Account Assignment
Hello, I also have a question concerning assignment. I don't understand how it can be possible that an account may have more than one territory assignment. The account is unique and we assign a territory for it or change it but it remains only one territory by account from my understanding. Could you please explain what I…
Cloudwork export don't include the time stamp
Is there a way i could exclude the time stamp? i basically don't want anything that's from _January until 034607. Thanks.
My request to join Talent Builder Independent has been declined, what should I do?
Hi, I just got the Anaplan Way Course Certificate. I fullfill all the listed requisites as well, but the request to join the Talent Builder Independent Program was declined. I'm wondering if I did something wrong. Is there any chance of requesting, or getting these 90 days free trial access without having to wait 30 days?
Data Validation when using Anaplan API
One thing i've found quite challenging when doing API implementations (and at this point i've done well into my 20s of these) is, what is the best way to validate that my API calls are properly working? Specifically - how can I validate that file uploads are pushing in the right data? There are so many different variables…
Export with different dimensions
Hello, I am trying to make an export. In my Export, I need to show on a column category Int and category Ext (both on same column). The problem that I have is that the domensions that I need to use for this information are in the Children of my dimension. Let me make a scheme; Dimension A - the one I have to use Dimension…
How to return null value for a list formatted line item
Is there a elegant way to do that? currently i am using one column to return text value and another column to find back the item. Because it won't allow me to enter if in tier = True then Item(Tenure) else "" because "" is not in the list of Tenure.
4.5.1 Activity: Rename Organization List, what to do:
Hello I am trying do the the Model 1 Lesson 4 but I am stuck. 4.5.1. In the model you are building, click the Lists icon on the model settings bar to open the General Lists tab. This allows you to see all of the Lists included in the model. When a new model is created, the Organization list is created by default. This list…
Cloudworks export to azure blob container
Is it possible to define the export to a folder directory within the blob container? Currently i can dump it into the container (i.e., not to a specific folder in the container) Thank you
workspace apply
Hi everyone, I am an Anaplan self-starter. But as of now, I don't have a free workbench. So much so that I can't do modeling etc. I hope someone who knows can tell me. Thanks to all!
Average of active months
Hi, I have a module which shows asset values on a quarterly basis. For terminated products, the current asset values are nil. However, instead of showing nil, I want to show the average asset value when in existence. In my module there is a line item for product status and this can be active, liquidating, terminated but…
Level 1 Model Building SYS08 Employee Details Import Issue
I am trying to import Employee details but country is not linked. Is there something I'm missing or should consider?
Not sure Why FY20 selector is not visible
Avoid creating duplicate items in list when importing from a versioned module
I have a process that creates keys and values in a list based on if a key has a non-zero value in a source module. The source module is versioned and some key value pairs could be zero for some versions and non-zero for others. The list finally has to have all key value pairs that have non-zero values in at least one…
Page Selector on the top of the grid in New UX
Is it possible to add page selectors on the top of the module/grid in new UX (same as in classic DB)? As of now, page selectors are available on the top right of the page OR at the bottom of the module/grid. Inconvenience with page selectors on the top is publishing several grids with different dimensions and all page…
Maximize cards on Boards
It would be great if we could have a functionality when setting up boards, where the user is able to maximize a card by clicking on the title header instead of searching for the maximize icon on the right. This will enable us to display forms / tables in the "hide card preview" mode, which can be easily expanded when the…
Anaplan for Financial Consolidation Use Case
Dear Anaplan Community, When implementing Anaplan solution for consolidation, what are factors that needs to be accounted. We have taken into the * Complexity of the calculations, * Data sources (Local / International) * # Of Entities * Account mapping * Currency Translation * Intercompany matching and eliminations *…
Import Financial Transaction Data
I have a financial transaction file I receive every night. This file contains multiple rows that contain the exact same data in each field. Is there a way to import these rows without failing the duplicate checks?
Circular Reference Problem
Hi All, I am having a circular reference issue in my calculation. Module A : Is dimensioned by Cost category List, Cost Center List, Time and Custom version List. (source module for forecast) Module B: Contract List and Time and Custom version List. (source module for Actuals) Module C: Is dimensioned by Cost category…
unable to match forecast demand from example in training for module INV01 Inventory Ordering. Week2
hi i am unable to match forecast demand from example in training for module INV01 Inventory Ordering. Week2 FY20 has different value. My work—- Example in training—
changing color
getting the error: "Dimension of mapping used for lookup doesn't match any dimension of the result"
I am doing level 1 model building(Activity-9.2.5 Activity: Add Formulas to Price Growth Rates Staging Module) When i try to enter the formula for the lineitem 'Unit Price %' i get the following error- "Dimension of mapping used for lookup doesn't match any dimension of the result" . My Formula- 'REV04 Price Growth…
Data Export Tabular Single Column
Hi all, I want to export a table format without the page dimention (which is essentailly the red and green as below) But when i choose Tabular Single Column, It gives me a lot of columns that didn't exist in my original saved view and made my csv from 70mb to 2gb. These appeared in the labels tab which are the info i don't…
Action for Deleting an empty row in UX after running the process
Hello community, I have been working on creation of the group wherein employees roll up to a particular super group below are the 2 Screenshot in detail. Current Process: Below is when enter all the details and click on action called "Create Super Group" the new employee with its Super Group code is added to the below Grid…
Show Reset Page button next to the Context Selector
The Reset Page button provides more functionality and is useful for our Users. However, it is hidden in the more options accessed via '…'. It would be great if it can be exposed next to the Context Selectors Ability to hide the current Reset button to avoid confusion.
Need 90 days trial access
Need 90 days trial access for model building and practice
The Anaplan Way: Essential documents for implementation
Author: Laiza Tagumpay is a Certified Master Anaplanner, former Customer Success Business Partner at Anaplan in the Philippines, and is now a Solution Architect at an implementation partner in Canada. The Anaplan Way (TAW) follows an agile approach emphasizing speed, adaptability, and iteration. However, this can sometimes…
How to check how hierarchy will change before implementing
Hello, Does anyone have a quick way to check in the Data Hub, of what the impact to spoke models will be? Example: I have a 5 level hierarchy in my Spoke model and I create the codes in Data Hub. Then I can export to build the relevant lists. We want to change the hierarchy mappings in the Data Hub as business needs…
Provide capability to import blank values for dates and list formatted line items
I would like the capability to blank out cells. This is not currently possible without clearing target before import. Description of the enhancement required: Ability to blank out cells without clearing the entire module each time An example of the enhancement: During the upload, there is an option which allows user to…
Option to Zoom in and out of the Anaplan Modelling screen
When to view numbers or check closely some numbers it would be great to have the option of zoom in and zoom out on the Anaplan window page for all the modules, list and tab would be very helpful to the modelers
Option to select multiples users in the Users tab
To replicate a users rights to new users , it would be great to have the option to select multiple users via filter so that the required 2-3 users can be in view on the page and copy paste can be easily done. Also option to filter users name alphabetically would be beneficial