More/Better "Out of the Box" Apps + App Hub Refresh
The App Hub can be an incredibly helpful place for idea generation when building out new models, however, the current selections are limited. Can we put in some effort into upgrading the App Hub (more creative, unique models for idea generation) and building a handful of "out-of-the-box" apps for our most popular use cases…
synchronization between cards in New UX
Hello, The grids cannot be synchronized without consideration of header context selector, which is possible in classic UX: Let's take an example:- I select a parent in the main context selector (on the top of the board): it's OK, even if really less easy than in classic mode to choose the hierarchy level of selectors,- as…
Ability to apply multiple Conditional Formatting rules/ colours to the same list item.
I have faced this issue with a few clients where they have requested multiple colours on a calendar/ large grid in order to easily identify what category a list item may fall under. It would be nice if we could write multiple rules and apply conditional formatting against each one under the same list item. Ie 0 will always…
Instructions within a Form
Would be nice to be able to have the possibility to put in instructions in the top of a form and not only as a Card on the same Page. Best regards, Johan
Box and Whiskers Plot using Combination Charts
It would be a wonderful addition to the new UX, if the combination charts were allowed to be used with many different parameters which cater to many statistical methods such as box and whiskers plot which would allow to plot IQR (Inter Quartile Range), MAX and MIN of the entity as per traditional plot of Box and Whiskers.
Updating Hierarchies in the New UX
I have just discovered that the ability to update hierarchies from a grid published to a New UX Page does not seem to exist. This was a functionality that existed in the classic dashboards. It was a very useful feature to be able to move list items from one hierarchy branch to another and see charts and calculations update…
Layered Dashboards
Purpose: to separate Image and Text fields from modules and line items on a dashboarding grid, this should include an option to "Send to Back" * An option to Copy text fields (size and dimensions) would be great for consistent looks and would save time from tedious aligning. * This will allow a more organized and free form…
Quick filters in NUX
While applying filters in NUX, all list items are visible. Only the visible list items currently shown on the grid should be visible. This is currently available in the quick filters feature of the Classic dashboard. Could please we have this feature in NUX also...
Drill down for a chart
Hello, This idea affects both New UX / Dashboards It is pretty simple, but why we cannot drill down for a chart 📊? 🤔 It would be cool if we can navigate to specific Bar, line or dot and with a right click summon a menu where we can drill down in the same way as we do on a grids. Contrary to my proposition we can always…
Create Dependent Dropdowns based on List Properties
It would be extremely useful if you could create dependent drop downs based on a lists properties. Since we do not necessarily want the list to have backend properties we would want it maintained in a module. This would be useful when a user is filling out a form for a capex project for example and without creating…
New UX - Ability to apply a few conditional formatting options to the single line item
NewUX allow to select different styles of CF: background, border and morse. Would be good to have ability to apply not the only, but each of them to each line item. For example, for Site Inventory Value I would like to apply both background CF (as for In Transit Inventory line item) and morse CF (as it is now)
New UX - Columns/Bars Width on Charts
Would be great to have capability to vary the width of columns/bars in Column/Bar Charts (the same way as 'Gap Width' in Excel). Currently Anaplan define it dynamically, leaving some space between columns/bars for single period and also too big space between periods (see example in attachment)
New UX Idea - KPI text formatted color coding in Insights
I like to add some dynamic guiding which can be changed according to users' current actions. KPI can be a good card for this. I found a way to use it in Worksheets this way that user while going step by step in my process could easily see should he/she pay attention to some step or can skip it. For example, this picture…
Global Conditional Formatting for Time
Instead of formatting line items in each module with a color for past periods, and current or future periods. I believe there should be a global setting allowing users to have all past periods shaded gray and current/future periods as another color. It would be nice to be able to select these colors rather than a standard…
New UX Idea - General Selector list items order change
While setting up a P&L report I found out that the order of the elements in a selector is default and cannot be changed. It goes from the upper elements of the list down to the lowest. (See required order below) Even if the order in the list is presented as "grouping after" it does not help. (if you pivot module that P&L…
NUX: More options for refresh button
It would be great to have more options where to place the refresh button in NUX - when you are working with dependent pages that you have opened in more panels, you always need to click the refresh button to see how the change got reflected in the other page - because it is so widely used, it would be great to have an…
Remove "reset" from top right corner of UX PDF board exports
When exporting a board as a PDF if a page selector has been used to drill down into a certain area, for example, the reset icon exports as well! It makes what would have been professional looking outputs look amateur. Please can this be fixed?
Moving models to new workspaces
Hi am new to Anaplan and recently requested for the creation of my own personal workspace as I continue with model building journey past Level 2. I did this as the training workspace allocated to new learners is getting rather cluttered. Upon the creation of my personal workspace, the next step would of course be to move…
Anaplan to support and be certified for IBCS
I would like Anaplan to be able to support IBCS (International Business Communication Standards) that is outlined here: https://www.ibcs.com/ Certified software is listed here: https://www.ibcs.com/software/ To be certified you need to be able to produce the following templates in the standard capability in the…
Add multiline comments
Having the ability to break a comment into multiple lines could help the function be more user friendly and aesthetically pleasing for users, as otherwise they would need to post multiple lines of comments.