Hide objects on dashboards/pages based on specific user selection (DCA extension?)
As a model builder I would like to be able to display/hide entire objects on my dashboards or pages based on specific user selections so that I can more dynamically display&hide relevant content to the users. Example : I came across a number of situations where elements of my visualizations would benefit from being…
Snap to grid on dashboards
It would be really useful to have a snap to grid feature in both the new and old UX dashboards. New UX Vertical snapping: currently none. Horizontal snapping: limited useability. Improvement: allow users to snap to grid vertically and also allow users to adjust the grid size (by percent or pixels). Old UX No snap to grid…
New UX : Define homepages for apps
It would be great for user experience if we were able to define specific homepages for apps (kind of actual "Landing Dashboard" concept).
Delete option for the Categories in NUX
As of now we can only create Categories in New UX. We don't have delete option of removing categories from New UX if there are no pages under that category. Proposing an idea to have (-) button just next to (+) icon in category Section of New UX
Ability to share a hyperlink to a specific dashboard
A detailed description of the enhancement that is being requested: Customer would like the ability to hyperlink into a specific Dashboard or element in a Dashboard in Anaplan. To provide more clarification, could you please explain how you hope the enhancement would assist in your business process(es)?: Customer would like…
Ability to Adjust the Numbers on KPI Cards
Currently when we publish KPI cards Anaplan automatically displays the number on KPI cards on the top left side of the KPI card. It looks fine when the page is symmetrical.But when we try to design the page in an asymmetrical way any one of KPI card can become longer than expected and will end up either introducing Text…
Optimizer : Pressing Esc Key on Optimizer Action Window should give Yes/No popUp to close the window
When we are trying to configure optimizer action then if by mistake we press Esc key then it just closes the window. Instead of that it should give Yes/No Popup to avoid closing the window by mistake.
No Bound on Charts
Can we have Bound feature on the charts. Use Case - My Graph Towers/Columns show percentages greater than 100% in the axis when it can never be more than 100%. Had there been a bound feature we would have restricted the maximum bound to 100% Hence proposing an idea of having a maximum/minimum bound to the charts
New UX ability to extend the show/hide functionality to all selectors when creating a card
Hi Anaplan, I've been using the new UX and theres some functionality which would really improve the experience. Currently there is functionality to 'show and hide' items when creating a card but it only applies to the dimensions on the view and not all selectors. For example time and line items but not a geography…
Don't Log Off Users from Models while creating Apps
I have experienced this strange behavior from Anaplan. Whenever I spend considerable amount of time on Apps and have another tab which has my source model opened, it throws me out of the model. Not sure why the need do to so. Hence proposing an idea to keep the models opened as long as I am actively working on the Apps
Allow Page Builders to Write Texts on Cards
Allow Page Builders to Write a Concise Texts on Cards Especially KPI and Chart Cards. It can really be helpful in Page optimization
New UX : No title by default on images
Most of the time, when I add an image to a dashboard, I do not want to add a title to it. It would be a time saver if the default value for the title is blank instead of the image Line Item name.
Page Anchors for Dashboards and New UX
My understanding is that there is no limit to how 'long' a dashboard / page can be, provided there is content to fill it. Page anchors and subsequently actions to navigate to them, similar to 'open dashboard', would be great (Including 'open' and 'navigate' behavior so that content is refreshed just like 'open dashboard').…
View Hierarchy Summaries in Context Selector but not selectable
Within the new UX, it would be great if we were able to show the full hierarchy within the context selector but only make either the base level or summary level selectable. For example, in a cost center hierarchy a user will want to see the hierarchy to better navigate to the cost center they need to enter data in but…
Near-instant page/dashboard display
It might be possible to skip the initial loading wait, when switching to a new page (model) in the platform. We know that models are aggregated as the contributing data is changed, and we can also know what needs to be displayed when a page is first requested. To load a page near-instantly, I propose that we don't load the…
Export a selection of Boards on New UX
We are now able to export boards one by one and this is great ! But, it could also be very useful to be able to export a selection of boards on New UX with only one click : maybe by creating an export process or capacity to export selection of boards (boolean) on the homepage of the application.
