Product List - best way to not show products which are no longer active?
Hi, I have a number of lists e.g. product list or employees list, but how is it best to maintain these as the list keeps growing, but we have products which are no longer active or employees who have since left? Thanks
Retrieving last non-zero value
Hi, I created a module with exchange rates data for each month. Then, I put summary as : sum, time: closing balance. But as I only have data until Sep 2020, it puts 0 for FY20 and 21. So, I would like to set up a formula that retrieve the last non-zero value for FY20 and FY21 for instance. Thank you for your help!
Yearly ESCALATION calculation
Hi, would like to ask on how can show the escalation yearly amount? for example FY21, the amount is 10M and for FY22 the amount should be 10M x 1.1 = 11M. Please see screenshots below. Thank you anaplan excel: should be amount
Building a Cash Flow Model (Need Advice)
Hi, So I'm playing around with trying to build a Cash Flow Model in Anaplan that is on a Daily Time Scale [WeekDay Function I plan to use] and has Line Items of different Accounts in the company that must stay at a min/max balance daily. I want to try and make this an Model that will automatically allocate the money around…
NUX - chart - combination graph
Hi, Is it possible to create a combination chart in the NUX which combines all 3 charts in 1? I tried earlier and I was not able to align the dots across each bar chart? They were all clustered together. Any ideas? Thanks
Bi-weekly Pay Period Management
Dear Community, My budget model's calendar type is Month/Quarter/Years but I need to do some calculations by bi-weekly pay periods and then roll up the result (using SUM) to month. Our payroll calendar varies by year. I created a Pay Period Lists and a management module to map the Pay Period to the Month and Year it…
NUX - Adjusting size of line items
Hi, Is it possible to adjust the size of a text field? I can hover and see further comments but is there a way to show more than 1 line by adjusting rows? Thanks
Filtering by Line Item (List)
Hi, I have created a filter to my module where users can select an item from the filter, which the module will then show those which apply (via boolean). However, I cannot seem to show all items? I created a top hierarchy in the list, but my boolean formula is S_Reporting Group Selector.Reporting Group Selector = Reporting…
Bulk Copy Action
Hello all We are refining the functionality for Bulk Copy as an action. We could do with some clarity over how you see this being used, specifically with regard to ALM. Just a couple of initial points 1. We are not changing the existing functionality of the Bulk Copy action on the versions screen 2. We are going to allow…
Need help with Selective access problem
Hi, I have a custom user list and a another dimension called B with 10 members. There is a input grid where user list is in pages and List B is in the list formatted line item, I want as per each user they should only see few members of list B in the line item in input grid and it is many to many mapping between user list…
Hi, I have a list of products, with Country as Parent. Each product also belongs to a specific reporting group (which I've included as a line item in a Product Details module). I need to create a report which is categorised by reporting group (with products under each). However, looks like you can only have 1 parent? Is…
Formula help needed
Hi , I have 2 lists, List 1 and list 2. I have a module with line items List 1 code, List 2 code and type and applies to as List1.. The values are as below. I have another module with applies to as list 2. I need to pull in items of Type A into line item 1 and Type B into line item 2 based on the List 2 code. Please can…
X[Min:y] doesn't return results consistently
Hi, In the first screenshot below, the formula in Min Start Date TEST is trying to get the earliest Activity Start Date by line item Campaign New from the second screenshot. There is no empty date in second screenshot, but the formula returns nothing in the first screenshot. This formula works in most other campaigns in…
Formula Help: Apply Rev. to Earliest Date
Hi, I need to create some logic where revenue that is allocated to a parent, is all placed onto the child with the earliest date associated with it.
Exporting into multiple files/tabs
Hi, I have a module that is dimensioned by product. I would like to export this module for each product in a single excel workbook, with each product on a new tab. Is this possible? Thanks
Add a date stamp
HI All, II need to add a state stamp into a table. My plan is to have a Line item that somehow calculated the current time (equivalent in excel would be NOW()). I then plan to use the Import data to import that date into a static date line item in the same module. Does anyone know how to get Anaplan to show the current…
Allowing circular references
I have a case where I want to allow Anaplan to make circular references, what do I want to do? Basically to make a coffee I need: 1 Cup 1 cookie 50 grams of flour 5 grams of butter ... 150 ml of coffee 160 ml of water 3 grams of coffee powder So when I needs 2 cups of coffee I can go down the "hierarchy" and calculate how…
How can I get hands on training on Sales Performance Management modules
Hi , Would like to know the learning path for Sales Performance Management. Is there a way I can simulate sales plan, quota setting, forecasting in a test environment? Thanks in advance. Murali
Reorder flag
In module 2 sprint 3 it says keep the reorder flag referencing to Suggested order amount. WHile my formula for reorder flag is OFFSET(Ending Inventory, Shipping Time Weeks, 0) < 0 I cant get it Pls clarify
Getting 4x the value of import in target module
Hi, I'm importing OPEX data from a datahub to a spoke model with the same dimensions but are getting 4x the values for every cell in the target module. Does anyone know why this might be? Best regards, Johan