I'd like to pull the value of a line item based off of the selection of another line item..
I'd like to pull the value of a line item based off of the selection of another line item in the same module. I have a LiSS Module called Category Planning. It has values in 3 line items. Depending on what is chosen in the Select Option Line item, I want to pull the respective value into another module. Category Select:…
Cannot see line items in Pivot View but available in Blue Print
I have a wierd thing happening with this particular module, where I cannot see the Line Items in Pivot and I'm not able to change the view due to this. But I can add, remove or delete line items from the Blue print view. Is there something to do with any settings or is it a bug?. I've attached images for reference. If some…
Dear All, Kindly advise how to get an access to workspace (free 90 days)? Kind regards, Telman
Scenario Planning and snapshot
Currently, we use version for snapshots. For example, create a new version for each submission, bulk copy and lock the version. However, due to size issues, we are looking for options and have heard about multiple scenarios, and snapshots. Wondering if there are are literatures or videos on using scenarios and how to…
Creating Filter to Show Lines with Sublines vs just Lines
Hello All, I am working on a budgeting model, and we have budget lines and sublines, and for dashboard, I just want to show budget lines when it has only one subline. Any advice on how to do that! Thanks
REP02 values not displaying
I currently have a filter to show forecast months only
Reference Model ID in line item
Hi, Is it possible to pull the current model ID into a line item as text? Essentially I am trying to create a unique key across imports from multiple models so thinking as the model ID is unique I can use that along with an attribute I know is unique within that specific model. I do have a plan B if not. But just wanted to…
Model 1 Exercise 9.2.5
Hello All...I input 5% on my F19 for REV 04 , then i receive 20% for my REV 05...what am I doing wrong?
Get latest date and price in Month dimension
Hi, Can anyone guide me how to build and create line item formula to fulfil this requirement? We have a flat data in excel, inside has date, product and price, the data can be entered and uploaded not in sequence, it means today i can upload for 6 Apr, tomorrow i can upload for 5 Apr. I need a module then can shows the…
Use "Previous" with non-timescale dimension
Hi all, I understand Previous() can't be used with a non-time dimension. I have a custom dimension with a natural concept of a previous item. (it's actually a 13 period calendar that is not based on weeks, therefore I think precluding the use of a native time dimension). I understand why it's comlaining; OpeningBalance…
Bring in Data formatted data from one module to another where Target does not have Time dimension
Hello Gurus, I have this scenario. Module 1 has the following: Time dimension (Month) List A Line Items including a line item called ExpiryDate that is date formatted. Module 2 has the following dimension (does not have time dimension). List B Line items (some line items plus one called Date where i need to bring in…
Get value of immediate Parent of page selector
Hi, The list hierarchy defined is Category > Brand > Sub-brand > SKU When the page selector is selected, how can we dynamically get the total value of its immediate parent ? For example, if SKU is selected, the value should be of total of Sub-brand level. If Brand is selected, the value should be total of Category level…
How to find GCD of 3 numbers?
Hello Community, I have a condition, where I have to calculate the "Greatest Common Divisor(GCD/GCF)" of three numbers in Anaplan so that I can utilize that GCD value to find the ratio. In excel we have GCD function and directly we obtain the GCD value. So, is there any way we can do that in Anaplan. Thanks Puneeth HP
Error Message with Formula
Update the formulas to reference the driver data in the EMP03 Employee Driver by Role module. Formula I am using: IF Employed? THEN Salary * 'EMP03 Employee Drivers by Role'.Bonus %[LOOKUP: 'SYS08 Employee Details'.Department, LOOKUP: 'SYS08 Employee Details'.Country] ELSE 0 Error message after using the formula: IF…
Dashboard design support
How many of you Model Contributors are also the ones building dashboards for your organization? In our UX Designer hub, you will find Best Practices, How To articles, and a discussion board to help you design and optimize your dashboards for stakeholders and other audiences. Take a look and let us know what you think!
Active employee calculation
Hi Anaplan community, I am facing a problem and need help. I created a line item (Active?) to define whether the employee is active or not. The formula that I used is: IF PERIOD('DAT04 Employee Data'.Leave Date) < ITEM(Time) THEN FALSE ELSE IF PERIOD('DAT04 Employee Data'.Start Date) <= ITEM(Time) THEN TRUE ELSE FALSE I…
Bulk Copy Version only on a define time period
Hello, I would like to copy my 2023 Budget Version on my Forecast version but just on the 2023 time period. The problem is when I do a bulk copy from my buget to my forecast, it also copy the 2021 budget datas and the 2022 budget datas whereas I want to keep the datas that were in my forecast. How can I easily configure my…
YTD time summary excluding current month
Hello community! Is there a way or a workaround for the YTD time summary to exclude the current month? I would need to do this for multiple line items in multiple modules that have different time summary methods. I guess one solution would be to always postpone the update current month period with a full month, but it…
Version selection in modules
Hi All, I notice when I set up a time range that I am able to select either no time dimension, or model calendar, or the time range created by me. However for Version dimension, only notice 2 options in drop down All or none. Would it not be good to be able to choose the specific versions to which a certain module apply?
Anaplan Compare functionality Issue - Name of Compare to
Recently this changed so that when you use the native Compare functionality in Anaplan classic, it no longer shows the name of what you are comparing to, but shows as "undefined". Previously this would have shown the name - in the screen shot, instead of "undefined" it would have noted the name of the version I was…