Bold Columns
Hi, Is there a way to highlight a column in bold within a modul? I have a situation where the line items are rows and the columns are the List items (Departments) which roll up into the Parent Divisions. Is there a way to apply conditional formatting to the Division columns only? I have looked at previous questions…
Refresh Image with Filter module
Hi all, In a dashboard, while looking at the properties of a product I would like to see the product image just next to its properties. In order to do so I put a image which gets the url in a central module for the product properties. I added also a filter module that enables to filter a unique product with some criterias…
Can you use the synchronised page item in a filter?
I have published a number of modules to a dashboard with a synchronised page selector on a shared list. I now want to publish an Import Action to the dashboard that will import from a View to a List, BUT I want the View to be filtered on the shared list so that only the currently selected page item is present. So the…
Can't insert new item to empty numbered list in Dashboard
If you publish a numbered list to a dashboard so that a User can insert items and then enter property values it works fine as long as there is at least one item present. However if you clear the numbered list then the option to insert an item is greyed out and I have found no way around that. Even if there is one or more…
Open multiple dashboards on selected item but prevent further sync between tabs
Hi all, I've published a list into a dashboard and a context button. The user can therefore select items from the list and, by clicking on the button 3 different dashboards could open up, on the current selection. Unfortunately, as the list is the same and sync is enabled on the dashboards, flicking between them means the…
Sort data based on multiple columns
Morning all, Am I missing something or I thought it was possible to sort records based on more than one LI ? I want to easily order some transactional records based on status, then priority (I "coded" these two LIs so that they are numerics) but I could only apply the sort based on one LI. Am I getting confused with Excel…
Hide/Show entire modules in a dashboard (and update subsets?)
Hi all, I'm trying to identify the easiest/best solution to allow the end user to select a specific member from a list, select a specific calculation type (and therefore update relevant subsets) and then show/hide the relevant modules that use that specific calculation, hiding everything else. I'm not 100% sure which is…
Allow users to change a dashboard without affecting other users
Description: When multiple people can access the same dynamic chart in a dashboard (dynamic periods) their selecting is overruling one by the other one. Allow multiple users to not be able to affect the period changes from one to another. Example of enhancement: Two users access the same dashboard, one makes a change and…
Ability to give names to dashboard containers
Description: Be able to overwrite Module Name as seen on dashboards Example of enhancement: User can define the name displayed with a module when published to a dashboard. Benefit/impact: I sometime show multiple parts of the same module and would like to show a different name per part; custom name per view
How to showing the data and total amount as per user setting ?
I have a list 'subportfolio' data as follow - All Subportfolio A14 A15 A16 A17 And a module 'P&L Data' with subportfolio and line item (Rev, Exp, Total) Now the user want to see the P&L data as per their settings, i.e Grade A consists of A14 & A15 Grade B consists of A16 & A17 One way to do this is by making a 'Grade A'…
Allow chart options to be editable by all users
Description: Access to Chart options by read/write users. Today only model builders can access chart options to be able to export charts/graphs into PDF, toggle axis scale, show/hide data labels, etc. Benefit/impact: We'd like to have everyone be able to do this; after all, they are the main users of these graphs and they…
Ability to change the text colour on charts
Example of enhancement: Currently we are allowed to change the color of the bars/lines but are not allowed to change the text. We would like an option to change the color of the text as they appear inconsistent from chart to chart. Benefit/impact: Better presentation for our charts.
