Prior Year Value: Page selector?
How can I view the actuals for a previous year, regardless of the current year? For example, if if July 2023 is selected, I want to see the full year 2022 actuals. Similarly, if July 2024 is selected, I want to see the full year actuals of 2023. My current logic is only working for 2022 actuals. Actuals = Amount [Lookup:…
SELECT - two attributes
I try to write a function that selects both a specific version and a specific level in the hierarchy from a list. I know how to use the SELECT function individually on each of those selections: 1) Sales module.Gross sales [SELECT: VERSIONS.Actual] and 2) Sales module.Gross sales [SELECT:Product.Nuts]. How do I write the…
How to divide a list item value by the total list items value ?
Log of user activities
Hi, We have a requirement in which details of changes need to be captured. For example, when user created a new request on Anaplan, we'd like to capture the user who created this request automatically without user input. Our current design require imports. I'm wondering if anyone has done something similar without imports.…
Having more than three dimensions in the pivoting of modules
Hello, Is there a way to have more than three dimensions as rows or columns when pivoting a module? Maybe it is easier with an example, I have to create a report that requires 3 categories on top of the line items, but I am only able to add 2 categories, because the pivoting cannot exceed three dimensions in rows and…
Lookup Error message
Hello all, I'm currently working with a model that provides weekly forecasts for all products. My goal is to obtain forecasts categorized by product type (S or W) instead. However, when I attempt to use a lookup, I encounter this error message : "Format of mapping used for lookup doesn't match any dimension of the source".…
How to hide line items in UX avoiding repetitive hide UX command
Hi all, I am facing an issue I'm pretty sure many of you already have dealt with. The columns Cost Center, Responsible, Employee Name, Labor Cost are line items. I wish I could show the cost center, responsible, employee name, labor cost line items only for the first project (1-Av-Bc - Argus V1); in short, I need to go…
How to clear dependent dropdown selection without error
Hi, I have created dependent drop down list line item. . See below example data entered by user. Activity is based on Project. Activity Project Activity A Project A Activity A Project A Later user changed Activity value to Activity B and forgot to change the related Project. But Project is still having value based on…
How to establish many to many relationships?
Hello! I am developing a Demand Planning model for a school book retailer. I need to determine the SKU (the book identification) that each school uses (in order to purchase those SKUs for the stores around the school). However, some schools utilize various SKUs for the same year/subject, resulting in multiple SKUs for the…
why is the summary not showing even when its enabled...
i have to refer sum in another module but it shows 0 since the sum is not showing here
can we have a multi select filter as a page selector in Anaplan?
similar to what we have in excel filtering…can we use page selectors to select multiple boolean formatted line items. Snapshot attached
Importing module
Hey community, hope you can help me with these one. In my Data Hub model I have a module to fed the others which includes different columns such as CCs, Accounts, Entities, etc. For the CCs specifically I create a mapping module which map some CCs to their parent level (these to avoid creating too many cost centers on the…
Add a list item from a module
Hi all, I am struggling a bit to find a way to add a new list item from a module. So, I have this module in which I let the user insert the product, the product code and finally the customer group; the final result are three new list items I need to add to the relative list, that is ps01 product (which is a numbered list…
Percentage of Parent and Parents Parent
Hi all, I am trying to find a way to calculate the Sales % of a items parent, and also of the Parent of the items parent. Below is an example of what I am trying to achieve,
Seeking Advice: Establishing a unified organizational structure & managing restatements
Hello, I work at a company's headquarters, where we use Anaplan for reporting purposes. Some of these Anaplan models have been developed in-house, while others have been created by external consultants. This has resulted in a situation where we have multiple lists containing more or less identical organizational…
can build a action that updates current month in time dimension of both hub and spoke?
Hello everyone, Can we create a action that updates current month in time dimension of both hub and spoke. Thanks, Maithri.
Add a button to a dashboard
I have dashboards built out for budget owners in the model layer not app layer of anaplan. I would like to add a button that essentially gives the budget owner the option to add an additional FTE to their headcount and plug in the respective salary of the new hire and see the financial effect of adding one additional…
Changing formula scope does not re-apply to line items?
I have a formula which was written with the formula scope set to 'All Versions', then realised that I only need it to apply to 'Current Version', so I changed the scope but the data is still showing in the actuals and the forecast (all versions). If i add a new line item and set the scope first, and then use the exact same…
Summing only some lines in a list
Hi everyone, It's similar to SUMIFS with 1 criteria as a line item and another criteria as a line in a big list. I've tried SUM, LOOKUP but none seems to work. the error is: This … is not a line item could you please see if you can help? Many thanks, Jesse
Cloudworks not working
Hello everyone, I tried to automatize a process through Cloudworks, the process do to following thing : it pushes boolean values from one Line Item in the Model A to a Line Item in the Model B. So i created the action (that i encapsulated in a process) in the Model B, then i went to CloudWorkds and did the correct setting…
Level 2 Sprint 3 3.3.6
Hi, I'm having difficulties in the Shipping Cost and Final Shipping Cost line items. The formula I used for both: Shipping Cost: Final Shipment Amount / 1000 * 'TRA01 Shipping Metrics by Week'.'Cost per 1000 Units'[LOOKUP: 'SYS08 SKU Details'.Product, LOOKUP: Shipping Method] Final Shipping Cost:…
What is Data Integration , any example scenario?
what is the difference of SUM ,LookUP, Select
What are the best Practices for model building , how can i list out. I am in training level.
DCA without user list but with roles-list mapped to users instead
Hi Anaplan Community, I have a module "Module 1" which currently has one dimension: the product list. The module is used to apply an approval flow for cost updates to the product. Depending on if the user has been setup as requester or approver in another module (user list with boolean line items), the DCA on the line…
Community perspective: Anaplan user license management
What is an Anaplan user license? Users get access to Anaplan based on the model role provided to that user. From an Anaplan commercial perspective, each Anaplan user is consuming one active Anaplan user license. On a high level, Anaplan has the following three types of user licenses: * Model builder * Contributor * Viewer…
I am trying to create a module where I will have a list that rolls up to two different parents.
I am getting an error "an invalid Applies To for Test because Domestic and International have a common ancestor." I am trying to create a module with few list member that rolls up to two different parents. For example- Product A Product B is a part of Domestic Sales destination and Product C and Product D is a part of…
Best Practice: PARENT() vs. LOOKUP ?
I am looking for assistance to understand best practice/performance implications between 2 different approaches of getting a list item parent in a formula. Imagine I have 3 modules: X, Z, and System Module. The System Module contains Parent line item with formula PARENT(PARENT(ITEM('List Items'))). I want to return this…
Sequence of list elements creation during imports
Hi, As part of a requirement, I am looking to gather more information on the order in which the list elements are created. Consider my source as If I want to use the above view as a source and create list elements , 'A', 'B', 'C' and 'D'. Can there be any possibility that instead of creating them in the order , Anaplan…
Switching from Model Calendar to Time Ranges
Hi Community Members, My model currently has 6 future years in it, with Calendar Type as Months/Quarters/Years and no time ranges. I dont need month level data outside of next year so instead of months for years say FY25 and so on.. I only want them on the consolidated FY level so I can reduce my model size. I would also…