What-if Analysis in Excel to Anaplan.
Hi, I happened to see a video on Youtube (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=N924D6tGOG8) where a person introduces the Excel function "What-if analysis - data table" I want to replicate this function in Anaplan where I have similiar variables (values are dependent on both columns and rows). Are there any best practices on…
Ability to add absolute values across months
I have a client who would like to create a new period in Anaplan that sums the absolute values of the months. This will help in identifying account combinations with 0 across all the versions in the model. Is there a way to add formula periods? AbsFY=abs(jan)+abs(feb)...abs(dec) If not, how can they add it to a module? for…
create a chart
Hi, I have a question about creating a chart. Is it possible to create a chart like below.(2 line item for 1 bar graph) ? Best regards.
Formula to get name of a boolean formated line item .
Hi, I have a module a with several line items. Line item 1 of this module is boolean formated and applies only to VERSIONS. Means, a User has to mark the check box of the VERSION, he wants to use for further steps. In a second module b, there is a line item 2, which shall show the Name of the VERSION, which was marked in…
Unable to see Optmizer option
I am unable to see the optimizer option in New Action. Please help me for the same. Regards, Vikas Jain
Subsidiary Views - Best Practices
Hi, Is there a list of Best Practices for using Subsidiary Views? I cannot find anything in Anapedia or the Community about this besides what they’re used for and that they should be used very sparingly. Also, is there one grand document or manual that lists all Best Practices for all features and situations? Thanks,
Time Dimension Summary
Hi Team, I have noticed that when referencing a module that has Time as a dimension from a module that does not have it as a dimension that the formula will not return the highest node in the Time Dimension E.g. I have a Module with Employees & a Boolean line item and a Module with Employees & Time (with Summary as Sum) &…
Drill to transaction on module with versions – tip
Hi everyone, I thought I'd share a something useful I recently discovered, which I haven't seen documented anywhere. According Anapedia, Drilll to Transaction is only supported for formulas like TransactionModule.Amount[SUM:___, SUM:___] So this means that you can't drill to transaction on a formula like IF…
In NUX , in one of the board or Worksheet, Can we put two views from two different Models
Hi, I want to put two views both from different models on a single board or worksheet. Is it possible, if so how? Thanks, Vamshidhar Reddy
Refer formula across modules with different time range
Hi, I have two modules named A and B. In module A, my time range is FY17 & FY18. And in my module B, the time range is FY18 & FY19. The fiscal year in my model is Jan to Dec. Now I want to refer the data of FY17 from module A to FY18 of module B. I have tried with Lag, lead and offset. But all these have the restriction as…
Put data in Azure or directly to Anaplan
Hi folks, I work as IT manager for a real estate company with 120 employees in 4 countries, within a larger group with 50 thousands of people, but we have our own ERP systems. We in my real estate company is trying to set a strategy for our different kind of onprem data, from project related data, HR data, and finance…
Performance Tuning - Using Subsets
Hi all, Continuing on from an earlier post in the pursuit of model optimisation and performance gains (see here), I was hoping to get some clarification on another set of queries, relating to subsets. I've seen some collateral insinuating that numerous subsets and/or subsets with most of the list flagged as part of the…
Matrix of Conditions
Hi Team, I'm trying create some logic whereby I classify each Customer Account as either Existing, New Business or Churned for each Financial Year based on whether they had revenue in the last month of the previous financial year compared with the current year I have created the Matrix below (the columns are Line Items)…
Spreading amounts using Normal Distribution
I want to add a feature to my model that will include these inputs: Start Date Number of Months Amount Then I want the model to spread the amount across the months using a normal distribution (bell curve). In Excel, I have used the NORMDIST function to calculate the probability be period and then multiply that against the…
How to make column chart
Hi, I'm trying 2 things 1 To make column chart like below photo 1. I want to stack value until year end, and then I want to reset and re-stack 2 After making 1, I want to see how I piled up actual data compared with forecast like below photo 2 at the year level.(or month level) . Are there any plan? Best regards.
Selective Access
Hey! I have given selective access to a person X in my model and he is able to open the dashboard and the module within it when X logs in as himself but there is no data popping up in the line items of the module in the dashboard and the module itself. But when I open as full access, the data is showing in the dashboard…
Rolling Forecast
Hi! Is there any good articles/examples/apps/best practices regarding rolling forecast out there? Regards Stig
Error using Subset
Hi Anaplaner, I wanna ask something I have 1 module with 2 line item, line item 1 using list country and line item 2 using subset country, i used formula in line item 2 reference to line item 1, but when when i selected in line item 1 ex China, why in line item 2 show China too, but in subset china is not availabe, is that…
Model builder level 2 sprint 2 : question about page selectors
HI I have a question about this activity : You say we need to create a dashboard and this dashboard "should include two page selectors - Years and Accounts" However in the DEM03 Module, we have to synchronize Account and SKU. How can we synchronize the SKU with the page selectors if we don't take the page "SKU" like a…
Is there no option to put 'create action' on the New UX Boards
Hi I was exploring the New UX. Trying to replicate one of the dashboards. I used 'Actions' Card on the dashboard. But in the list of action I could not see the create action. So dont we have the option to add the action which creates an item to a list on the dashboard Thank you, Vamshidhar Reddy
Sort List for Page Selector
Hi team, Is there a way that I can display a list in the Page selector based on the sorted order from another module? I have a Customer List that I am using as a Page Selector in 1 module and wish the List to be sorted from Highest to lowest revenue gap (it's a query to a employee) which I have created in another module…
New U/X Updates
hi, is the specific new U/X Forum section not being used anymore? Doesn't look like you can start a topic in there (https://community.anaplan.com/t5/Your-New-User-Experience/bd-p/platformuxforums) It's quite useful having these updates all in 1 place, to see what developments are being made. Thanks, Andrew.
Median Calculation/Exclude NAN from MAX function
Hi team, I'm attempting to calculate the Median revenue per customer over a period of 4 months (excluding negative revenue months due to credit notes etc) but cannot obtain the Max value per customer due to it returning the NaN value (if there is 1) My process has been: 1) Module dimensionalised by Customer & a dummy Month…
Anaplan Planning Strategy
What is the planning strategy followed by Anaplan platform ? Is it level by level planning or order by order planning ?
level 2 model builder : i can't go to the sprint 2
Hi, i realised the sprint 1 and i have two problems : - The first : i can't reach the 100% because I can't validate this : - The second : there is a problem with the "Sprint 1 exam". Indeed i took a break on the question 9 and now my exam can't be validate. I answered to the question 9 and 10 and I finished with a score of…
Hide Saved Views
Before I go and put this on the idea exchange wonder if there's a way of hiding saved views from the contents panel so that just the main module name is visible?
Level 2 - Cannot mark as "Completed"
Hi, I am doing the Level 2 training, sprint 1, and have found a small issue. There are 4 steps (discovered so far) that aren't marked as "Completed", see picture below. All these steps are just downloading files. The first three are downloading Regions.csv, Countries.csv and Locations.csv. The last one is SKUs.csv. Does…
IRR - returning NaN
Hi, I have a module with below dimensions. I need to calculate IRR for additional planes. I have followed the suggestions and created a transaction module with the following dimensions (Schedule, Aircraft, Airlines, Time month scale, versions). It is not returning a valid result in below module. Any suggestions that would…
The Anaplan Way Completion Certificate
Hi, Do we receive Completion Certificate for 'The Anaplan way " , if so where can I access it?
create list
Hi, I'm thinking 2 parent relationships(below photo) and I want to share information of the child element(people). Are there any ways? Best Regards,