Allow tenant administrator to add/delete workspaces
Hello, Currently we have to reach out to our account manager if we have to add/remove workspace or reallocate any space between workspaces. Is it possible that Tenant admins are given this functionality?
Full deletion of historic users in Tenant Admin
Hi, currently within Tenant Admin, this shows all the users who have ever had access to your Workspaces. You can disable them on Tenant, and delete their licence within the main Anaplan platform for your Workspaces, but you can't currently fully delete these users on Tenant (as far as I'm aware!) I would like the ability…
Setting time as forward 52 week
Hello, For my model, planning cycle we look at it forward 52 week. The planning cycle start at the beginning of each quarter. so if we are in Q2 2024, 52 weeks will be from Q2 2024 - Q1 2025 I see option to set week as calendar type but for planning year, I can only select complete year. The only option I have is to select…
Track Page Usage by User and Model Role
It would be great to be able to see which pages are most utilized by our users. This would allow us to be more strategic with future page building, while also allowing us to remove pages that are no longer being used, thereby reducing clutter for end users when navigating between pages. Having the ability to view these…
NUX quick sum selection cannot exceed 1000 entries
When quick sum in NUX are performed for over 1000 entries then no sum are displayed, due to "Your selection exceeds the amount of data that can be retrieved from the server". In the classic dashboards up to 10000 entries could be displayed. This might protect performance, but some users are concerned on transitioning into…
Change fiscal year without losing Data
Hi Everyone, Is there a workaround to change the fiscal year of a model without losing the data? My colleagues made their planning in a model that has timesettings for 2018, but they want to change the Fiscal Year to 2019. is this possible without erasing their data (which is manual input)? The Model only knows the current…
Timedimension while exporting a module in .csv file
I am facing an issue when trying to export a module in .csv format. I have setup a Time Range that has 2 Periods and have available aggregations set as Total of All. In a Module I have this Time Range (which is in periods - Jan 20/Feb 20/etc...) in column and when I am exporting the module as a .csv file in the .csv file…
Line Items: Are there more than 50 line items in a module?
When is this a problem? When any module includes more than 50 line items. Why is this a problem? It goes against the best practice, which is to not include more than 50 line items in a module. How to correct: Break up the module into separate modules, especially if any of the line items use subsidiary views.
What does an Anaplan model Builder do?
Ans;-Your job is to unlock the power of the Anaplan platform. You will design and build your Anaplan models, prepare the data to serve your end-users, and deliver a fantastic user experience that drives Anaplan adoption. This tailor-made onboarding site serves to provide you with the information you need to be successful.
Bill of Material Explosion - Best Practice
Hi, Pondering my head around a Supply Chain use case where a bill of material explosion is required with an undefined amount of steps to get to the lowest level. This should be an iteration where an SKU can have a one level explosion or up until 6 levels of bill of material. What is the best practice of Anaplan to set this…
- check your work numbers are out (most likely Dem03)
Hi team, Working through the level 2 model builder course and have hit a snag. My Dat03 Historic values is populated and working as intended with the forecast year pulling the value from the previous year I believe my demand forecast is also working as intended with FY21 pulling from FY20 My issue is my final forecast is…
Multi-Dimensional Sorting for Hierarchical Lists
We need a way to sort hierarchical lists by multiple dimensions. Currently, Anaplan's 'Sort Order Action' for hierarchical lists only allows sorting by parent or by child, which limits our flexibility. Problem Statement:Currently, when working with hierarchical lists, the sorting functionality is limited to a single…
Use of Generative AI for planning functions
Hello There, I wanted to bring to your attention the potential enhancement of incorporating Generative AI into the planning function within the Anaplan platform. The integration of Generative AI capabilities has proven to be valuable in various business sectors, and it's an aspect that warrants consideration within the…
Anaplan Models Not Opening Up/Loading
I am having multiple models not being able to open up in different workspaces. It's stuck on the loading screen and I can't even access production models.
