Show reference info between UX and model in the model
As administrator I need to understand, where in the NUX this or that module/actions is used, like with classic dashboards. It will be great to have protection from delete actions/modules/saved views if they are used in NUX. Without this reference info it is hard to manage models build with NUX interface and can lead to…
Sparklines on YTD, YTG & All Periods Timescale
Can we have KPI Sparklines working on YTD, YTG & All Period Timescales. As of now it doesn't support these summary levels and it only works on Quarters, Half Years and Full Years
Add items to a list in NUX
Hey, I noticed that one thing in that the Old UX does beeter then the NUX is adding items in a list. When I do the create in the Old UX it takes what parent I am synced to the dashboard, so I don't have to select the parent. In the NUX, you have to select the parent no matter what you are synced to. Is this something that…
NUX Ability to Turn off Count, Min, Max etc on Grids
Is there a way to turn off the Count, Min, Max, Average & Sum totals on grids in the New UX? We have instances where due to the layout of the grid these metrics aren't meaningful and actually cause confusion for the users. As an example, we have some account package grids where the line items are pivoted as the columns…
Ability to rearrange Time Periods within Time Dimension in Custom Views of NUX
We should have an ability to rearrange time periods in custom views of NUX. As of now it only allows us to Show/Hide items within time dimension and we have four options of Positioning the time periods. We need an option to customize as per our requirement after all it is a custom view.
Top Anaplan Label color change for Anaplan QA Environments
Can we change the color for Anaplan Label for QA Environment? It is really easy for users to make a mistake if they are switching between Environments to run some changes on Prod, I know that they have a name, but distinctive look of the QA would be very helpful.
NUX Copy and Paste functionality for Lists
In the NUX there currently is not functionality to copy and paste list based line items. We would like similar functionality as old UX (Ctrl+C, Ctrl+V) that we can leverage.
New UX: Edit/Change pre-existing Notification Action
With the introduction of the Notification action in the New UX, it would be great to have the ability to edit these actions once created. At the moment, once the notification worksheet action has been created there is no ability to tweak it further - you have to redo the whole thing again.
Mobile New UX - MAILTO Functionality
As an executive end user, I need the functionality to be able to notify other end users via email from the mobile app. Currently, when I look at the page where I am able to send an email on the desktop version of Anaplan in the mobile app, the link to send an email is grayed out and unable to be interacted with (see…
New UX: Make text box larger when users enter into a text for line item within a board
Need the ability for the text box to either flex with what is being typed into the line item or at a minimum have it be larger. At the moment, it is difficult to follow what you are typing into the text formatted line item if you are typing a sentence. Screenshot below.
Change G to B on Chart Axis for the unit of Billions
Hi Anaplan, It would be great to change the labelling of G to B to represent Billions on the chart axis, as it makes more commercial sense to end users. Thanks!
Dynamically adjust Vertical Axis to Zero in Combination Charts
Hi Anaplan, When we plot two numbers that are drastically different i.e. billions versus a % rate, Is it possible to have the scale dynamically adjusted when we only select a particular element to show, so that the vertical axis always start at zero? Thanks!
Confidence Bands/Prediction Intervals - Visualization Enhancements
A really valuable addition to the platform would be better ways to visualize uncertainty. In many parts of planning, particularly those that highly leverage analytics, thinking in terms of probabilities is important. If there’s a relatively simple way to add in this type of visual (confidence bands, prediction intervals,…
New UX: page/context selectors on cards that synchronise with the elements on the page
It would be useful to be able to publish the page/context selectors as a separate card in the New UX boards so you can decide where on the page you want it to be located instead of being either at the top-right corner or on each of the cards/board elements. This request would pose additional flexibility as at the moment if…
Granularity of Horizontal Object Sizing UX
It would be very useful to have increased granularity when it comes to the object sizing in the UX - as per row sizing for an object, which is wholly flexible, the columns only allow sizing in increments of an inch. Increasing this would allow for better placement and alignment of objects.
Jump to specific page based on list property (similar to 'dashboard driver' in Classic UX)
Classic UX has the very useful feature where the 'Open Dashboard' action can be configured to point at different dashboards depending on a property in the Driver list. It would be massively useful to migrate this to 'New' UX, so that the 'Link to a page' setting could be similarly configured to point at different Pages…
Syncronize Initial Page selection on dashboards
Currently Synchronized Paging functionality on dashboards works only once a selection is made manually. However, this doesn't work for Initial Page selected. So if I want all the modules posted default to the same element, I need to check the setting on all of them. I think this should be fixed. As an option, there can be…
New UX Summary - Updated numbers not shown
New UX Summary does not show 'Updated' numbers. Example, export 3.2 Same when run in Classic it shows Updated numbers.
NUX Workbook print
As we start using the NUX in an intensive way, I would like to share a user need. We use the NUX for monthly business reviews which were held on the basis of powerpoint documents. The NUX allows us to gain time yet we find ourselves short of document we can use to write notes or to read on paper. (old habits ) We tried to…
Ability to apply validations to list fields when using a Form
Currently only able to apply validations to text fields only when using a form but would be helpful to also apply to list formatted. Thinking would be key lists that are part of a form such as cost center or product would be mandatory for submission.