Error : Evaluating the forecast in Hold Periods ~ Statistic forecast
I'm trying to evaluate the statistical forecast by using Apply Hold Periods. But when I set them, the almost of product's best-fit forecast is set to New Item Forecast. How can I correctly evaluate the forecast?
How to use batch file process ~ statistic forecast
In statistic model, there are some instructions and power point file. -Daily Batch Process for Demand Forecasting In this document, I can see there are some Batch Process or import actions. But there is no Actions in the Statistic forecast model. How can I run the Batch Process?
Anaplan Connect import error 12476
Hi, I am currently having issues with my script using Anaplan connect and I hope someone could help me with this. The error I receive is: “ERROR 12476 |-- Imports not found: Imports not found for Model-ID=8954E749858F4CEEB35EBD5BFB54595B (Feign: status 401 reading AnaplanAPI#getImports(String,String,int);…
API scripting manners
Hi, I got this question from our partner consultant. Any advice would be appreciated. Thanks! Anaplan Connect is provided as a Java JAR, but I think it is actually provided as a sample that executes Java from a shell script or bat file. The customer already has an infrastructure that can run Java directly as an…
Referencing models in another workspace in real time
Can a calculation referencing a line item from a model in a different workspace be accomplished in real-time? Or will it require other forms of interfacing?
Level 2 sprint 3 activity 3.3.4 TRA01
I have been trying to figure out the formulas in this activity, I know that YEARVALUE function would be used with LOOKUP function. I am not able to figure out so as to what the mapping dimensions should be for LOOKUP as P3 SKU and G3 Locations are not lists. These are only dimensions I can think of as of now. Please guide…
7.2.1 Lesson
I am seeing this error message and can't find the source of the issue. Any help would be appreciated. Thank you.
Import values is not showing
The Data should like Pic-1 but after import I am getting as Pic-2. Though I followed all imports correctly, still data didn't show up. I have shows Imports for reference. Thanks Friends.
HI Team, I have few issues with the formula, its right or wrong? i have noticed 3 issues in my model 1. For Beginning inventory my formula is IF NOT 'SYS01 Time Settings By Week'.'1st Forecast Year?' THEN PREVIOUS(Ending Inventory) ELSE 'DAT01 Beginning Inventory'.Beginning Inventory here in week 2 of beginning inventory,…
importing duplicate detail-data into Module.....
I want to import duplicate detail-data into Module..... When I imported, same departmentcode data which is second same data was rejected..... dimension(departmentcode) is Fixed and unchangeable, How can I do this?
The Level of Statistical Product Forecast
I'm Trying a statistic forecast. And there is below statement in this site (https://community.anaplan.com/t5/Best-Practices/Statistical-Forecasting/ta-p/40359). * Multi-Level Forecast: Ability to forecast at different levels of the product hierarchy (i.e. Top Item | Customers, Item and Brand level can all have stat…
HI I got stuck in the shipping methods where am trying to using all sort of formula but shipping methods showing different error my formula: 'SYS07 Distribution Center Details'.Default Shipping[LOOKUP: 'SYS08 SKU Details'.Code, lookup: 'SYS08 SKU Details'.Supplied By] error : Data type mismatch: format other than LIST or…
There has to be a better way. Any ideas?
Hello, While on a rebuilding project with a client, I am ready to delete some modules. Problem is the line items in those modules are used in Formulas and are connected to downstream modules. I know I can reference the specific references in the Blueprint view, and scrolling over to see the Referenced By column. However,…
Lesson 4.8.2
Hello, I am getting stuck on this same issue. Please see screen shot attached. I keep getting an error message. Thank you very much.
Log with Period Anaplan Connect
I want to ask to log (Output) Anaplan connect when there is an issue as shown below?
Importing HR Data issue via Script using Process in Anaplan.
Dear Expert , I have to import Hr Data via Anaplan connect Script by using the Process which has been created in Anaplan with Import actions. But while importing its getting failed error as shown below . when i check Process and tried to Execute directly via process i could able to see we need to pass the Period while…
Anaplan model rename - Impact on linked excel Reports via add-in
Hi all, If I change my model name, then will the excel reports linked to the model's various modules via add-ins face issue or they will refresh just as usual and will automatically read from the model as the ID is still the same. Please confirm. Best Natasha
Anaplan Connection - Invalid Credential
Hello team, We are getting an error frequently, almost daily baysis, related to "invalid credentials" between Anaplan connection and Power BI Desktop. Every time that team (two developers analyst) needs to work with the data, we need to reset the password and we are worried about this for the future. Do you know if this…
User based delete action
Hi I want to give a functionality to the user where they can select a Boolean (say basis state) and delete the data in a transaction list that are mapped to that state ( in a line item in the system module). see table: StateCheck to deleteA BYC D Since the user has selected the boolean for B, only those transactions are to…
Import getting ignored for non workspace admin users
Hi All, I have created a simple flush action that wipes out a boolean selection. See the table. User checks a boolean in User Check and then the last action in their process clears out the user check using the flush line item. User CheckFLUSHaY b c d The list dimension has a Selective Access and a DCA so that if one user…