Cloudwork Query
We have to integrate process in cloudwork with below condition. 1.User select source data and Target data in module have user dimension. 2.Based on user selection run process to load data for source to target for each user. 3.Integration job should run process as many time users have selected source and Target. How to…
Adding a new list of existing model
Hi All, I am adding a new list (dimension) to my existing model. I am able to pull in the actual data from the source system by the new list easily. However I am not sure whats the best way to go about integrating the new list for the forecast planning. Currently - in my forecast planning module, my current forecast data…
Issue when importing from one module to another
Hi, I have an issue when importing data from one module to another, and the scenario is the following: I have a source module with "Projects" as dimension, and a target module, also with "Projects" as dimensions. The source module is a "calculator", where you can enter values and factors, which then calculates the final…
Effective Line Items rename during Fiscal Year changes
Hello , For Every Fiscal year development, we used to copy the models and rename the line items in the modules / dashboards from FY21 to FY22 etc. Later it was discussed with the user and renamed CY, CY-1, CY-2 (CY = Current Year), but the users are getting confused with these CY terms. Have anyone tried a different format…
Transactional API For Meta Data missing information
I am building a workspace audit model where I want to extract all information about models, modules etc. When extracting the data some fields are only partially populated. For Example: Model Information - The Size is not always populated Module Information - The Module id is not always populated Has anyone else experienced…
Action error only for non administrator users
Good morning, everyone. I have an issue. When I import data from one module to another, anaplan returns an error for non workspace administrator users. The error is:"You are not authorised to update this entity". While the action works for workspace administrator users. Maybe it is because of selective access used in the…
PowerPoint Add-in 1.6, 1.7 "Ghost Installation"
This item has been identified as an outstanding known issue. Issue When installing a later version of our PowerPoint Add-in, if a machine has both 1.6 and 1.7 installed, you will be left in a state where both programs exist in your list of programs but neither function (missing in the ribbon of PowerPoint) and you will…
Anaplan Hyper Connect Error
Hello Team, When we use Hyper Connect for Anaplan integration, we are frequently getting following Error and unable to figure root cause for the same. [ERROR] Write Failed. Internal Error: Adapter Write Returned Exception: com.anaplan.adapter.anaplanv2.metadata.adapter.service.exception.AnaplanServiceException: IOException…
Import from a module to the same module
Hello, I'm coming to you because I have a problem with a customer that I have never encountered before. I am trying to import data from a saved view of a module to this same module. The saved view uses a filter that allows me to bring the data from an entity X to an entity Y that is selected at each import. The action…
Display list items with non-zero values for sub-list creation
How would you go about creating a Module that looks in other Modules and finds every item in a list that has any non-zero values entered in a given 12 month period? The idea would be to create a table that shows, for a given group of lists, all combinations of those list items that have at least one non-zero value in the…
Import into List - duplicates in key
Hi I want to import a customer forecast into a module. The customer forecast is Key, Product, Location, Date, Qty My end module will have a key dimension which is the Product/Location and dimension time, with a value of qty. So part of the import process is to create the key List. If I import into the key list from the…
Wdata Server File
Hi All, Does anyone know how we locate the Anaplan Server file to create a wdata chain to Anaplan? Thanks!
How to import data in accordance to 3 different identifiers for a data set
Hi, I'm trying to load a data set into Anaplan that has three different identifiers for the data set. The three identifiers make sure the data set does not have duplicates. The three identifiers in the data set are contract_id, Process Entered Data, and date_applied. At first I created List for all theses identifiers and…
Activity 6 Level 1
Hello All! I can't seem to do this for the life of me. I'm not good at creating formulas at all, and have no idea where to start in this particular anaplan venture. But when I try the following, i receive this:
SYS08 - Import EXAM Activity 4
What am I doing wrong Anaplanners? lol why is Department greyed out?
Exam Activity Builder 5
HI ALL - what is wrong with my code??????? trying to change to EMP03 etc etc...i've enclosed a shot of my SYS08 file too
Exam Module 4 - Help
Its 4 hours into this exam....very frustrated. Why are my target items greyed out, and how come I don't have a "role" to map the role to??? I'm not a developer....this exam truly is frustrating
10.2.4 importing activity
These mappings don't seem to want to work for me, in turn all my import is ignored. Any suggestions?
importing into numbered list
I really don't understand why my E2 Employee# numbered list is displaying the wrong code. My source file (excel) when i download from the lesson is also not downloading the right. i have the code in 1,5,8, but it should be in 001,005,008. please can someone help. this is affecting my result every time i reference to this…
Import from one version to another version using import
I need to import data from one version to another version - Forecast to calc version (Manual Version). This module has 4 pages - Total hierarchy, year, wave, version Total hierarchy - Total > 1st level > 2 nd level > program Version is fixed version - always to calc version Program - i want to map single program each time…