Dashboard Screen Sizing
Anyone who has designed dashboards knows that a dashboard designed on one screen will often look quite different on another screen. For example, a grid may appear to be on-screen when viewing a dashboard on a desktop with a large monitor, but when viewed on a smaller-screen laptop the grid is partially off-screen. This is…
Conditional Formatting options: have an option that has green, blue, and red
It would help our dashboard visualizaiton tremendously if there was a conditional formatting option that included the colors red, blue, and green. The red and green define areas that a user can or has to input (Green = can, red = has to) and then we would like the summary on the column lists (a custom time list) to be…
Let Dashboard Text be Selectable for Copy / Paste
There are many times where I find I'd like to select dashboard text to use as a reference or to send to someone in my company via email etc. It would be nice to be able to select the text on a dashboard's Title, Instructions, headers, notes etc. to use for copy & paste purposes. Better yet, let the model builder have the…
Wrap Text In Cell Headers On Outer Items
As a Dashboard Builder I want to be able to wrap text in columns on outer dimensions So That I can see my full item name if I have a small selection on the inner dimension.
Ability to Set an Action Button's Tooltip text globally at the Actions list
I like to use the tooltips to be able to customize what a user sees when hovering over an action button on a dashboard. But in larger models it means if I want each instance of a button to all tell the same story, I have to hunt them all down and change them 1-by-1. It would be very helpful to be able to set the button's…
Ability to left justify number formatted cells
A description of the enhancement required: Left justified numbers An example of the enhancement: Ability to left justify number formatted cells A story for why the enhancement is required (specifically, how would it aid the business process): This would improve the reporting within the platform, particularly in their…
Option to share personal saved dashboard view
Description of the enhancement required: share a personal dashboard created by an individual and share this across team member An example of the enhancement: Say, master dashboard is created, and this is shared by entire department. But within this department, each sub-division may have different way of presentation or…
Remove "show all" for end-users
Functionality for users to “Open source module” from dashboards as if users can access modules, they will see all the data. Currently for each single chart or graph we have to manually untick a box to remove this option which is impractical. Same for ability to filter / amend the filter. At user role level, be able to…
Bottom Level List Publishing
Currently functionality exists to add a list as a dimension in a module, reselect levels to base level, and then pivot to expose that as a dynamic selector in the dashboard for that published module however there is not functionality to expose that bottom level list as it's own page selector. Attached is a screenshot but…
Dashboard Filter Options for Module Saved Views
It would be great if there was a way for us to “lock” the filters that are part of the Saved View being published to a Dashboard. A lot of my Dashboards contain filtered views from which my users like to further filter based on visible columns. There is no differentiation between the Saved View filter and User defined…
do not perform file extension check when adding image url in dashboard
As a Dashboard Designer, I want to be able to host my dashboard images on a global sharing service, so that I do not have to set up my own web server. When I use free services like dropbox, box, google drive, microsoft drive, the image is not displayed because the public link is not ending with "gif" (or any supported…
Filter function is limited when there is 3 nested columns in a module
Filter function is limited to a module with 3 nested columns, which resulted the filter not able to get its desired result. It will be great if can remove such limitation for 3 nested columns
Open dashboard with specific selection but prevent further refresh across tabs
To open dashboards based on specific saved selections and/or based on the selection in place from the calling dashboard and have the option of preventing further refresh outside of the current dashboard while working with multiple dashboards open. An example of the enhancement: Starting point/Landing Dashboard * The user…
Keyboard Shortcut for undo.
