Locale Change
THe basic functionality which i feel Anaplan lacks is selection of Locale and change of Locale . For example, if User logins into Anaplan and Selects the Locale to be French/ German/Spanish irrespective of the Location he visits he sees both Master Data and the Heading of Anaplan in the local language. This will help…
New graph options in Anaplan
Hi , I am writing to vet my idea of upgrading existing graphs of Anaplan. I feel that current graphs are basic and sometime restrict the use of Anaplan or does not allow end user to perform necessary analytical inferences. I think so Anaplan should bring Graphs like "Tree Map" , "Ribbon Charts", "Geographical charts". This…
Level 2 - Sprint 1 Activity Check your work - not getting data as expected Check Your Work After completing the import processes, the G3 Location:Distribution Center? is missing
Formula related to ITEM() in the same List
Hi Everyone, I am trying to summarise and collect data from numbered list input module. I want the formula in the Item "COGS" in the COA list to refer to Item "Revenue" also in the COA list but in the input module. Line item is Amount (single line). Appreciate your ideas and suggestions. Thank you
10.2.2 Lesson - Level 01
Hi everyone. I'm having a problem importing the data in this task. The numbers do not seem to respect the decimal places in the file My import: Expected: My number format: I can't see where i'm going wrong
Cancel a code change to avoid waiting
When we do a code change and the code has an error, we can wait for several minutes on some models when we understood that the code contains an error. It would be good to have the ability to cancel it using [Esc] button or something to avoid waiting.
Solve Linear Equations for multiple variables
Hi - One of the business requirements will require me to solve the linear equations with multiple variables - does Anaplan has any functionality of how that can be achieved? To give more details, our client has the requirement of regression with multiple causals (Say 5). This means we need to solve for 5 independent…
New Academy badging for Certified Master Anaplanners and Solution Architects!
The Anaplan Academy is thrilled to share some exciting news with you! In response to your valuable feedback and to enhance the recognition of your achievements, the Academy is thrilled to announce the launch of our highly anticipated Anaplan Certification Badge, designed to showcase your expertise in Anaplan and provide…
Look up no working
Hi Community. I have the following couple of models. In green you'll find the dimensions and in yellow the line items. I need based on the Rank from module 1, to pull the geo into module 2. Thanks.
Matrix Inverse using Optimizer
In the following article, we will discuss how to use Anaplan Optimizer to compute Matrix Inverse. Matrix Inverse as a functionality can be used to solve a Multi Linear Regression Problem in Anaplan. Using Matrix Inverse, we are going to solve the following Multi Linear Regression equation: Y = b0 + b1x1 + b2x2 + b3x3 +…
How to edit the display name property of a numbered production list in a deployed model?
I can add items to the production list but can't edit the display name. Ps. It's a deployed model
Multilevel Adjustments Removal of checkboxes
Hi Everyone,I am working on a requirement where the customer wants adjustments at multiple levels and we are working with multiple hierarchies so there are a lot of combinations (total level combinations also needed). Now at the dashboard level the user comes in and selects levels from dropdowns and then clicks on a…
Track Filter dependencies
Filter dependency should also be considered in module to not miss any referenceability.. this will help technical team immensely!
Option to export conditional formatting in export to xls
Description of the enhancement: Add an option to include conditional formatting in exports to xls
LOOKUP not behaving as expected on production list
Hi all, I'm trying to understand why using LOOKUP on custom versions from a SYS Constants module isn't behaving the same as SELECT. I recently converted all of our custom version lists to production lists to help save space in the DEV/UAT model. As part of that change, I updated all SELECT statements referencing custom…
Splitting out a text field using a delimiter
Hi Everyone. Just wondering if anyone had managed to find a way to split a text field out to show all characters to the left or right of a delimiter, rather than a specific number of characters. (Similar to the way it works in a Text to columns formula) We have had a change in our HR system, and for our Egypt staff their…
How do I do this? Create Forecast Periods Saved View In the model, open the OTH01 Non Employee Expe
How do I do this? Create Forecast Periods Saved View In the model, open the OTH01 Non Employee Expenses module. Create a new saved view: Filter: Forecast Months only Save and name the view: Forecast Periods When there are no versions used? or am I missing something?
