Do read it please. New UX ALM - Anaplan Community Misbah
New UX : Year selector to sync the Monthly view
Hi, How can we publish Year only as the page selector in new UX to synchronize the monthly view? Thanks, Tom
Copying across all rows in New UX page
Hi guys, Please help me with a method to copy across all rows in a grid when I select a value for the one row in new UX page. I am aware of copy across rows option in modules. But I am not able to replicate the option in new UX page. If anyone know the solution, please do share 🙂
Saved views with user list on NUX
Hi All, I have the following situation: Saved view of a module with User as a dimension. During the save of the saved view my account was selected from the Pages (other users were available as well) When published on the NUX, other admins see my user name in the Pages, it is not synced automatically. When another admin…
Filter selector with multiple dimensions (filter product selector for individual customers)
Dear community, I'm setting up a view for New UX dashboard, where products selector should be filtered individually for each customer. The use case is that each customer has own set of valid products and we don't want to show full list of products for each customer. For that, I have a boolean line item as a filter with…
UX Page with information from different modules?
Hi, Can you populate a UX page with data from 2 different models? The reason is for sensitive data that I created a separate model for employee data. But now we need a dashboard with finance data + employee data on the same page. Best regards, Johan
Dashboard view
Hi All I am working on 2 subsets of a list where one list subset will be used as page selector in dashboard and other list subset is in row of a module. List subset A: V1, V2,V3,V4 List subset B: PY, PPY, V1 , V2, V3,V4 On dashboard, I need to show subset A as page selector and subset B in row. If I am selecting V1 in…
Client asking for icons in KPI card on New UX
Hi, I know you can do conditional formatting for KPI cards, but can you somehow get images/icons in there? If not, any recommendations? I am of course aware of the Image Card. Best regards, Johan
Update list
Hi Team, I am looking to insert item to list via dashboard three text filed and one Boolean value as input from user . In dashboard i done below steps for the same. guide me if i am wrong anywhere. step1: create a new page step 2: add action card and in configure action of that action card i create a form with form name,…
Validation error in UI
Hi Team, I need a help for validation error message in UI. I have a grid which capturing start date and end date of leave from an user. if user input is more than the balance number of days which shown as separate filed in same grid i have to show end date column input by user in red color saying date not cross balance…
14.4.3 Classic Dashboard: Troubles Formatting Grid (Future periods with FY Totals)
Hey Anaplan Community, I am hoping someone can help me understand how to filter my grids to view only the forecast periods while not removing the FY aggregation column. In the course, it shows that my dashboard should look like this: Unfortunately mine does not. I have a tradeoff occuring where I can either start the grid…
New UX Icon Usage
Not specific to the new UX necessarily, but leveraging icons for instructions and visual guides is helpful in developing user dashboards. Anaplan obviously only allows linking to externally hosted images, so a few questions on how people have been leveraging icons: - Has anyone found specific icon / image sets that are…
Cannot enable a form after creating
I'm going through the New UX training (the Build Guide) and do not see Forms in the Actions configuration panel. Am I missing something that allows it to show up? I have confirmed that the form has been created...It shows up under the "Manage" tab. Thanks, Rod
Creating a child in a parent list by create process in New UX
There are 2 lists A(parent) and B (child). In the classic dashboard, there is a grid with dimension A and a create action that creates items in list B. When I select a row in the grid (with a dimension of parent A) and then run the create process, the item added is automatically under the parent I selected in the grid. I…
New UX: Syncronise all cards on a page without having to hit the refresh button!
Hi I have a Page within the NUX which displays a specific week based selecting a date line item in a time filter module. When I change the date the correct Week is displayed based on the day selected and the Weekly Variances change to show the variances for that selected week, however the daily view of the selected week…
Column Setting Changes Between Different Browsers
I am noticing that the column widths on some dashboards look very different between users using different browsers. I have also noticed it is affected by the browser's screen zoom (i.e. 90% vs. 100% zoom). For example, a line item header that may be visible with 2 line wrap on one browser may not be completely visible in a…
Numbers of Actions in a process?
Hi, is there any limit of actions in a process?
Make Form only showing for certain Version on UX?
Hi, Is it possible to make your form buttons to show/hide depending on which version is selected for the UX page? Best regards, Johan
Data sort
Hi, I am trying to sort the data for hierarchy and it works fine if I select the immediate parent in the page selector. When I select the total company level the sorting does looks like in the hierarchical order( sorting the siblings of parent and maintaining hierarchy)but coming in the sort order with different order. Can…
Current Context Filtering and Level Selection (New UX)
Hello everyone, I am trying to build a dashboard in the new UX to display some user data and I'm having issues with the format of my chart: My module has two dimensions: E3 Employees (I'm actually using a subset of it to keep only relevant data) and M2 Dashboards; plus the time in Months. Both have hierarchies, E3 is the…