Issue in Tabular Multiple Column Export Format
Hi All, I am facing an issue while exporting data from a dashboard by selecting Tabular multiple column export option. Although the table on the dashboard has been published by creating a saved view(i.e. by selecting 'Show Selected Line Items only' option). However, while exporting the data in tabular multiple column(.csv)…
Is Summary not dynamic?
Hi, I have explained everything in the below screenprint. Please share your views on how to handle this case.. Note: The module is data module where all the data is imported through csv file.
How to declare a variable in denodo?
There is a question related to this topic but is not the same that I am going to ask, I need to do something similar as we do in SQL but this time in Denodo. This is in SQL: DECLARE @curr varchar (10); SET @curr = 'USD; SELECT Country, Currency FROM Currencies WHERE Currency = @curr; I have tried something like this in…
How to shorten names for a data flat file you use t import into List
Hi, I have a List that will get populated once a month from a flat file that is given to me from IT. The only issue is that some of the naming in the flat file is too long to bring in as a List. And if the name is too long then Anaplan will not bring in that name into the list. I want to know what is the best way to fix…
Export data using Cloudworks
Hi, Is there a way i can use CloudWorks to export data without using the connector? I cannot select the Target folder where i want to save the extracted file. Thanks in advance for helping. Regards, Tom
How to remove List Subset Item from Labels in Export
Hi I have an export from module, where one of two dimensions is the List Subset Item. When I want to export it as Tabular Mutliple Columns - I see in the Lables only name (connected to the First Dimension). I need to removed List Subset Item from my export, like other labels. I wonder how to do it?
Chunks Error
chunksArray = jsonResponse["chunks"] KeyError: 'chunks' Hi all, I have connected with Anaplan through API with help of Python . Basically I am Exporting file from Anaplan for getting suggestion But now If i am using my credentials and my Model it is working fine. But for others it showing error above pasted. Chunks are…
How to check if authentication works after CA installed on Anaplan
Hi, What is the best way to check if authentication works properly after CA is installed on Anaplan? I followed https://help.anaplan.com/1493b16d-7294-47d6-bd8d-056962e9b8da-Use-CA-certificate-authentication to try to check the CA, but it returns "Failure_bad_credential" I'm not a Postman expert nor integration expert so…
Data Copy for more than 10k rows of a single line item.
Hi Community, What are the possible ways to load a single date into (Date Formatted) line item which has more than 10000 records. I know the few drills which is 1) Importing manually by creating a csv of that single line item with multiple rows 2) Copy down method (applicable only for 10k rows only) Does anyone have any…
Export Top Level item using Tabular Multiple Column
Dear Anaplan Community, I would like to export data using Tabular Multiple Column (to use it later as export action in Power BI with Anaplan Connector), including the top level item of my list. In the export definition, I did NOT select "Omit Summary Items", however, in my export I don't see the Total row. What am I doing…
Integration acknowledgement to Anaplan
Hi, In the scope of an integration from Anaplan to a target system using Mulesoft, I want the best and most efffective way to perform "Ready" and "Success" flags. I explain : Mulesoft flow will use a scheduler to connect to the Anaplan connector at a regular timing. If the Anaplan user performed a new calculation and have…
is there a way to forecast expenses by vendors?
I'm trying to forecast the details by department's with their vendors, like for example Anaplan as a license vendor I want to forecast by that line of expense as part of the Technology department that eventually will roll up to the Software expense P&L as part of the total company. Not sure if I need a list for Vendors and…
Can you take a Copy of a model at a point in time without having to restore it?
