to the model history through an api endpoint and in the model This is required in order to - listen to models actions and check if / whenservicess outside anaplan should be triggered - extract for audit purposes the history of anaplan model and expose it to auditors or…
- Update SYS07 Location Details Module
Hi All, I completed this task and everything seems good. Except Location name not populated in the SYS07 location Details module. Please see the screenshots attached and advise everything is correct and I can move forward. I tried to Manually map location to code under 3rd tab but not able to do it. Someone please help me…
RESTful API How To
You can interact with the data in your models using Anaplan's RESTful API. This enables you to securely import and export data, as well as run actions through any programmatic way you desire. The API can be leveraged in any custom integration, allowing for a wide range of integration solutions to be implemented. Completing…
Excel add-in save & refresh: possible to fill line item data with formula's in excel?
Hi, Using the Excel add-in, I am curious whether it is possible to auto-populate line item data using formula's in Excel. Can anyone tell me if it is possible to set this up and if so how? As an example: consider a module linked in Excel where cell A7 contains a line item with B7 a number that is editable. Is it possible…