Facing error in line item name referring in formula
Hi Community, We have been working on copied model and trying to replicate the same line items and formulas as well wherein we are facing an error wherein it is reflecting Line item is not identified line item or list member. Example line item name: Historic range? when we refer this name in formula we are facing error…
creating a new import
How do I create a new import? I have created the Import data source, but now I want to link it to an import. Thanks
Variance between versions and years
We have a summary balance sheet that is part of a line item subset The request that now had is whether can create a variance report to compare time periods, versions. Whilst I have had some experience of doing this as evidenced below, this has only been when directly referencing a line item subset. The request for balance…
Different levels of hierarchy displayed in one line item
Hello everyone I have a problem that I am trying to solve and I would appreciate some help please. I upload a raw figure into line items at two levels of the hierarchy, L1 and L2. L2 list is the child of L1 list. As the figures are calculated outside of Anaplan and have no relationship, they cannot be summarised by a…
Formating with If statements
I need to format two line items where it is one color when a scenario is true and another when false. There are three different scenarios that can be done: Line A Line B Result TRUE FALSE Line A is yellow Line B is gray FALSE TRUE Line B is yellow Line A is gray FALSE FALSE Both are Yellow Is a nested If statement a good…
Update code of a numbered list
Hello, I want to update the code of a numbered list. The user can input a name on the dashboard. Then I want to set up an import to, for example, import the code to the numbered list but it creates me a new item each time, since we cannot map by name in a numbered list. Any solutions to update code in a numbered list…
Dashboard Default selections
Hi Guys, I am setting up a dashboard for our CFO for financial review. I want to be able to have some default selections done on the page every time he logs in. How do I do that? I am not sure how the selections show up differently every time i open the dashboard. Any help would be appreciated. Thanks, Megha
Can you sum a Line Item Subset?
Just to give some context, we have the line item subset shown in screenshot and this essentially forms a detailed balance sheet before we have any consolidation adjustments. We perform the consolidation adjustments in another module. This module uses the line item subset highlighted above. Then want to be able to pick up…
LOOKUP dimensions
I have two modules : SYS REF Public Holidays & SYS DAT01 Public Holidays (Dimension: Time (Year) and Country) I need to display a boolean of delete from SYS Data to SYS REF I created a SYS LOOKUP and I displayed a formula : 'DAT01'.Delete ?[LOOKUP: 'SYS LOOKUP'.ALL pays, SELECT: TIME.All Periods] my look up works only if I…
how to start to use anaplan for end user
How to apply different logic for parent and child in non composite list
I have a module with countries and time in the page selector and products in row and line items in column. I need to calculate the CM% for my products but calculation should only applicable for (L1 and L2-b). formula will be Rev/CM. I have created the logic with lookup, but that logic is applying only to L2-b and its not…
Can't access my workspace.
Can anybody tell me if Anaplan Workspace is working or not? Actually I can't see my models from level 1 and 2 anymore. And also I can't access anything. I heard that Anaplan Workspace will again be available after 31st March 2024. Is It True? Can someone please tell me?
Conditional Formatting Help
Hi All, Checking the possibility of conditional formatting for FY 24 -GAP as shown below. I don't want the BP or Fcst to be formatted. 2. Is it possible to extend the Color formatting to only certain line items label (like net revenue, GM and GM %) needs color formatting 3. Is it possible to have spacing between Forecast…
Fake Time (1-31) or Time Dimension
Anaplanners, We're in the process of creating a use case for capacity planning. Users have mentioned the projects they have working on. We will be converting the allocation into hours. Say I'm occupied for project A and Project B 75% & 25 % respectively, I will have 6 hours for Project A and 2 hours for Project B assuming…
Move data between Anaplan & SAP
I am looking for possible & efficient ways which can be used to move data between Anaplan & SAP. In the past i have used SSIS to do same between Anaplan & MS Dynamics365/SQL Server, by using Anaplan API to execute import & export actions. Is there a tool which can give me a similar approach for SAP as well?
Best practices to clean up models (especially Actions)
Hi everyone, Trying to get some ideas and best practices from this great community on how to clean up unused fields in Actions. I recently deleted some line items that I was no longer using. There was nothing in the "Reference by" column so it made sense. But they were linked to some Actions to Spoke models and I ended up…
When to use lookup/sum versus when to refer cells in anaplan
I find a little bit confusing on when we would use the lookup or sum function rather than refer the cells in anaplan. Can you help me to explain more about this? I also note that lookup is for looking up non-repetitive value on the source file, while sum is for summing up repetitive value on the source file. Depending on…
Date Import not working
Hi All, Need some quick help I want to import a date from 1 module to another module using Import action, however I'm error as "Invalid date" Module 1 - 1 line item (date1) | date format> currentperiodstart() Module 2 - 1 line item (date 2) | date format Now, when I'm trying to import date from module 1 into module 2, I'm…
Is there a way to reset the List Ids to reorder it correctly?
Hello everyone, I am building a date range filter to allow a use to select weeks and then have it filter to the days belonging to each week. I did this by having a report days being a child of Report weeks and using an Time calc to set up the range. It is working like I want by showing the correct list items. But they are…
Browser Slowness when Model Building
Has anyone else noticed that after 15-30 minutes of model building activity (opening modules, opening lists, updating formulas, opening split views, toggling from blueprint to module view, etc.) that browser tabs slow down and stop responding, and has to be restarted. Been an issue for a few weeks now. Hardware and…