"Open Source Module" in UX restricted to Page Builders only?
As per the August 2021 release blog (https://community.anaplan.com/t5/Releases/August-2021-Releases-and-September-Sneak-Peek/ba-p/118347) there is now an option to "Open the source module" directly from a card. However, this option only appears if the user has Page Builder access - is this intentional, or can it be…
NEW UX Open Dashboard feature based on a list property
Hi All In old UX we had a very handy functionality " Open Dashboard in specific context" Link I understand this functionality is not available in New UX . Question : Has any able to achieve this in New UX?
Sequence of Entries in LineItem Subset Changed on NUX Page
We used a LineItem Subset to create a module to display a report on a new UX page. The entries in the LineItem Subset are in the sequence that we need. However, on the NUX page, one of the LineItems, 'Operating Income' has moved to a different location. The screen captures show the LineItem Subset entries and the rows of…
Hierarchy in Grid
Is there any way to flip the hierarchy display in grids and worksheets so it is top down instead of the default bottom up?
Multiple Line Item Context Selectors
Hi All, When there are multiple line item context selectors on a page from different cards/grids I do not seem to be able to filter the line item selection. This is due to the fact that in the settings wheel of the page for the line items context selector not all line items are visible. I cant seem to seem any real logic…
New to Anaplan
Hello Anaplanners, I am a new member to the 90 day free trial training program and I am looking to expand my knowledge and ultimately my career. I have seen the demand for model builders and it has peaked my interest as a potential foot in the door to the finance industry. Right now I am working in a Supply Chain/Admin…
copy down and copy across
can somebody explain me difference b/w copy down and copy across
NUX - cards on a board
In the NUX, how can you edit cards which are published if nothing shows up in the template library? Is it possible to add two cards from different boards onto a new board or do you have to rebuild all the cards?
How to view the legacy modeling experience?
Hi! I'm in the training and it recommends viewing in the legacy for training purposes. attached are screenshots of discrepancies between what the training said and what my workspace looks like. Note there isn't a toggle feature.
Run action when Status is correct in UX
I want to run action only when status is correct. And I don't want to run action when status is wrong. I create a status Lineitem(which is Text format, "correct" or "wrong"). I could do it by going through "open dashboard" process. But in new UX, I cannot use open dashboard function. How can I solve this?
Synchronizing members on two grids
I have two cards (see attached screen shot) on the new UX dashboard. (different dimensions for the 2 modules so they couldn't be combined to 1 grid) My goal is that, when I select the project (row) on the left grid, only the project that I select will show up on the right grid. So the project members synchronize. I think…
Update the colour of the bar and button in the New UX?
Hi, Is it possible to change the colour of the bar present at the top in the New UX which is by default blue to something else? Also, is it possible to change the colour of the buttons placed in the New UX from blue to some other color? Thanks!
