Dashboards to pull objects from multiple models
Description of the enhancement required: Dashboards to pull objects from multiple models An example of the enhancement: When we try to setup connected planning at enterprise level, we need to build dashboards which can pull objects from multiple modules. But currently Anaplan is supporting to build dashboard with objects…
More Font options for managing summary levels
Description of the enhancement: We want to be able to be able to change the way Summary levels are displayed, eg, we may not want them in bold, or different sizes. We want to be able to change the styles of the Quarters and years.
Option to open saved views in a new tab
Description of the enhancement: End users should have the option to be able to open a modules' saved views in separate tabs. Currently Saved Views open in the same tab that the module was opened in. This will allow multiple operations such as adding, deleting or editing views.
Dynamic time on charts
Description of the enhancement required: Update chart time scale according to the model time settings. Right now, if Time is used as a X or Y axis on a chart, the chart must be republished to represent additional months/years added after the chart was published. An example of the enhancement: If additional months/years are…
Show saved view name on dashboard
Description of the enhancement required: When publishing a saved view to the Dashboard, there should be the option to publish with the name of the Saved View, rather than just the name of the Module. In addition, selecting 'Open Source Module' should navigate the user to the View the Grid was published from, not just the…
Customisable pop-up messages to warn end users of bad input values
Description of the enhancement required: Pop-up messages which can be customized to show error/ warning messages to end users An example of the enhancement: A user logs into Anaplan, goes to a dashboard and in one of the fields inputs a number. Based on a pre-defined rule, if the number that is input by the users goes…
Ability to search for dashboard when publishing to dashboard
Description of the enhancement required: I made chart and want to publish on dashboard but sometimes scrolling through all chart names is very annoying, especially when we have lots of dashboards. But I reckon if we made chart we would know the name of dashoard. I think that if we will have opportunity to put name / word…
More formatting choices for text in charts (i.e. styling) & options to highlight to draw attention
Description of the enhancement required: Visual, in addition to updating the charts, would be great if there could be more formatting choices for text (i.e. styling) & options to highlight to draw attention
Dashboard 'dynamic' grids of saved views
Description of the enhancement required: Saved Views/Dashboards -currently any changes made to a saved view that is published on a dashboard is not updated automatically on the dashboard. There are only two options to have updates reflected: * Republish the view to the dashboard (requires user to reselect all the options…
When saving a new view ("save as") of a dashboard, that view should come up immediately
Description of the enhancement required: Saved Views -when saving a new view ("save as") of a dashboard, that view should come up immediately so you're working off that view. Currently, the saved view is created but you must go to that saved view to start making edits
Add variance & variance % between two rows/columns on a dashboard grid
I would like to be able to see variance & variance % between two rows/columns on a dashboard grid
Ability to select few options in drop-down, instead of just one
Description of Enhancement Required: Ability to use the drop-down filter in Anaplan Dashboards in a more flexible way. At the moment, users can only select one in the drop down. What I want is the ability to be able to make few selections, instead of just one. Also, it would be perfect if we could have the Search function…
Show existing saved views when saving a view
Description of the enhancement required: It would be helpful to have the ability to, when saving a Saved View, see a list of all of the existing Saved Views and select the one that I want to overwrite. How it would help business processes: Primarily, this would be beneficial to model builders who are creating and saving…
Selective access for Dashboard elements based on User Role
Description of the enhancement required: Selective access for Dashboard elements based on User Role An example of the enhancement: Process button should not be visible on a common dashboard to users if they do not have access to the set the actions under the process. A story for why you want the enhancement: It improves…
Ability to modify cell values by adjusting a graph curve
Description of enhancement: Be able to modify values by relocating the curve indicator on a graph. How it would help you business process: As-Is behavior of our forecasting application: it allows users to review easily their scope of forecast without modifying measures one by one.
Ability to open a module etc by double-clicking
Description of the enhancement required: I believe a great deal of your clients are Microsoft users and are familiar with their basics. E.g. to open views I would expect to double click on a List, Module or Dashboard name. However this action leads in Anaplan to edit the name of the List, Module or Dashboard. As a…
Ability for end users to toggle between multiple 'saved views' of a module on a dashboard
Description: Ability to save multiple views of a module on a dashboard. This could be just access to the list of each module's 'saved views'; or it could be that each set of views might be specifically tied to a particular dashboard element. Then an end user can toggle between these views or select other views from the…
Save to master dashboard when in run time mode
Description of the enhancement: As an admin, I used to be able to make changes to my dashboard at anytime then press save. Now if I apply these changes, there is no more "save" button. Only an "edit" button, and it resets all the edits that you've already applied to the dashboard. I would like to be able to save to master…
Improved colour options for conditional formatting
Description of the enhancement required: Improve conditional formatting by allowing more color options How would it help their business process: Lack of color options hurt the display to end users
"Close Dashboard" action
Description: Request for making a "Close Dashboard" action to complement the "Open Dashboard" action. Benefit/impact: This would be useful for automated data entry via dashboards, where data might need to be entered via a dashboard that the user doesn't necessarily want to view.