Rank Error with Multiple Dimensions/Lists
I am building a module that is ranking the Cost Centers for the Corporate segment based on the amount of Expenses per Employee (USD) that it has accumulated in 2023 for the Travel & Entertainment account and the Employee Relations account separately. The time dimension includes YTD, QTD, and Month. I want the rank to…
How to Bring in Value from Other Module
Hey Everyone, I've been working on Anaplan going on a year and still working to build on my modeling skills. I ran into an issue with a live production module we have. I have two modules I'm dealing looking at: Module A - Dimensioned by tiers (Range for achievement bounds), E1(Employee list) subset on a component type and…
Source Model view model labels
In the Source Models view, when you change the name of a model being sourced, the name change does not carry through to the Source Models view. This can cause confusion. Can we have the Source Models view reflect the updated Model names being sourced.
Community perspective: Monitor activity in your models using an action log
Model actions are a useful tool when it comes to automating routine tasks in Anaplan. They enable a wide range of applications such as data integration, list management, or model maintenance. To keep track of action-related activity in a model, we can rely on the Start Date and Time (UTC) column in the Actions pane: A…
1:1 allocations in dependent Line Items
Hi, im quite new to Anaplan, so I do not know several features. I want an 1:1 allocations from a List to a List/Module Im working with Line Item Dependency, that works so far, that only child items can chosen from the same parent. But what doesn't work is that I mustn't select multiple times the same item. i tried with a…
List Hierarchy Update Failure
Hi All, I am trying to update a composite list hierarchy with 2 levels they are both Numbered List. In the source module the List being imported are NOT a numbered List only in the PROD model it is set to a Numbered List. Here is the Parent List and Code is concatenated with _L1 Below is the child list that Rolled up to…
How to Apply Filter in a module with respect to Dynamic Time filter
Hi, So I ran into a situation where we had provided User specific Dynamic Time filter for Months/Quarters/Year. Now I want to Display only Non-zero Values in my Module W.r.t the Dynamic Time Filter. So, If I select Quarter FY25 then only those line items should appear which has values and when I change the Dynamic Time…
Returning a Blank in a IF THEN ELSE statement involving a list
Hi, I am looking for a way to return a blank for an IF THEN ELSE formula involving a list: IF x AND y AND z THEN Values to lookup[LOOKUP: Mapping] ELSE Return a Blank The Return a Blank part is what I am having an issue with. I can't use 0 or "Null" as the format of the line item is a list, is there a way to return a blank…
Hello! How to set value as TRUE based on other line item value
Hi everyone, I'm wondering if someone could help me with this. I would like create module like picture below. I have general list "Summary SKU" and "Detail SKU". These general list are not having parent-child hierarchy for each other. Then, in Line Item "Delete Detail SKU", user will check the Detail SKU they want to…
Setting up dynamic list of values
Hi We have a requirment as below. We are setting up a General List to track the consumption of hardwares at different sites in the world. There are two columns in this general list. One is Combination which can have three values (Region/Country/Site). The next column is Combination_Name. The idea is based on the value…
Case - % Increase on Previous List Item
Hi All, I am working on one use case where need to calculated the value on the basis of previous list item. Module doesn't have a time dimension. But I've created mapping module to identify the previous item. Please see below screenshot for your reference. Final Value = Previous (final Value)* % increase. Can you suggest…
Forecast Phasing with Adjustment Issue
Hi All, I have a module that I am trying to do a phasing . (a) Forecast Amount: have an even spread amount as (current best guess) and Total spending amount for FY23 is 22,000. (b) In the Adjustment Line: I want to enter an adjustment for certain months with a new amount (Due to the knowledge of certain month will incur…
How to forecast the data in anaplan?