New UX - Copy across functionality
The copy across functionality that we have at the module level should also be available as an option for the end users in New UX. Recently, came across with a use case where users want to copy the same numbers across different rows and columns in a time dimensioned module and the best thing to suggest was to ask for copy-…
Ability to display List Item attributes as row headers (for the list specified as Rows)
This is similar to the Export Option "show Labels". The current workaround is to expose the attributes as line items (assuming line items are in columns) which can get very problematic when combined with another dimensions where the attribute does not apply, like Time. And then you're forced to select specific combinations…
New UX: Column headers hight
This is not quite the same idea of my colleague, but it has some similarities: https://community.anaplan.com/t5/Idea-Exchange/New-UX-Column-Headers-Wrap-Text-by-Words/idi-p/99307 In classic UX we were able to select number of lines of the headers of a module on a dashboard: It will be nice to have it in NUX also, or any…
Image/Branding and formatting of Page Title bar
In the New UX at the moment we have a very limited space on the page. We want to limit scrolling as much as possible but have more basic customization and branding features. As such I think that the ability of placing an image and maybe even more details on the page title would be great ! Here is a random example of a menu…
New UX: freeze items from crolling
As an admin or an end user I would like to have ability to freeze one or a few line items from scrolling (the same way as it's available in the excel)
New UX Gantt Chart: show more metrics
When you have a Gantt chart and you move the mouse over it, it shows the period’s starting and ending dates. It would be great to have the ability to show other custom metrics as well (values, states, ext.) As is: To be something like: So then number of Line items in tooltips to be flexible and color selectable.
New UX - wrap text for rows' headers
Hi team, As an admin user I would like to have the ability to enable/disable function to wrap text for not only columns but rows labels (line items or list items) as well. Sometimes names may be very long, so then I will be able not to extend rows headers significantly to make labels fully readable, but will enable this…
New UX - copy pasting with right-click menu
When I want copy or paste data in cell(s) in new UX using right-click menu, it doesn't allow me to do it and tells to use hotkeys instead. As an end user I would like to be able to copy/paste data by right-clicking without using hotkeys. This would be a benefit as it would help end users that are not technically proficient.
Quick Links in New UX
Hi Everyone, I would like to suggest an idea about quick links. New ux is the one which will highlight our modeling efforts, in the process of building the n number of dashboards in each category I have found one conflict. In worksheet we will give quick links for easy navigation, what I have found here if we want to…
"Details" option in Activity not to be disabled when a Cloudworks integration/process has run
After a Clouworks integration/process has run the "Details" option when clicking "view activity" from the "overview" tab in the sidebar for each task is disabled. It would be useful if details of how many records are updated, ignored, created are displayed per integration or process when the task has been successful and,…
Personalize Anaplan
Is Anaplan getting upgraded to personalize with colors of the organization? I know about the third party application but it's difficult to do that with every user we have.
When Process is Running: Status Popup or Badge on new UX pages
Request concerning UX: When an action is running (like import/export) it slows the system. In Classic UX dashboards the platform provides a popup indicating to the users that the action is ongoing, and who triggered it. This gives the users comfort that slowness is under control and for a known period of time. There is no…
Add more customization options for the line, bar and combination charts
It would greatly enhance the user functionality if I could have more options for customizing the graphs. Mainly in respect to controlling the width of the column charts, being able to do dashed lines and other customization options that are already available in most of the other tools (and excel).
"Average" is close to useless. Need to be able to automatically only average non-zeros
The average summary method and aggregation function [Average:] both include zero values when calculating an average. This makes sense but sadly means that in almost all scenarios the irritating workaround of counting non-zeros and then dividing is required. This costs line items (and therefore space), increases calculation…
Copy Data Shown in Drill Down New UX
Not sure how many people have stumbled upon this but, it is not currently possible to copy data from a table presented when drilling down in the New UX. Not sure what is preventing this from happening but hopefully a quick fix that has multiple benefits.
Map Chart with custom Global regions
Maps Charts are useful for navigation and visualization. Many businesses group countries in specific global regions, matching either their organizational structures or footprints. We want to plan on custom global regions consisting of specific countries, because planning individual countries is often too detailed. * We…
New UX - Show / Hide levels of time context selector on Worksheets
Currently, when we have time as a context selector in worksheets, users are able to see all the different granularities that are present. I find it a little clunky, with load times that may take longer than expected, especially if the dropdown goes down to the granularity of days across multiple years. It would be great if…
In NUX, Ability to add cards referencing different models in the same Dashboard
Currently in NUX, we don't have the ability to point different cards in the same dashboard to different models. E.g. The customer wants to see milestones that are defined in the R&D portfolio planning model and input the volume to calculate the cost that resides in the Finance Model, all in one dashboard. Would love to…
Ability for end users to Show/Hide columns and rows on Boards in NUX
Hi - We have end users that really liked the ability in the old UX dashboards to right click on rows or columns and have the option to show/hide items. It seems like the only way for end users to accomplish this in the NUX boards would be for them to create their own personal copy, and then open the editor tool and use the…
NewUX: Header alignment improvement with design principles
NewUX should follow the basic rule of design, the principle of alignment. The row header and Item should be aligned on top, and the column header should be aligned on the right, this simple adjustment will greatly improve the visibility. Following is comparison with tableau which follow the principle of alignment. (quiet…