Folders in Archive
It would be great to create folders to group archived models, and to have a more organized view of all archived models.
Ability to View who or how many people are viewing a Dashboard - for Full Access Users
It would be very helpful for a COE team or any Full Access User of a Model to be able to see of the people that have access to the model: 1. Who is viewing a dashboard and or module 2. If not who is viewing but how many people are viewing 3. when these people are viewing dashboards example (John Doe, Jan 4th 2019). a Log…
License Admin
As an administrator I would like to be able to control the use of licenses across my organisation by applying a limit to each license type. e.g. if we have 20 model builder licenses the system should stop workspace admins from assigning more than 20. I would also like to see something in Tenant Admin which would advise us…
Allow for filtering on Users tab
As a Workspace Administrator, I'd like to be able to filter and sort the Users tab based on values in different columns — just like we can do it for modules. The most important is to allow for filtering on 3 columns: Model Role, Workspace Administrator and Single Sign-on. This could really help with managing users access…
Ability to Disable and Modify Welcome Email
We want to be able to control who gets a welcome email stating that you're Active on Anaplan. Our access to Anaplan is via another tool and the email stating the person is an Active user is: #1: Misleading because they also need to be provisioned in the other system where we are controlling the link access to Anaplan and…
Mass Delete pages from an App
Hi, It would be great to have an ability to check multiple pages to duplicate/move/delete in an app to allow faster reorg of apps for different use cases. Doing it one by one takes a long time. Thanks,
New UX - restrict access to multiple pages at once
Although we now have the ability to restrict access page by page in the new UX, it would be more efficient if there was a way to restrict access for multiple pages at once, and also if there were a way to be able to see the current restrictions on all pages.
Sort User List / Group Users by Model Role
Would be great to have the option to sort the User List in Anaplan. We have multiple models in the same workspace, and therefore, each model has a long list of users who aren't relevant - they are assigned the "No Access" role designation. Would be great to be able to visually manage this in Anaplan, rather than have to…
Automated Email Notification Capability
I currently have timetables built out in Anaplan with designated users to each deliverable with due-date. I would like to have the functionality to send automated rmeinder emails to users when the due date is getting closr and teh deliverabl has not been completed
Need dashboard or ability to audit number of read and write licence in tenant Admin view
Team, We struggle to keep track of how many still write licenses we are left with while granting write privilege to a user, against approved /purchased license. Though there is no hard stop from anaplan yet, we don't want to cross our limits and end up paying penalty. Rather it will be easier for us to provide dashboard in…
Show whether a line item is used in an action
I'd like ability to see, in blueprint mode for a module, whether a line item is used in an action. This, along with an existing Idea requesting to see if a line item is used as a filter for a Saved View, would significantly speed up model clean-up time
Expose Copy and Archive (Model Backups) in API
Currently model backups can only be done via the application interface. The company I am working for does these backups daily and since we support a large number of models this turns out to be a very time consuming process of accessing each model individually and initiating the archiving via the web browser. Exposing this…
Automated backup of models
Enhancement request: ability for customer to automatically schedule model backups. Very common issue where data is lost either from changing Prod List to Non-Prod or vice versa or developer A changes formulas that effect Prod, etc. A one time setup preserves data and reduces reliance on humans to backup. The lower the…
Ability to Select Workspace When Creating Model from Revision Tag
Current Functionality : When we create a model from Revision Tag it creates the model within the same workspace Idea : Ability to Select the Workspace and creating a model from revision tag in the selected workspace.
enabling SSO setup for user logging in from SFDC
I would need to be able to perform the mapping of my Anaplan users to my SFDC users in a self-service manner, to avoid the current mandatory step to request this to the Anaplan Support, by exposing the ability to do this in the Administration.
Copy user access settings across all WS in tenant
Hi all, Idea: As an tenant admin I would like to be able to copy user's access settings across the client's workspaces. Case: It is essential in cases where person's e-mail got changed or his/her role is taken by somebody else. Problem: Now I have to do everything manually from model to model. And i have only one ability…
Internal access (Full access) for Cloudworks to work on Selective access in Admin Portal
Hi Team, At present for the cloudworks actions to read the lists with selective access, 'internal (full) access' must be enabled within the list, which is quite tough to do in a live production model without disturbing the user's access. It would be ideal and intuitive if the access was controlled externally either through…
Schedule "Copy & Archive" - Backup Model
As a customer, we would like to schedule "Copy & Archive" action to records Back-up of models. Preferably with a direct and easy way : for example in the manage model menu. This is relevant for customers with more than 5 models to improve security and avoid manual actions (Manuel Copy & Archive). The Archive Name could…
Dynamic Time ranges
Hi Team, I have seen similar ideas already suggested about this topic, but are a little bit too specific in my view. So I hope this one is perceived as useful by the community. ISSUE: At the moment, Anaplan's time ranges are static, which means that they will contain the same set of years while your current period and…
Google Cloud Anaplan Secure Keyless Integration
Hello Anaplan Community, I noticed Anaplan needs Google Service Account with JSON credentials to authenticate . These JSON credentials are static and are susceptible to different problems: credentials can be stolen, credentials need to be rotated periodically and some company security teams deactivate entirely the creation…