NUX Comments: Add ability to notify a user mentioned in a comment
Absolutely thrilled that we now have the ability to add a comment thread to any card in the NUX! A suggestion I have to make it even better would be to have the added ability to mention a user via the "@User" comment similar to popular team chat/collaboration tools, and then have a notification pushed to that user to alert…
New Modeling Experience Idea: New formula editor box to be avalilable in deployed mode
With newest UX for modeling I found the missing opportunity to see the pretty syntax highlighting in models being in deployed mode. The double-chevron icon is unavailable during deployed mode so i can't switch to "New intuitive formula editor so you can highlight syntax to improve accuracy and easily read formulas" which…
Ability to import a saved template card into Management Reporting Page
When creating a board or worksheet in NUX, it would be good when saving these as templates if the templates were available for import / use in the Report page for management reporting rather than having to rebuild them.
Report page : add card template library
it would be very helpful if we could have access to card template library when we build a report page, as it exists for boards. Report page : Boards :
Management Reporting: Publish Context Selectors
Ability to publish context selectors on slides so that you can change the context while in presentation mode.
UX Text card - Font effects
This option is available yet for MR only. Would be nice to be able to apply most frequetly used font effects like (Italic, Bold, Underline, Strikethrough and etc.) to the text container in NUX. I have two options any of which will work. 1) Next to Edit icon in the top-right corner of the card 2) Above Title and Body text…
Mirror Bar Chart
Hi, Could you please help me make a mirror bar chart? I multiplied the blue colored series by -1 to make a mirror effect, but I have either a negative sign or brackets in the chart. In addition, I could not align these series at the same level. Thank you! Warm regards, Murat
Pages are loading for a very long time nowdays (NUX)
In my opinion the time to wake a model up have increased a lot the last weeks . The pages are loading with the info "Initializing the model" much longer than before. Anyone else experiencing this and see it as o problem?
New UX Filter : Current Page
Filter context in the New UX, does not have the option to select Current Page, like in Classic UX. This impacts the ability to apply filters.
New UX Conditional Formatting made possible on Module Views and not just custom Views
It should be possible to apply the new conditional formatting with Morse, Border on the module Views as well and not just custom views. Currently we need to recreate an existing view using custom views to just leverage on the new conditional formatting.
Open source module link in NUX
Suggest to add the "Open Source module" ability to the NUX, incl. the current analysis options available in the old UX. Right now our users can use the open source module function in the old UX whenever they want to dig into the details, see all the underlying formulas/comments, and do ad hoc analysis. Especially, the…
Standardise Zero Formatting between Modules (& Classic UX) and New UX
When setting number formats, the formatting should be consistent across Modules/Classic/New UX. Below, see an example where a material zero balance is formatted as a hyphen as selected. In the New UX, this appears as a non-zero value. The workaround is to round the output to zero, but Anaplan should format consistently…
Be able to navigate/refresh dashboards while processes are running by other users
It will be a lot more efficient for users to be able to navigate and refresh through the dashboards so at least be able to view the information even if other users are running actions or entering inputs. At the moment, the whole model freezes while other users are processing action or entering inputs. This sometimes may…
Create app issue
Hi I am trying to create a new app but in my app landing page the option to create an app is not appearing, please help me on the same. whether any settings need to be changed. attaching the screenshot for the same.
Level 2, sprint 3: 3.5.5 Activity: Create Distribution Center Summary UX Page
Hi, I tried to create the UX page, the result can be seen in the picture below. However, some data values were not published (grid above and right grid below) although there was data in the Supply chain model. How can this be solved? I refreshed already several times. Thanks in advance!
Option to have native borders on each card type in NUX
The option of formatting the borders would be a lot better and easier if native border selection was available in the NUX for each card option rather than having to add pictures of borders and sending to front / back.
Errors in SYS01 FOR SPRINT
Can someone help find a solution these errors I am getting with the planning period formula? thanks
Grid on dashboard
* Hi, in a module saved view, I created a grid with weekly time buckets filtered on about two years history and two years future.. On the NUX dashboard view, the grid starts from the first week, so 104 weeks in the past, and we need to scroll to the current week if we want to make changes in the future. I would like the…
Help shape the future of Anaplan
You are at the heart of everything we do here at Anaplan. Whether you spend much of your workday in Anaplan, access it less frequently for specific tasks, or somewhere in between, we value your input and want to hear from you regardless of your level of proficiency or role. The Anaplan Research team is pioneering…
Planning period filter for SYS01 errors for Sprint 3
Hello, Can someone tell why I can't get the formula to work in my planning period filter for sys01?
New UX Description Information or Note by Line item
In the same way that we add a description for a card in the New UX there should be a way to add a description per line item. The users should be able to hover over the line item and information will pop up.
"Average" is close to useless. Need to be able to automatically only average non-zeros
The average summary method and aggregation function [Average:] both include zero values when calculating an average. This makes sense but sadly means that in almost all scenarios the irritating workaround of counting non-zeros and then dividing is required. This costs line items (and therefore space), increases calculation…
Favourite Filter Settings to use in new Cards / Worksheets
There are some filters that sit in central modules and are used across many dashboard; like - User based selections for time, product groups etc. - Centrally controlled filters for time or versions (R12, Only Current FC) - Default filters limiting the hierarchy view (Months/Quarters/FY only, lowest level only) When…
Ability to choose Orientation when utilising 'Export to PDF' in new UX
In the new ANAPLAN UX, it seems the ANAPLAN functionality has been lost to choose printing options to print the report in the most optimal format when exporting to PDF. These options were available in Classic ANAPLAN as follows : 1. Page Size (A3/A4/A5 etc) 2. Orientation (Portrait/Landscape)** this is probably the most…
NUX - Automatic Column Width
I have a grid in the NUX that can display Periodic, Quarterly or Annual values. The column width adjusts to fill the grid size. The annual value looks strange because the column is the entire width of the grid. In the old UX, the grid size would shrink or expand to fit the fixed width column. Is there a way to do this in…
Allow Workspace Admins to use NUX dashboards when a model is offline
It would be helpful for testing purposes if workspace admins could still use the NUX dashboards when a model is offline.
Image on new UX dashboard
I'm using imgur to post pictures on the new UX dashboard. I uploaded the image on Imgur and the link is below: https://imgur.com/a/ADuEA5s Then I tried putting the following links in the module but none of them worked. It cannot find the picture on the dashboard. Anything I missed? Thank you.…
Adding Image to New UX Page
Hi, I'm trying to set a background image to my New UX pg, but having trouble doing so. I have created a URL Link and saved it as a text formatted Line Item and trying to pull it into my New UX pg to use as a backdrop. It is giving the following error below. Link that was created with the image https://imgur.com/a/YDJS7xd…
My Pages - Admin Overview
I see that the My Page feature has picked up significantly at some customers, particularly with worksheets. Yet, as an admin it's a great trouble to understand the impact of changes to these personal pages. Today it is only possible to see the number of "My Pages" created by each model. As a Workspace Admin, I want an…
NUX - Scroll Bars Not Visible Unless Hovering on Card
In the NUX, the scroll bars on the cards are not visible unless the user hovers over the card. It would be helpful if the scroll bar was always visible and not hidden.