Hey team, I want to take a copy of a model at a point in time and see the data in it without restoring the current version model to that point. Is this possible and if so how do I do it? Regards Padraig
Export list updates
Hi Everyone, I have a problem statement in which I have to export the updates in list items. Here is a scenario to picture the problem:- I have 6-10 lists in my model and each list has 6-15 members. Let's say, user updates a list item in one of the list then I want to export this information that which list item was…
Upload same Idlaoder with differents amounts
Hi everyone, Can you help me with the next problem, please? I need to load some information and the criteria for upload is the Idloader list. I am testing what happens when uploading two rows that have the same Idloader but different amounts and I am waiting that Anaplan to upload just the last amount. In this case, if I…
Postman API authentication
I have been trying to get an authenticated/authorized API to work and I just am not able to do it. Can anyone help with what I may have wrong here? This is the detail from the Console: 11:30:10.374 POST https://auth.anaplan.com/token/authenticate: { "Network": { "addresses": { "local": { "address": "...", "family": "IPv4",…
Importing into a Numbered List from a saved view
Hi All - I feel like I am missing something simple here. I have a saved view from my data hub model that I am using to import into a spoke model. I am setting up a numbered listed in the spoke model b/c of duplicate data. I have set up a display name and have successfully imported the data from the saved view. What I do…
Export Action to Power BI
Hello! I´ve created an export button to export a table from Anaplan to Power BI using Anaplan Connector. I can see the table in a list of export action in Anaplan, as shown below: However, I´m not able to find this export in Anaplan Conector in my Power BI. I search the right way to get to the table but this export name…
Importing Hiearchies
Hi, I'm trying to import our company structure, the structure is made up of Department > Division > Cost Centre > Budget Some items in the Division list have the same name as their parent and are being rejected e.g. Marketing > Marketing > Brand > Brand Budget Does anyone know how to resolve this? Thanks
Import takes time with filter view
Hi, I want to know filter function. I run Import Action from saved view which filtered by Lineitem. But It takes long time. The point was module pivot. View A and B was filtered by same Lineitem. But it takes shorter set source module as ViewB than ViewA. View A ProductLocationTimeAmountAX1/11AX1/22AX・・・3BX1/14BX1/25BX・・・6…
Anaplan Connect Error on certificate usage
Hi, I am facing the below message in command prompt (highlighted in blue) while trying to run a batch script with certificate and private key. Certificate and private key is already placed in "E:\anaplan-connect-release-3.0.0\Certificate 2022" (-a|-action) (<id>|<name>): select an action by id/name (-P|-processes): list…
Coupa -> Anaplan
Has anyone seen any documentation, white papers, materials on integration with Coupa? Maybe more so from a functional, use case perspective?
Impact of failure dump on import duration
Hi all, I remember reading a best practice somewhere (not quite sure where) that if possible an action should return "Success" by default rather than "Process complete but with failures", as failure dump generation lengthens the import duration. Just wondering if this is the case and if anyone's aware of any correlation…
Python binary file is very slow in execution
Hi all, I have written a script on Anaplan connectivity through python. Now I have converted that python script (.py) file to binary (.exe) file with the help of pyinstaller and --onefile But on launching that '.exe' file, its taking too much time approximately 10 minutes or more than that. Any suggestion please...
Running Anaplan connect
Hi Guys, While i was running Anaplan connect ,I am facing the following error. Can you please do needful Request details: sun.security.validator.ValidatorException: PKIX path building failed: sun.security.provider.certpath.SunCertPathBuilderException: unable to find valid certification path to requested target executing…
Importing fata
I'm unable to upload data for utilities and total line item plz help.
Impact of Exports
Hi, Hypothetically, if I have an export running for 2 hours, what all does that export block in the model? I reckon users can still navigate around in the model/app but they won’t be able to run any action or make any manual changes (user inputs). Is my understanding correct and are there other things the user can’t do?
Can't map account to existing model
Hi, I'm trying to map an Account to another Account in a different workspace but I can't seem to be able to map these as the Account field is greyed out. Does anyone have a suggestion on what to do here? Thanks, Tom
Cannot import record into numbered list as it has a new name (#1)
Hi, I'm getting the error message 'Cannot add new entities to numbered list when matching involves name'. Attached is the view of the mapping and the datahub I'm trying to connect to. Does anyone have suggestions on this? I tried reviewing this link but I didn't fully understand it.…
Error In Mapping Data
I'm trying to complete model building activity in Sprint 1 Level 2 and facing an error while importing data from the file. Do let me know what mistake I'm making.