Allow for line item subset to be more than just number formatted
Description of the enhancement required: Line Item Subsets are often used to build filter modules, as an alternative to using the Show/Hide functionality. Using a Boolean against a Line Item Subset on a filter module makes it very easy to select which columns should be shown or hidden on a dashboard. An example of the…
Undo Function in NUX
Can we have "Ctrl+Z" or Undo Function in NUX like the way we have it in classic. Update from @davewaller: I've been working with Level 3 support to update this idea as there are some aspects of the undo functionality that have not been delivered within the UX, while other aspects have. * Undo of single cell, single value…
Pivoting with more than 3 rows
Description of the enhancement required: Need to be able to pivot more than 3 rows How would it help their business process: Reporting many cases of views needed with multiple dimensions with more than 3 lists in rows. Most recent case 1) A module with many dimensions 2) Need to be imported to a flat list 3) Filtering…
Option to add page numbers to Management Report PDF files
In a Nordics User Group - Anaplan Roadmap session, a participant raised the request that Anaplan Product enable the option to have page numbers added to the pages on a Management Reporting report when printed out to PDF.
Defaulting values for line-items (vs. modeling via override)
Abilty to have by default a 100% value in a line-item vs. modeling this behaviour with a line item of 100 and putting an override if you do not want 100% (e.g. redemption rates). The default should be able to have a formula behind it. (cfr STET functiona in competitive products) Benefits : 1) Huge UX improvement on…
Time Period Formatted line items dependency on Time Range
Currently dropdown for time period formatted line items shows all time periods for Model Calendar. There should be an option to make them dependent on Time range applicable to that particular Module/Line Item. For Example: If Model has 5 years, a Month formatted line item will show all 60 months in dropdown even if that…
New Function To Convert Date Format to Text Format
It would be very useful to have this functionality rather than convert to numbers through DAY, MONTH, YEAR and back to text through TEXT function. Best practice would dictate to split these functions out but this increases clutter and causes unnecessary calculations in models.
Ability to exclude zero values from AVERAGE calculation
A common requirement we see on customer implementations is to be able to calculate the average of a set of values but exclude zero values. For example if we have the following set of values (10,0,0,8,0), the average excluding zeros would be (10+8)/2 = 9. The current AVERAGE function cannot exclude zeroes and so gives an…
Time Ranges Notes
I would like to have Notes available to be able to record comments against a Time Range so as to give more clarity as to what the Time Range is used for and whether it needs to be rolled forward at a Year End as in some cases there may be no need to change the start year of the time range for instance but without knowledge…
Automatically re-open modules after a session timed out
Hello All, As a new model builder I have experienced some frustration with tracing back where I was at if my session times out. This is especially true during the development stages and the solution is moving fairly dynamically and several developers are working on it. It would be a nice improvement if Anaplan could cache…
Increase the size limit of notes
A description of the enhancement required: The notes on line items is 250 characters which isn’t enough. A story for why the enhancement is required (specifically, how would it aid the business process): When you write a note on a formula, you have to explain WHAT is does, WHY you did it, HOW it’s used etc etc, 250 isn’t…
Add a tab for saved module views in Model Settings -> Modules
Description of enhancement: To add List of modules' views in the Model Settings menu. It would be great if it can include: View name Model name Actions’ names then view is used as a source Dashboards where used An example of the enhancement: It may be very similar with the Modules list. A story for why they want the…
Ability to copy a process
It would be nice to have the possibility to copy a process. This will save some time when developing, because you can easily amend a simular process instead of collecting all actions again.