Filter a module over a dimension subset
Currently if a module has complete list as a dimension, and a line item has it's subset as a dimension, the filter won’t work for that line item. For example you can have a module for forecasting clients sales. The clients dimension is obviously needed both for Actual sales and Forecast line items. But you wouldn't need a…
Hide the Pages if the User doesn't have access to All Cards on the page
New UX truly gives the connected planning experience feel. But there are few things which doesn't look good for navigation point of view. User who doesn't have access to all the cards on the page should not be seeing the page at all. As of now he can access the page but with errors on it. Idea I am proposing is to Hide the…
Timeline chart Min days Fix
Hi all, We've been working with some timeline charts on a SCM project, which is great to represent "Projects"/"Activities" over a timeline. As many of you know the way it works is you choose a source start date and source end date and thats the data that shows up within that range. However, it is determined that any…
Hierarchy Level to show on a module
Customer would like the option to select hierarchy level to show on a module published to a dashboard based on page selector selection. (Selected summary level or leaf item). Currently users have the ability to to publish the module with the desired summary level shown, but you would have to do this for each summary level…
Need way to Identify Page Selectors on Classic Dashboards
It would be great to have an easy way to identify Page Selectors that are published to a Classic Dashboard. Since any list, including subsets, can be published as a page selector (which is awesome, btw!) it can be tricky to know which of several similar lists it is. Just having the name in the properties side panel would…
NewUX : Hide Boards / Sheets
Similar to how the Contents area works in Classic to have the same ability to do something similar within New UX. Want to be able to have a main board and then users go off to collect more information, but that they can't go there directly as it doesn't make any sense to do so. This links nicely to the following idea about…
Filter Icon which shows if there is a filter applied to a module
Hi Anaplan Team, Could you please create a small Filter icon near the name of the module so that the model builder would know that there's a filter applied to this module? The only way to check if the filter is applied at the moment is to go to module -> data-> filters. It would be much more easier and intuitive to create…
Model Home Screen - Show All Customers
Please can the option to view all models (from all customers) be added to the new and old home screen? I.e. instead of specifying which customer you are viewing, allow users to view all. Would be really helpful when juggling multiple customer workspaces. Admittedly, this benefit is mostly to partners, however this may be a…
Ability to have the Module copy across/down menu capability as a right click action
When users are working with the module derived data in a dashboard it would be very useful to have the copy across/down (and possibly insert/delete) available as a right click action on the grid. At present you have to click on the circular down button (in the top left-hand corner) and expose that functionality through the…
Reduce row label right border
Please can the right border/margin be reduced in row labels. The current border cuts off text too far from the cell border, below is an example. Whilst minor, this would just be a very quick fix to implement and would (slightly) improve visuals. Here you can see that the words revenue are being cut off too early, even…
Timeline Chart Date Range based on Line Items
When you create a Timeline Chart you can set the time range (Axis Start and End Dates) for the display however this can only be entered manually and is not linked to any underlying data. I would like to be able to link this Axis Date Range to date formatted line items in a module in the same way that the bars start and end…
Dashboard Text Box Default Alignment, Pixel Settings
I'm sure this has been touched upon, but couldn't find a post that addressed this directly. Anyway, would love it if the dashboard text boxes aligned automatically. It's annoying how difficult it is to do this manually. Another option is that it would be great if you could click on a text box, and select exactly how many…
Refresh directly on Dashboard
People find the refresh menu on the dashboard toolbar too difficult to find. We have been asked many times for an action to refresh a dashboard. Another way would be to incorporate this into a dashboard toolbar.
Dashboard Filter Options for Module Saved Views
It would be great if there was a way for us to “lock” the filters that are part of the Saved View being published to a Dashboard. A lot of my Dashboards contain filtered views from which my users like to further filter based on visible columns. There is no differentiation between the Saved View filter and User defined…