How I Built It: Fantasy Football draft
Author: Zach Hird is a Certified Master Anaplanner and Senior Consultant at Peloton Consulting Group. Hello Anaplanners! Learn how I used Anaplan to aid my fantasy football draft experience in this fun and different ‘How I Built It’ tutorial. I use live fantasy football data to give myself a competitive advantage while…
Quarterly Account Sales Revenue Targets
This data from here is impacting a lot of things and I am not sure if the % taken to distribute the Sales Target over the Quarters is the same as PY Account/ PY Country Product Family. Help plx!
Comparison with y-1, results from last year
Hello, I'm trying to build a module, where we compare the results with the results of one year earlier. Whey we change the year or date, the columns highlighted in yellow, should automatically show the data from one year earlier. How can I do this? Using a formula?
Unbind a flat list or a module by busbars
Please, someone could help me to desconcatenate if it is possible the flat list and if not a module Thank you so much
UX Page cells data alignment
Hi all, I have published a Grid card on the UX page and I want the cell data to be centered in alignment as you can see in below image it is towards right corner and really want to know where to explore on these alignment options. Below is the screenshot of the grid card As I understand this is a basic function however,…
How to create an alternate/Parallel hierarchy
Hi Team, I am new in the Anaplan. Could you please explain me how to create an alternate hierarchy with example? Thanks!
multiple developers are working on different enhancements to the same model
We have two approaches to manage scenarios where multiple developers are working on different enhancements to the same model, and we need to push their changes separately into the production model: 1. Rollback Method: After completing a build in the development model (in standard mode), the developer meticulously documents…
ALM syncing when multiple developments are happening
We have 2 developers working on the same model in different modules. One has completed his changes but the other is not ready to sync. Unfortunately you have to sync the whole model, and this means partial changes would then be synced. If the first developers' changes are urgent, waiting for a major change to be finished…
- Import Data into DAT04 module
Hi guys, I'm trying to import the data , my mapping is also correct but for some reason its being ignored as you can see in the screenshot attached , can somebody help me with this , on why is it being ignored and what can I do to get it properly imported
Show History for Line Items (Formula, etc)
Anaplan allows users to quickly see cell change history for a given cell, which is great. As a model builder, I'd love to have a similar functionality to easily Show History for line items - formula changes for sure, but ideally also changes in format, dimensions, and summary methods, along with the name of the user making…
Plan IQ - forecast action failed
Hello, I'm attempting to run Plan IQ, but the forecast action status is set to fail, with the following description: 1 Line Item identifier(s)…
Ability to use oAuth2.0 authentication for GCP via CloudWorks
Do we currently have any workaround available to use OAuth2.0 authentication to Google Big Query rather than Service Account key? There are lot of security constraints involved around using service account key. Please share your insights.
How to Become an Anaplan Certified Model Builder
Certified Model Builders are a key component of the Anaplan ecosystem. They have experience manipulating data in spreadsheets and running data analyses with large data sets, as well as modeling in Excel or other multi-dimensional modelling tools. Successful Model Builders will have years of supporting FP&A or Sales finance…
8.5.3 Activity: Import Data into Volume Inputs Module
Dear all, I am having trouble importing data with selecting the source for Target No.4 which is REV02 Volume Inputs Line Items. I have tried all options on the drop down menu on the left (refer attachment). Pls advise or comment. Thanks.
Sprint 3 4.4 Model Build Specifications
This data file includes the Account to Territory assignments. Download: CYW Scenario Territory to Accounts.csv I have uploaded this to the G4 list but may I know what i should use as the code? There are a duplicated account and i know the purpose of some of the formula in the modules is to catch that one. But I haven't…
Sprint 3 allocating annual sales to quarter
May I know if i set anything wrong? I have checked the historical quartler revenue which is the same as instructed. But the outcome % is different I have 24.52% for Candyate (120580/491779) While the instructions 24.47% (137,288/561,150) May I know what might be the reason? Thanks
L3 sprint 2 2.3.1 QUO01 Territory Account Validation
May I know why is the excel file Download: CYW Scenario Territory to Accounts.csv provided only in 4.4 but in 2.3.1 we already need to use the territory to accounts mapping? I am a bit confused about the business logics here… Thanks.
Tenure SY07 Sales Rep Details
Hi, I am not really sure why the tenure doesn't show for the other periods?
How to summarize the data
→ May i know how to summarize the data for the flat List without top level in anaplan →Also the ways to show the summary data for flat list without toplevel
Password Complexity
My company has a default minimum password length of all services of 12 characters, and ideally 14. It would be great if we could parameterise the password settings in Anaplan to force use to use more characters than the current 8 minimum. The current view is that an 8 character password can be broken in 8 hours, a 14…
How to populate a line item using formula with correct time scale in weeks.
Future year sales⬇️ Last year Sales ⬆️ I have two modules SYS9 Last year sales in which I have uploaded values by importing data and other module SYS10 FY22, FY23 & FY24 sales in which uplift value or % which is applied on previous sales value to give the future year sales value. In SYS10 module I have a line item Previous…
Model history api endpoint
As a integration admin, i d need to be able to access to the model history through an api endpoint and in the model This is required in order to - listen to models actions and check if / whenservicess outside anaplan should be triggered - extract for audit purposes the history of anaplan model and expose it to auditors or…
L3 Sprint 1 2.2 Baseline Financial Forecast csv file upload
Hi, I am unsure what is going on with my time settings. I have tried every single way to format the time and date but did not work. My time is set as This is my Module looks like This is my csv file date column and format looks like This is my mapping and time format looks like What format should I use that would upload…
sys06 country details wrongly constructed
Hello, I think my SYS06 in the data hub is not correctly built: Could someone guide me to correct this?
Difference in digits displayed
I noticed that while exporting or copying the decimal data, the last digit doesn't get exported/copied. Can someone let me know if there is any limitation in the number of digits exported after decimal. As per Anaplan While exporting
Line Item名がすべて表示されない
moduleでLine Itemを作成をしている時に、画像のように、ラインアイテム名の表示幅が足りないので途中までの表示となってしまう。 長いLine Item名を改行してすべて表示をさせる、もしくは表示幅を伸ばす方法はありますか?
Adjustment Calculation- solved
4.6.4 Sales Planning Model: A2 List
A2 Account>Product#リストをDatahubからインポートをするときにSYS14 Create Account>ProducのValid?でフィルターを行ったSavedViewを使用しています。 A2 Account>Product#リストへリストメンバーは追加されるのですが「Error parsing key for this row; no values」のエラーが発生しています。 このエラーの回避方法を教えてほしいです。
Log Function
Regarding the function marked in red in the attached capture, which allows users to set the Show/Hide permissions for each user via checkboxes, I understand that there is no log function that allows us to check WHO set the permissions, WHEN, and HOW. We would greatly appreciate it if you could add such log function.Thank…
If you want custom enamel badges?
Custom badges are a great method for people to express who they are. They can be a simple method to convey something they adore or important personal information like thanks to Custom enamel badges can be used to show support for various social causes or favorite bands, among other things.