Save a custom palette of colors for use in UX pages
Most companies have brand-specific colors they use for fonts, icons, logos etc. When implementing building pages in Anaplan I attempt to use their colors where possible (and reasonable). UX page builders can currently pick from a set of colors for body text fonts, or even specify the hex value for a specific one (which is…
Setting current time period
This guide will walk through the Time setting in Anaplan models, as well as some best practice recommendations on automating the current time period to simplify formulas and dashboard views. The Time setting is a critical component of the model structure and should factor in long-term objectives and the purpose of a new…
Actual to Forecast Line Chart Format
Hi Guys, Looking to create a simple line chart where I can view actuals in one colour followed by other versions in a separate colour. I would like to see actuals transition into forecast / budget starting from where actuals end and continuing into future time periods. This should be a simple formatting issue but I am…
Rolling NPV with timescale workaround
Author: Iain Briggs is a Certified Master Anaplanner and Associate Director at Lionpoint Group. One known limitation of Anaplan’s NPV function is that it calculates across the full timescale. However, a relatively common requirement in investment analysis is to generate a rolling NPV — in other words, to calculate the NPV…
Dynamic Cell Access
Hi, I need to apply two DCA in one single module. It is like I have done driver based planning and applied one DCA with that. Another DCA I need to apply is for approval. Like if a checkbox in one line item is approved then related module line items should get disabled. Can anyone please help? Thanks
TAR03 Country Account Calculationを使用するべきかどうか
本来ならば行うべきではないのかもしれませんが別の方法でユーザーストーリー1.7~1.10を解決してしまいました。 TAR03 Country Account Calculationのモジュールを使用せず、自分で新しくCALCモジュールを作成し計算をさせました。 そのためTAR03 Country Account Calculationのラインアイテムを作成できていないのですが、作成するべきでしょうか? また、作成するべきであれば添付ファイルのラインアイテムのどれがTAR03 Country Account Calculationのそれぞれのラインアイテムと等しいのかヒントを教えてほしいです。 例:TAR03 Country Account…
Power BI - Anaplan
I would like to propose integration between PBI to Anaplan. This will be really useful in many organizations.
Managing Hierarchy with members moving between levels
What are the ways of Hierarchy Managemnet when, list member are moving between levels? For e.g. the file we recieve from Third Party system, is used to create the hierarchy. This Data Module contains line items referring to various Levels L1, L2….. First Iteration of Data Import gives us say an L7 item with its respective…
Why am I receiving the error "Not a recognised line item or list member" in my example?
Hi Anaplan Community I have two modules (“Allocations Stage 3 Mktng Media Allocation Result” and “Allocated Expenses”) that I want to link together but I am getting the error “Not a recognised line item or list member”. Below is the blueprint of “Allocations Stage 3 Mktng Media Allocation Result” Below is the blueprint of…
Guidelines for model impacts when removing a user from a workspace
Removing a user from a workspace There are two different ways to prevent a user from seeing and accessing models: You can set the user's model role to "No Access." This is set on a model-by-model basis and will prevent the user from seeing the model on the Tiles screen, as well as completely preventing the user from…
how to average on roll up
I have a module where I have sales per country. I want to average sales and not add when I roll up to region or when I chose region from drop down. How can I do that?
- Add DCA to INV01 Inventory Ordering
I want the check boxes to appear the same way as desired output below. Any assistance would be valued. Week 1 & 2 (blue highlight) Week 1 shows the result when Submit Purchase Order Request? is NOT checked. Week 2 shows the result when Submit Purchase Order Request? is checked (however, in the example nothing is writable).…
Help on Selector
Say I have a module with multiple different items and each item has a sales amount, a corresponding sales region, customer, and line of business. I am trying to build a dashboard where I can view sales amount by customer, and then have sales region, line of business and other options as a filter. I have built a separate…
A conversation with Misbah Ansari — Journey | Anaplan Community Podcast
We’re kicking off our 2024 podcast season with a well-known Community name! Join host Kas Gengadaren (@KasG), Anaplan’s APAC Ecosystem Manager, as she interviews one of top Community members — Misbah Ansari (@Misbah), Certified Master Anaplanner, Anaplan Community Boss, Planual co-admin, and CEO and Founder at Miz Logix.…
How to review models and applications to drive improvement
Author: Andrew Martin (@andrew_martin_1), Operational Excellence Director at Anaplan. Overview Many stakeholders ask this question for different reasons. Examples include: A CoE leader needing comfort that best practices have been followed in the build A Solution Architect seeking affirmation that the architecture is the…
Level 2 Sprint 2 - Create DEM02 Volume Growth Rates by Week module
Hi Experts - I am trying to understnad the way to Get the Weekly value for the "DEM02 Volume Growth Rates by Week module ", from what I understand, based on the Montly Growth % in the DEM01 DEM02 has to sholw the weekly Growth %. And I intially tried to use the WEEKVALUE formula but that did not work and when looking at…