FEATURE REQUEST: Universal List that can be used in all Models
Currently, the process to use same list across different models is a complicated process of importing lists from one model to another. If Anaplan really plans to be the a Connected Planning tool, they should have a feature of having a Universal List that can be used across all models without doing import. I am proposing…
Ability to add folder structure in model management
Description of the enhancement required: Create folders and keep the models in various folders How would it help their business process: We have about 15 modellers working on different models. Wed like to be able to organise them better. Sometimes we might forget the names of models they are creating. In windows, they can…
List cell "Contains" Typeahead
Description of enhancement: List cell input typeahead to work by "contains" typed text, not "starts with" (or make this a setting in blueprint format options). Example: The test list contained regions EMEA, APJ and NOAM. There's a list formatted line item in the module and if I type in the letter A, user wants all the 3…
Ability to group actions by functional area
Description of the enhancement required: Create Directory/Grouping functionality for grouping Actions An example of the enhancement: Actions would be able to be grouped by function/area, similar to functional areas. How would it help you business process: I currently need to make a fake action to create a line in actions…
Automatic ordering of dimensions within modules/line items
Description of enhancement: When re-dimensioning a module/line item by using the applies to dialogue box, it would be very useful if the order of the "applies to" was automatically ordered from the largest to the smallest. Business case for wanting this enhancement: Consistency of the dimension orders has a big impact of…
Custom groupings - As an admin I want to organise my model objects, such as lists, into groups
Similar to functional areas for modules, but allow admin to easily create custom groupings and assign objects to them, so that their settings objects are organized. This should be included everywhere we currently have 'Re-order', as it will need to be incorporated. For example, set of line items for UI data, calculations,…
Anaplan user list export from Tenant admin page with Access Type and License Type information
Description of the enhancement requiredUnable to extract access/license information for Anaplan users ( Customer would like to be able to export a list of users for their organization with information as seen in the attached example report. Would like to be able to do this from Tenant Admin page ). Refer to screenshots for…
Ability for summaries to only include the items which are visible after filtering
Details of Enhancement: Enhance filters on a dashboard to update totals and subtotals in summary rows - when a filter is applied, the subtotal should update to sum only the filtered records How this would help their business process: When users see a filtered view, or adjust a filter, subtotals and totals can be misleading…
ITEM function cannot be used on composite lists with Summary of "Formula"
To reproduce: 1. Create a parent list and a composite child list. 2. Create a module with 1 line item with formula "ITEM(Child List)" and list formatted to "Child List". Applies To should be "Child List". 3. Change Summary to "Formula", the following error is shown: The formula for 'mod1'.'item1' is invalid: 'item1' =…
Ensure community members are fully on top of new enhancements (improving comms and alerts)
As a community member I like/need to be on top of any new enhancements that are made available. Most recently it seems the strategy, alerting, comms has changed and it's more complicated to be on top of new enhancements, plan, test and deploy them as quickly as we would love to. Could we improve the comms by creating a…
"Edit From" and "Edit To" in "Versions" don't prohibit users from importing values to that time peri
Description of the enhancement: The RFE would be to disallow users from importing into a timescale that they cannot edit. To reproduce: 1. Create a module with "Versions" and "Time" as dimensions. 2. In "Settings"->"Versions", change the "Edit From" to "Feb 16" on the "Actual" version. 3. Back in your module on "Actual"…
Alias Names for Time, Versions, Modules, Line Items and Dashboards
Hi Anaplan, It would be great for Anaplan to allow users to create alias names for: time, versions, modules, dashboard, list and lineitems. Thanks, Usman
Log exports in the model history
Description of the enhancement required: Customer wants to capture the export information also to be captured in the history log. Currently, only import information is available. A story for why you want the enhancement: For the customer, apart from imports that are scheduled , if a user clicks on export they want that…
Increase Code character limit in List
Description of the enhancement required: Increase Code character limit which is currently max at 60 characters. An error window will appear if character limit is reached. How would it help their business process: Customers have data values that exceed 60 characters when they try to import data into their List. When they…
Summary Method per List
In DISCO we create CAL modules that are purely for caulations and turn Summary Method to NONE. There are though many times where to be most efficient you may want to only have the Summary method apply to one list. e.g. you want it to SUM on product only because you can then use it in an Output module which doesn't need the…
Allow no conditional formatting (or transparent) to be applied if the condition is not met
Description of the enhancement required: Enhance conditional formatting so that it will be possible to set the fill if the condition is met but if not, the Grid Style is respected. Currently the conditional formatting is working with a range of values where is set the fill in the left range and in the right range (with…
Show whether a line item is used in an action
I'd like ability to see, in blueprint mode for a module, whether a line item is used in an action. This, along with an existing Idea requesting to see if a line item is used as a filter for a Saved View, would significantly speed up model clean-up time