Customizable date display format
It would be great if we could customize the date display format by line item such as with DD MMM or DD MMM YY, to present a view to the users that is easily interpreted, especially if it is a number heavy report. Currently we do it with workarounds using custom lists and mapping to the dates, however, it does add…
Why is my data not showing up for SYS08 SKU Details Module?
Anaplan Connect: Wake-Up Script
Preface: Utilizing CA Certificates is the best practice for Anaplan Data Integrations. The wake-up script is best leveraged with CA Certificate authentication in the individual scripts for security purposes. If you would like to learn more about CA Certificates, click on this guide. Note: Basic Authentication used for demo…
get inventory per country per sku
I have an Invenotry ordering module where i have beginnening inventory, i want to get the inventory in a new moudule by country and by country and sku both i have a sku details module which has country made in as lst item and sku as a dimension i tried using this formula but got no data 'INV01 Inventory Ordering'.Beginning…
Level 1 Lesson 7.2.3 - Why is Department grayed out?
There is no way for me to map Dept Code to Department as Department in the Target Items is grayed out. Anybody knows why this is the case?
Ability to access multiple tenants with Power BI Connector
Currently with the Power BI Connector you can only access your default tenant but would like the ability to access multiple tenants during log in.
7 Inspiring Books: Anaplan Community Reading List
Tomorrow is World Book Day—a day to celebrate the power of a good book and the impact it can have on our lives! A book that uplifts, excites, and changes us is also a book that we inevitably want to share with others. So, in recognition of this global event, we asked Anaplan leadership to share titles that have affected…
Please add filters to the IMPORT actions columns.
Trying to find a source or target in a list of 500+ imports is quite a time consuming process. Adding a filter or a sort to the columns would be such a big improvement I used to copy and paste the import actions into excel, but now it seems you have changed the format of the table and this is no longer possible, so now…
Instructions on how to develop a Model Schema
Hi there, Can someone please provide step by step instructions on how to develop a Model Schema per project (DISCO base). Thanks in advance, Siva.
August 2024 Community Member Spotlight: Timmy Thomas
This month, we are excited to feature @TimothyThomas as our Community Member Spotlight! Timmy has been a vital part of the Anaplan ecosystem for the past four years, bringing his expertise and passion as a Certified Solutions Architect and Community Boss. With over 125 comments in Community, Timmy is known for his…
Getting the total from another Module
Hi everyone i have a module [Employee Details] where i can filter the team center. for the below sample, i chose the Financial System which has 2 employees. whenever i choose Team Center, the amount will be selected in [Sum Selected] column. in my Testing 1 module, the only Total would reflect must be Financial System. but…
- Update Inventory Ordering to Calculate Shipping Costs
I'm stuck trying to get the final shipping cost line item and shipping cost variance. Someone please help!
Data Quality Orchestration : a simple example with ADO & Workflow - Part 2/2
In this article, you'll find a simple but hopefully inspiring illustration of the power of Anaplan Data Orchestrator (ADO) combined with Workflow. This is a 2 parts article. The Part 1 focuses on the Workflow and the steps to achieve Data Quality tasks. This Part 2 is a deep dive on some details. Above is the final Object…
Certified Master Anaplanner Exam FAQ
Certifications offer a way to prove your skills. When you want to be recognized for achieving the highest level of skill, that of a Certified Master Anaplanner, you want to be sure the testing process is secure and that all applicants are treated fairly. To achieve that end, we have partnered with Kryterion Global Testing…
Formula change in Opening and Closing line items.
Hi Team, I needed small help to optimize the formula from Half-Year to Full-year. Current working System: If Jan 2021 (Budget) H1 Opening HC we were referring to Closing HC of Dec 2020(Actual) and IF July 2021(H2) we were referring to Jun 2021(Actual) Proposed System: If Jan 2021 (Budget) H1 Opening HC we were referring to…
Find common text between another modules without List
Hi, I want to find common text between another modules. I have two modules A&B. Each module has order Number and Product(Text format) I want to find Product(ModuleB) in ModuleA. It's Common Text. In this case, we can find product by finditem formula, by making product List. But I don't want to use product List, because it…
NUX Line Item 'Style' Options
Currently the Anaplan NUX lacks options for line item 'Style' that are in the classic UI. Short-term need: As a minimum viable product customers are requesting these same options in the NUX. Examples include, bolding, italics, underlining, indentation etc. Full feature: In addition to the classic options, a full spectrum…
11.3.4 Activity: Add Formulas to Profit & Loss Report Module
Can you please help me solve this. My output is as the below: The actual output needs to be as the below:
How to tackle duplication import into numbered list with list formatted properties ?
When importing into the list having properties as list formatted it create new list item with every import even if unique identifier already exists While importing transactional data into a List (Numbered List) which has properties Country formatted as Country, Year formatted as Year and Amount formatted as Number. In…
Displaying Line Item Based on Date Range
i have a module where i have line items such as client number, agent name, start date, end date and months between end and start date now i have another module where i am using client number as an dimension also time(months) and agent as line item now i want to display the agent name from the first module to this module…
Issue with Ascii characters in Anaplan
I’ve encountered an issue while importing data into Anaplan where certain special characters, specifically ASCII characters like ü, ä did not show properly, it showed as question mark Instead of importing these characters correctly, the data gets corrupted or replaced with incorrect symbols. As shown below, Although it was…
anaplan api 401 Not Authorized using Postman
Using Postman: I can use Post and get an authorization token, but when I create the Get with Authorization = AnaplanAuthToken <token from Post> Content-type=application/json Basic Authentication and workspace ID and Model Id in URL https://api.anaplan.com/2/0/workspaces/<workspace id>/models/<model id> I get: { "status": {…
- Import from Saved View
Can anyone help me with the mapping of this?
Importing Values to Booleans via Model to Model
Hello, I hope you are all doing well and good. I would like to ask about a challenge that I'm currently experiencing. Situation is, I need to create an action, just a simple action that will be published to the NUX. This will be an Import action within the same module via a Saved View. Please refer to the encircled line…
How to shift an item in line items
Hey, is it possible to get a value from column 1 to column 2, from column 2 to column 3 etc for Base Revenue. I would like to calculate base revenue for columns 2,3,4 etc. based on 1 column, but I don't know how to get the value from the previous column. The target formula would look like this: IF VALUE(NAME(ITEM('Number…
grid contents row height
when placing two grid contents side by side on the Anaplan UX screen, one content has the row height set to "standard" and the other content has the row height set to "medium." In this case, the height of two rows in one content slightly differs from the height of one row in the other content. It would be ideal if the…
field contents width
In the Anaplan UX screen, the display width of the selection items in the field card changes when the dropdown is expanded and collapsed. It would be beneficial if this could be fixed.
Does it make sense to have multiple data hub models for different uses?
We currently load multiple data sets into our data hub, then from there to various spoke models. We want to increase the frequency of one of the loads but are concerned the process timing might conflict with another load. Does it make sense to load the data into different data hub models in the same workspace to avoid…
Anaplan Model Building Workspace Access
Building a Center of Excellence
Overview Standing up a Center of Excellence is complex. There are many decisions to be made. Here are some of the materials to help get a basic understanding of building a CoE that are part of our CoE Success Accelerator Workshop. What is a Success Accelerator Workshop? Anaplan offers targeted workshops, Success…