Global undo was already delivered here: https://community.anaplan.com/t5/Idea-Exchange/Undo/idi-p/34871 I would like the ability to connect this onto a keyboard shortcut. Cmd + z for mac/*nix, Ctrl + z for windows If the user has navigated to a different part of Anaplan this could potentially take them back to their last…
Customizable tooltips for dashboard graphs
Description of the enhancement: Allow Workspace Administrators to customise tooltips in graphs. Currently when you hover a mouse over a line data point in a graph, you can only see the axis title. In some graphs when we have many figures, the Line Item title would be more suitable. Business case for the enhancement: Better…
Ability to resize column headers
As a model builder I want to be able to hide/resize the column headers so that I will have the same flexibility I've got with the rows. I will know this is successful if I will be able to set the size of the column headers to 6 pixels (same as per the rows) or if I could simply hide the column headers altogether. This will…
Allow to set a model default Time order
When our team views multiple time periods over the year/years, they usually want to see a Trend view (all months in order (Jan-Dec) then Quarters then year to allow the team to evaluate activity over time. It would be nice if there could be a few default options in the Time setting area so that we do not have to reorder…
Allow dashboard buttons to have the same text
A description of the enhancement required: We are looking for a way to add buttons that have the same name. This is not currently possible because an Action has the same name as its 'Button Text'. An example of the enhancement: This could be to add a 'Name' field in the Actions > New Action dialog. This, as opposed to…
Allow chart options to be editable by all users
Description: Access to Chart options by read/write users. Today only model builders can access chart options to be able to export charts/graphs into PDF, toggle axis scale, show/hide data labels, etc. Benefit/impact: We'd like to have everyone be able to do this; after all, they are the main users of these graphs and they…
Ability to change the text colour on charts
Example of enhancement: Currently we are allowed to change the color of the bars/lines but are not allowed to change the text. We would like an option to change the color of the text as they appear inconsistent from chart to chart. Benefit/impact: Better presentation for our charts.
Align colour scheme of conditional formatting and charts
Description of enhancement: Ability to set colour scheme of conditional formatting to the same as that of charts How would it help your business process: Would improve user-friendliness in terms of cross referencing data
Filtered pick list for time dimension
Description of the enhancement required: The possibility to filter the date within a drop down where the year is a dimension. An example of the enhancement: This will be useful for our team to better build out a budget model and make it easier for the contributors to enter their data. It would prevent the model builder…
Dashboards to pull objects from multiple models
Description of the enhancement required: Dashboards to pull objects from multiple models An example of the enhancement: When we try to setup connected planning at enterprise level, we need to build dashboards which can pull objects from multiple modules. But currently Anaplan is supporting to build dashboard with objects…
Allow for selecting of hierarchy levels in page selectors published independently to a dashboard.
Description of the enhancement required: Allow for selecting of hierarchy levels in page selectors published independently to a dashboard. An example of the enhancement: I have published a given page selector to a dashboard that will update 3 views on the dashboard in sync. In the page selector I only want to show Ccs, not…
Link longitude and latitude to the map graph on Dashboard
Description of the enhancement required: Link longitude and latitude to the map graph in Anaplan. How would it help your business process: To show where depots are on the map and provide information related to this depot. This would be helpful as most of the detail is how we transport between set depots, wanted a visual…
Filter forms
Hi All, When creating a form , it would be very useful to be able to filter the line items requested in the form . For example: The form requests the user to enter a month. Instead of the dropdown having all the months in the model calendar, it would be nice to be able to filter to just the current month , current -1 ,…
Ability to call external scripts
Hello, Is there a possibility to run external scripts from Anaplan UX Pages? I'd like to run my Python Scripts with calculation formula from UX page using for example Button is it possible?
Incorrect Addition of Line Item Values Showing Exponential Results in Number Format
Description: In Anaplan, when adding a set of line items (all in number format), the result sometimes displays an incorrect exponential value rather than the expected numerical sum. This issue is causing discrepancies in our model calculations and reporting. Since these line items should not be interpreted as…
Ability to print in multiple orientation formats from UX Dashboards
When printing an UX Dashboard, it would be beneficial to have to ability to print in multiple orientation formats from one report i.e. portrait and landscape formats so that dashboards are more legible and well formatted, without the need to print pages individually. For example, batch reporting when dashboard one is set…
Change Chart labels manually
Currently when creating any type of chart, we cannot edit the display labels for the X Axis. We would like the ability to change the display name just like we could change the color.