Default Settings for new Line Items, Summaries, for Model and Modules
There are two other ideas that exist already one that are by default set sums to off and another that is to set defaults by module. Why limit to just as a whole product or module, why not give a default for builders or similar added to the Model Setting. All models are set to default none for all summaries and line item…
Show/Hide line items in Blue Print view
I would like to have the possibility to Show and Hide the line items in the Blue Print as well as the column headers (Parent, Format, Applies to, etc). I would like to have this selection available while the module is open, without the possibility to save the view. This functionality will make it easier while working with…
In-product notifications of new features/product changes
I would like a way to be able to see, in Anaplan itself, when a new feature has been added or a something in the product has changed. This would allow me to easily understand changes in the product and give me an easy way to learn more about it so that I can use the new features.
Add a Color palette as a property of list items
Hello everybody! My suggestion is to add an opportunity to select the fixed color that list item will be shown on charts. The problem: If we have two charts on same dashboard the same item can be different color on this charts, first one it can be red and on second it's blue. It's make analising charts slower and more…
Set global defaults for column settings
Hi all, I think it would be extremely useful for users to set a global default for column settings when publishing modules to dashboards. These settings would include; - Default Wrap Text in Headers - Eg. 3 lines - Default Column Width - Eg. 100 px - Default Width for Row Labels - Eg. 200 px I think it would be useful to…
Add Dashboard Copy to Main Dashboard Screen
Just found out from @usman.zia that you can copy a dashboard but only when it's open, which is a huge time saver. It would be great if the copy dashboard function could also be on the main dashboard screen, where you can see all the dashboards.
Automatic save to drafts when working on New UX Pages
It would be useful to have some functionality that autosaves work every 60 seconds or so to a draft area in when creating new pages in the New UX, a couple of times I have lost connection to the page and lost my progress - this would bring it more in line with autosaving progress in other cloud solutions at the present…
New UX - Full Access user unable to view
Hi I am building dashboards in the New UX and my colleague is unable to view them. He is set up in the model as a Full Access Workspace Administrator and can view the model fine, just restricted on the New UX pages. How do we resolve this?
Page selector & top level item selection on list with Selective Access
Hi, I am trying to allow users who do not have access to all items in a list to still be able to select an item that will effectively "show all" to the items that they have access to, but also individually select children of said list. I have selective access enabled, when I have access to all items, I get the top level…
Dynamic Time-Filtered Charts for Months vs Years
It would be good to get the ability to filter dynamically the levels of a time scale used in a chart. At the moment if you show both the months and the years in a saved view that you then use to create a chart, Anaplan automatically ignores the aggregated levels of the timescale (e.g. Years) and just uses the leaf level…
Ability to use add-ins in cloud based software
We would like to use the same capabilities of the Excel and PowerPoint Anaplan add-ins in Google slides and Google spreadsheets.
Line Items as Page Selectors in NUX
Apparently there is no way we can publish line items as page selectors in NUX. We have dashboards which are driven by pick lists and NUX doesn't provide us the ability to do so. Thanks, Misbah
Conditional Formatting on Columns
Hello, Can conditional formatting be done only on Line items? I need to apply it on Columns which are Quarters. How best can I do that?
Fixing 'Allow editing' on a Page, NUX.
The problem: When you have built page with grid that allow users to edit data and published it everything is okay. But after when you decide to edit this page and edit any grid, selector is switched off for every grid and you have to turn it on in every grid on a page to allow users enter data. Suggested solution: To save…
Create a Notification Box about Creating a Revision Tag when make a Copy of Non-deployed Model
Being and Anaplan Modeler, I would like to have a notification box, appearing when you try to make a copy/copy & archive model of non-deployed model. Request is based on bad experience we had in the team - when we moved the prod model to non-deployed status (for mistake), we made a copy&archive, and we didn't know that it…
New UX items brought up to me by one of my clients
Below are a few additional items we found in the new UX we wanted to bring to your attention. When will these items be available? * There is no drill down feature in new UX. * Cannot open source module in new UX dashboards. * When in the Administration function for the new UX, when scrolling through Users or Access…
New UX : Colapse Quick access or other category from the content panel
Some users are confused with the "Most recent" content showing at the top of the content page. It would be nice if they could Expend/Colapse this part or all other categories from the content panel like in the old UX.
