Change Justification of Line Items - Left/Right/Centered
It would be helpful to be able to be able to change the justification format of a line item for enhanced reporting purposes. For example, we've been asked to have both the text and number formatted line items to be centered to create better readability in a report (as the module has both text and number lines, currently…
Insert text box on dashboard on location where you click
Text boxes are currently added at the top of the dashboard, even if you're already somewhere in the middle of the dashboard working on an item. Obviously when you're working on another item on the dashboard you do not need a text box at the top of my dashboard. Would be ideal if the textbox would be added on the location…
Import users through a button published in the dashboard
Hi Team, It would be great if we can Import a list of users and updating their attributes through a button published in the dashboard. Thanks Sathya
Ability to set textbox size and at a specific location
There is a manual drag option to edit the text box. Problem with manual dragging it is not adjusting to a particular size i.e., particular length and breadth. It would be nice to have an option to adjust the length and breadth by the pixels size.
Be Able to show mutiple images for each item in a list
It will great to show mutiple image next to the list/dimension in a table. Currently users find it troublesome to click on on item by item to view the images. it will be great to have a glance at all images respective to each SKU.
Expand Usability "Tool Tip" Text Limit
I have customers who love this and prefer it over blue text boxes. Can we Expand the text limit so we can make more use of this? Keep up the good work!
Hierarchy Level to show on a module
Customer would like the option to select hierarchy level to show on a module published to a dashboard based on page selector selection. (Selected summary level or leaf item). Currently users have the ability to to publish the module with the desired summary level shown, but you would have to do this for each summary level…
Expand the Grid for Newly Added Item
For the benefit of end users, it would be great if we can automatically expand grids when user add new item via action button in the dashboard. (Happens when there are other grids below) So that there's no need to click the Refresh (open dashboard) button every time they add a new item. This will save time and we will be…
Expand the Grid for Newly Added Item
For the benefit of end users, it would be great if we can automatically expand grids when user add new item via action button in the dashboard. (Happens when there are other grids below) So that there's no need to click the Refresh (open dashboard) button every time they add a new item. This will save time and we will be…
New Line Items in source Modules, within Saved Views, should be hidden by default.
Current behavior: Create a Saved View within a Module, navigate to that Saved View, publish to a dashboard. Then, close the Saved View and add a new Line Item within that same Module. You will find that the newly created line item is present in the published Module Saved View. Requested behavior: Module Saved Views would…
Right align or Right justify override including drop-down list
When my line items reference list items for a drop down it moves the results over the the left. There is no override for to make list items right aligned or right justified. Please provide a right align, center, and left align override within modules.
Timeline Chart with Dynamic Start/End Date
It would be nice if Timeline Charts allowed for the start and end date settings to be dynamic (or assigned to a line item). Currently, you have to choose a start and end date when you create a timeline chart, which effectively limits the chart to your initial publication. For example, if you are using a timeline chart to…
Conditional Formatting options: have an option that has green, blue, and red
It would help our dashboard visualizaiton tremendously if there was a conditional formatting option that included the colors red, blue, and green. The red and green define areas that a user can or has to input (Green = can, red = has to) and then we would like the summary on the column lists (a custom time list) to be…
Searching a Module on a dashboard should search all data shown
It only recently occurred to me that the search feature built into a module when on a dashboard only returns values from the dimensions, but not the data...which really feels like a missed opportunity. Search should be able to return values from the data itself (maybe even highlight it?) For example, Say I have a module on…
Master views to have the same behavior as the Personal views
We always have this issue when in a dashboard is published a selector list and a table (module) that need to need to be synchronized. In the master view: When a user opens for the first time the master dashboard, the selector is on the default element ( first level 0 element from the list or total element of the list) and…
Line Charts should display trailing zeros
Model users are confused by line charts which stop along the x-axis. They need to be trained or instructed that trailing zeros in line charts are not displayed. Please update Line Charts to include trailing zeros.
Hold part of dashboard
We next to always put page selectors at the top of dashboard, but when the dashboards tend to get long it will be a lot of scrolling up and down. It would be very useful to be able to Hold the part of the dashboard with the selectors even when scrolling down. It wold create a much smoother UX Thanks Fabian Ciba,…
Add pictures to model tile in workspace screen
As a model builder / end user I want to be able to have the tiles associated with the models in the dashboard landing page show a picture instead of just a title so that it is very easy and quick to identify which model is which. I have a lot of different models and a way to easily distinguish between them and make them…
Waterfall subtotals
At the moment it is only possible to have a waterfall if the subtotals keep adding up. A+B=C C+D=E E+F=G This will create a nice waterfall with multiple subtotals. However we have quite some requests to also have the ability to add two subtotals that are on the same level. A+B=C D+E=F C+F=G At the moment we can't put this…
In a Dashboard, extend synchronize selection to list formated line items
In a Dashboard with 2 grids, one grid has a line item based on a list, the other grid has the list as a selector. User should be able by just left clicking on a specific item of the list of the first grid to set the selector to this specific value in the 2nd Grid. This is similar to current "Synchronize selection" but with…