Assign Access by dashboard instead of module by module
Description: Assign Access by dashboard instead of module by module Example of enhancement: If you've got 10 modules on a dashboard, just being able to apply the access to the 1 dashboard, as opposed to the 10 modules that make up the dashboard. Benefit/impact: From a process perspective, biggest benefits are time saving…
Adding colours to the column headings in Dashboard
Description: Enable adding colors to the column headings in dashboards Example of enhancement: Model builders could select colours for labels/headings in a dashboard. Benefit/impact: Data visualization is extremely important when it comes to having users work with the data. This would help us call attention to columns we…
Grid & chart menus - Easier way to access grid functionality like search, filter, sort, pivot
Description: Currently grid functionality is hidden away behind the infamous blue dot icon and users don't know where to find key features like search, maximise and filter. Make these more easily accessible. Feedback from several users discussing benefit/impact: * It's difficult to know if a filter is applied to a chart…
Ability to resize columns and multi-line header row for the Grid View
Description: Resizing of columns and multi-line header row for the Grid View Example of enhancement: Resizing + multi-line, wrapped header to allow narrower columns and, at the same time, seeing untrimmed, whole names of columns. Code column could be smaller. Wrap header to enable longer name without undue space.…
Manage Columns on Dashboards Using Tick System
Description: Managing columns in modules on dashboards is currently not easily manageable. We would like to control visibility of columns in dashboards via a tick/checkbox system. Example: In addition to the 'Selected' or 'Every Occurrence' Show options, we would like checkboxes to tick which columns to show/hide.
Prevent end users from seeing data on dashboard that has not been finalized (or 'freeze' dashboard)
Description: Would like to be able to prevent end users from seeing data that has not been finalized in the Commission Statement Dashboard. Need a mechanism that would prevent data from being populated until the data has been finalized. Example of enhancement: I would like to be able to have a prompt that would say publish…
Text boxes that dynamically adjust their size
Description: The ability to enable a text box placed in a dashboard to dynamically adjust its size depending on the amount of content the user puts in. Example of enhancement: As a user fills up the text box, the size of the box will increase (if option enabled in dashboard designer). This would allow the user to always…
Chart Colour Palette not colour-blind friendly
Description: Chart Colour Palette not colour-blind friendly Example of enhancement: Some of our users can't differentiate between Green & Red in the Line Chart, hence having difficulties reading related charts. All the Charts should be colour-blind friendly. Benefit/impact: It is quite serious if users cannot use Anaplan…
Ability to publish a list's selective access columns to a dashboard
Description: When publishing a list grid view to a dashboard, the selective access columns (write/read) appear on the first instance of publishing. However closing and reopening the dashboard causes these columns to not be displayed. It has been determined that it is working as designed for these columns to not be shown.…
Dashboard synchronisation
Description: Dashboard synchronisation between module line items with line item subsets Example of enhancement: A dashboard with two tables included. One table contains line items as a page selector and the other contains a line item subset of the line items in the first table as a page selector. Provide synchronisation so…
"Close Dashboard" action
Description: Request for making a "Close Dashboard" action to complement the "Open Dashboard" action. Benefit/impact: This would be useful for automated data entry via dashboards, where data might need to be entered via a dashboard that the user doesn't necessarily want to view.
Set default level in page selector on grid
Description: As a model-builder, I want to be able to set the default level for a page selector on a grid published to a dashboard. Example: For example, on a composite hierarchy, I might want it always to default to the lowest level, regardless of a user's selective access. Note that if a user can save their own default…
Ability to create charts that allow data points only
Description of the enhancement required: Need the ability to create charts that allows us to chart data points only, not connected by a line.
Filter option should select highest parent hierarchy as default
Description of the enhancement required: When there is a filter (dropdown) in a dashboard, customer wants the biggest parent as the default selected item. For example, "Total region" is always selected at opening. How would it help their business process: They use filters in all of their dashboards, and as admin or user,…
Align colour scheme of conditional formatting and charts
Description of enhancement: Ability to set colour scheme of conditional formatting to the same as that of charts How would it help your business process: Would improve user-friendliness in terms of cross referencing data
Stacked waterfall chart
Description of enhancement: It would be nice to be able to create a stacked waterfall chart, where the portions of each column are made up by (the base level items of) an additional dimension in the underlying module. Example of the enhancement: See link below for example.…
Ability to open a module etc by double-clicking
Description of the enhancement required: I believe a great deal of your clients are Microsoft users and are familiar with their basics. E.g. to open views I would expect to double click on a List, Module or Dashboard name. However this action leads in Anaplan to edit the name of the List, Module or Dashboard. As a…
Filtered pick list for time dimension
Description of the enhancement required: The possibility to filter the date within a drop down where the year is a dimension. An example of the enhancement: This will be useful for our team to better build out a budget model and make it easier for the contributors to enter their data. It would prevent the model builder…