Add a text box at the bottom or at the top of your dashboard
Choose if you want to add a text box at the bottom or at the top of your dashboard.
Losing data from saved views & processes
Hi Team, I have a process that exports three saved views from 3 modules, however when I run it, it doesn’t capture all the data that’s in the module. I think some line items are missing. What is the best practice to either: * Ensure saved views are dynamic and update automatically for when new list items or line items get…
Shared Search Criteria
Hi, I have a module that displays our full Masterdata list, with 3000+ products. I have a search module with some of the fields (12) from the Masterdata module. Allowing the user to narrow the list down to relevant fields by using a boolean formula and filter to display just the items they need. It works exactly as…
Add search functionality for the contents menu
Hi all, I think it would be useful for users and model builders alike, to have a search functionality in the contents menu to enhance a user's navigation experience. This would be particularly useful when they have access to a wide range of dashboards and modules. Best, Callum
Publishing List as Page Selector Without Parent Levels
Hello All, When I try to use a list as a page selector in a dashboard, I get all the parent lists that are above the selected list in terms of hierarchy. For example, let's say if my geographical hierarchy which consists of 4 lists: Business Unit, Continent, Region and Country. Region is the parent for the Country,…
What's the workaround to sort nested dimensions?
All, I'd like to find a workaround to be able to sort nested dimentions. (as currently it's not natively possible). I know that I can sort manually the list however as we have new members created everyday, I'm looking for an automation. I cannot either delete and reload this list everyday as I have some data at that level…
Ability to customise the width of text boxes on dashboards
Description: Add Width customization box to Text Boxes on dashboards. Example of enhancement: Text Boxes could be sized in the same manner as buttons are since the Dec 9 '17 release. Benefit/impact: Now I can fix my buttons width, but it is still impossible to make my menu dashboard look neat because I can't do this with…
Time Display of Line Items Formatted based on Time Formatting in the Module
Treat line items in a dashboard based on the Time Formatting in the module when displaying data. For a simple example, I have a customer code, customer name, and its monthly revenue in a module. I only want to see the customer code and customer name at the beginning once, as it is does not have time applied to it, but I…
Questions for New UX
Hi everyone, I was just exploring the new UX. So i have few questions: * Like Classic Dashboard, we cannot use drill-down (F8) on worksheets & boards. * Time summary columns are showing up in the beginning. (Starting from FY20, Q4 and then months..) * Is New UX separate from workspace...? It does not take up space of…
Dashboard Customization
Dashboard personal view is a fantastic feature that significantly improves end user experience, allowing a wide range of personal customizations to be made on dashboards. Currently we have a Master and Personal view available. In our scenario, we have a single Master Development copy, which is being deployed to multiple…
Ability to create more than a single "My View"
Our users would like the ability to create multiple "My View"s within a single dashboard. Currently classic supports a single my view, however it would be helpful to be able to store multiple views using different filters, columns shown / hidden etc.
The ability to show/not show content in the App Contents Panel in the New UX
In the original UX, the ability to customise what is shown in the contents panel by role is really valuable. In the new UX It would be great if you could also have the ability to customise which pages are shown in the apps contents panel by role. At the moment, end users see all pages that have been built in an app and it…
Showing Children of just a selected item in a Hierachy
It would be really helpful when investigating variances etc to be able to select a level of a hierarchy and then be able to reselect levels to just show the children of that item in the hierarchy. For Example. We have a Account list, which starts at Account code and Description level and then rolls up into a cost category…