Create Action in Worksheet in new UX
Hi, Can we create an action in worksheet new UX like board? If an end user wants a separate import action to click in dashboard, then how to create that in worksheet? Thanks in advance. Regards, Sandip
Working with Anaplan’s New User Experience
In this comprehensive course, you will learn the basic procedures for using and building with Anaplan’s New User Experience (New UX). After an introduction to the New UX, you will select your role as an end user or a page builder and complete lessons relevant to your role. At the end of the course, learners can complete…
Default Time Selected on a Dashboard
Hi, I am having trouble with the default time dimension across my dashboard being synced up. I know Anaplan says a best practice is to select your page selectors at the top of the page no matter what so you know everything is synced, but realistically some aren't going to do this no matter how many times you tell them.…
Guidance for UX Performance Optmization
Hi All, We've had some issues with the UX performance and are in the process of trying to fix it. Our first step in fixing these performance issue will be to optimize our models formulas using best practices outlined in the Planual and community resources such as this excellent article on formula optimization. I'm curious…
Data Discrepancies Between What's Displayed In App Page and Source Model Module
I recently ran into an issue where there were data differences between what was displayed in the app and what was displayed in the source model. The source model had the accurate data while we could not trace where the data in the app had come from. I checked the usual suspects to confirm I was looking at the same…
Multiple Model Access in New UX: Report Page View - selection of Models in each Slide
I created a Report Page containing data from different models, e.g. Slide 1 contains data from Model 1, Slide 2 from Model 2. An issues is when I click to each slide, I need to re-select respective Model to view the data, i.e. if I am in Slide 1, I need to select Model 1 and Slide 2 displays the message below. Is there a…
New UX - Sequence of Items in Page Selector
When a composite list is used as a page selector the entries are sequenced by their order in the list. We want to display only the detailed entries in alphabetical order. Is that possible in the new UX? For example, our business units are grouped by type. The Business Unit list has a parent, Business Unit Type. However, in…
Dashboards - User Usage
Hi Colleagues, I've recently started doin a cleansing exercise in one of our models to remove old and redundant data (lists, modules, actions, dashboards, contents, etc), pretty much everything that we can think of. We don't use the new UX and pretty much all the navigation is done through open dashboard buttons rather…
UX tables - Format / Justify text where hierarchy exists
Dear All, I expect the answer is a no, but I thought someone might have a tip or trick. I employ a lot of hierarchies and when this draws through to a table in UX I find the text of the rows to be staggered in line with those hierarchies. Is there some way to justify/re-align/format text in the rows of a table? Many of the…
13.9.3 Activity Editing On function
Any reason as to why I am not allowed to turn the Editing function to ON?
Page Selector in New UX
Is there an option to have a page selector on the top of the module/grid in new UX (same as in classic DB)? As of now, I can see an option of page selectors on the top right of the page and also at the bottom of the module/grid. Thanks
Level 1 Lesson 13.11.2 - Create Price and Cost Growth Assumptions Page (Optional)
Hi I am trying to complete the above exercise. My graph is not correct because the X and Y axis is not set at 0. Instead it starts at 15K. I have looked at the chart options but am unable to figure out how to set the axis at 0. Would appreciate some help. Screenshot attached. Regards Thiru
Module in Anaplan - data presentation
Hello, I have a 'Project list' to which multiple ARs can be assigned. The module has a dimension - project and one of the line items refers to the representation of the ARs assigned to those projects. I am wondering if it is possible to represent it in Anaplan in such a way: ProjectLine items - ARLine items - ValueProject…
Time Filter Based on Versions
Hi Team, I have a scenario where I want to apply a filter on time (page selector) based on the Version which is also a page selector. I tried creating a time filter module and applied filter but it is not working. Example: If I select Forecast Version then the time page selector should show me FY21, FY22, FY23 If I select…
Sync Module Scroll Bars on Dashboard
Hi team, Wondering whether there is a way to sync the movement of the vertical Module scroll bars on Dashboards. My current situation is where I am displaying data from different modules side by side where the same List is used on the rows. I want to only display the List once on the far left but obviously if either module…
2.4.8 Create Detailed Demand Review
Hi Team, Having attempted to create the UX view as per the instructions in section 2.4.8 which I enclose, I'm unable to replicate the view with a filter on months that retains the weekly view. When pivoting time, I lose the weekly views and can only see the month's numbers, may I confirm how I can retain the weekly views…
Time - Filtering
I need to filter the chart based on Time using Native Time Filter(Hierarchy Filter) In New UX . For This chart, I have published the view in UX having Time in Columns, Line Items as Rows and applied Hierarchy Filter of Time in Context Selector. The Problem here is when I select month using Time Selection , the chart is…
New UX comments
Just started testing this new functionality https://help.anaplan.com/anapedia/Content/New_User_Experience/Use/Cards/Comment-on-a-card.htm How do you delete comments? And is there any way to tag people in comments like some of the screenshots show?