Level 1 Lesson 13.3.1
For some reason, I don't see the button "Create an app". I wonder if it's because if I have not been given the Page Builder role.
Model Building activity completion - Is it mandatory
Hi Team, I’ve completed most of the model-building tasks, except for the UX pages and employee expense module due to time constraints and an error. For the exam, should I reference my built model when answering questions, or I can use the model created for the exam purpose? I'm a bit confused—please advise. Thanks, Baskar
DAT01 Beginning Inventory data issue
Hi, I am currently working on Inventory Ordering Module Formulas and just realized that my 'DAT01 Beginning Inventory' is showing funny numbers. I can see the number 845,329 is the total value of beginning inventory. I tried to find out the cause in the community but I could not find the answer. Can anyone help to…
Spread Function - Divide by numbers with decimals
Hello, we are using the spread function for bookings to revenue conversion. We would like to be able to spread by a non-whole number of periods, i.e. 51.6. Currently this is a constraint on this function. Can this be changed to allow numbers with decimals?
Excel Add-in: Refresh connection without requiring Preview when list items are sorted
I have a saved view which applies a sort-order format to the list dimension in the rows. The view also filters out items which have a zero balance. The sort order and values change depending on the dimension in the selector dropdown, so the number of list items and their sorted order changes depending on the dimension…
Improve the governance around assets
Set up a governance around adding and maintaining images. Limiting access, approval flow, etc. to manage that the correct and the same images are use across all models. Trace where the images are used. With a large number of models and apps it is difficult to check the usage. For maintaining the list and preserving the…
Display which UX Pages Actions have been published to (per existing classic dashboard functionality)
Hi Anaplan - I was hoping that, similar to what is already done for classic dashboards, there could be a column in the Actions tab which indicates which UX Pages each Action and Process has been published to. This would be massively beneficial (as inferred by its existence for classic dashboards), and seems to have been…
Excel Add-in: drag and drop dimensions, view line item formula, keep only/exclude
Please add the following features into the Anaplan Excel Addin - 1) Ability to pivot by dragging and dropping members within the spreadsheet rather than clicking on pivot and filter. 2) Ability to drill down a hierarchy by double-clicking in the spreadsheet 3) Ability to extract just one data intersection using some…
Event recording available! Implementing with Polaris
If you missed our event yesterday, Implementing with Polaris, a recording is now available. In this event, Jonathan Goldsmith (@E2EJonathan), CoE Leader from NVIDIA, and Stephen Rituper (@Stephen), Head of the Operational Excellence Group at Anaplan, hosted a dynamic discussion exploring their experience in implementing…
Model Map Enhancements
Hi is there anything coming on Model maps? 1..would like a menu system on the model map to choose a specific module for analysis then choose links in, links out or both 2..I would like to stop the model map automatically building a map for the entire model as this can take ages. Sometimes we hit the button in error Thank…
Make Dev and Prod models look different enough to distinguish at a glance
To make navigation and testing easier and to prevent accidental work in the wrong environment. Right now, there's generally just a drop down to switch between dev and prod. If Anaplan can make a major distinguishing marker between these environments, it would help the user to know where they are at all times either in the…
Import to numbered List
Hi People, I want to import transactional data into the model from excel csv file. I formed a numbered list, where I am importing this csv file, identifying the unique key by using a combination of properties, but there are other columns that are not forming part of the combination. (basically, those are values/number…
History - Anaplan
Hi everyone! The use case we are trying to achieve is that an end user should be able to quickly check history at any given point ; currently only 24hrs is enabled or the model history at the back end ; what we would like to do is get the source data from anaplan and model it with an AI ( kind of a chatbox e.g KOREAI) ;…
Level 1 Lesson 12.4.4
I think there is something wrong with the material. This is what I've got. This is what the material says. I applied the filter already for forecast months only. 😉 Why is there a discrepancy?
下記のようなグリッドを作りたいです。コード対応するテキストを表示したいのです。 どのようなリスト構成?にすればいいでしょうか。いま、”111_choco"みたいなものを作っていて、美しくないのです。
Anaplan & Fluence Connection
Does anyone know how the connection between anaplan and fluence works… or can point me in the right direction for documentation?
Level 3 - Ask the Stakeholders - Designating Sales Reps to Accounts Process Questions
Level 3 - Ask the Stakeholders Designating Sales Reps to Accounts Process Questions This forum is for asking the stakeholders of the Unicorn Candy Company questions about the Designating Sales Reps to Accounts Process. The Anaplan Academy team will be monitoring this forum during US Central standard business hours. Please…
Filter on Context Selector Of Report Pages in New UX
We we create a page with multiple slides and each grid in those have same same context selector. Please enable an option to put filter on the context selector.
Trying to get .xlsx from Anaplan Connect but comes out as csv
I have an export that I am trying to run through anaplan connect 4.2.1 however it is causing some issue When I run the export direct in anaplan, it comes out directly as an .xlsx file, but in anaplan connect its format is .xlsx but excel won't open it, and if I rename the extension to .csv, it opens correctly. So it seems…
CF for Year Totals
Folks, native NUX does not offer a highlight option for Year Totals (that i can find) so i am left to use CF for each line item using a CF Year marker to then colour code the year total data. Trouble is this is way too much work for every line item and of course some data does not aggregate across TIME, leaving the CF…
How to remove the New line / Line break Character
Looking for a solution to remove the line break or new line character from the text formatted line item editable by end users. reading the text from the user editable line item to another line item, in the process want to replace new line character if any from the text. Because of New Line character the data while being…
Can some one help me determine why my numbers are wrong?
My numbers are above This is what Anaplan shows
Include logs for Model Level Changes such as Renaming
In as much detail as possible, describe the problem or experience related to your idea. Please provide the context of what you were trying to do and include specific examples or workarounds: Someone has changed a model name which has inadvertently broken our integrations as the name is referenced in code. While this was…
条件分岐式(IF構文)で NameにNullがあればや、Aが付くなら、など 完全一致ではなく、部分一致で条件を分岐させたいのですが、 Anaplanのあいまい検索式はありますか?
7.2.3 Activity: Import Data into Employee Details Module
When importing data into the SYS08 Employee Details module, my end results looks like the second photo when the goal is the first. I have imputed the correct mapping, and manually mapped the employee detail line items as well as changed the date format to YYYYMMDD. I'm not sure what the error is, I keep getting the error…
Hierarchy Management on NUX
With the New Hierarchy Card for the Dashboard it would be good to use it as a Hiearchy Management Tool. Where an user can make changes to a hierarchy… either with a drop down in the Node to change parent or unattach and reattach. From there if its a Ragged Hiearchy that there is a process that could create a level…
Level 1 Lesson 12.4.3
I wonder why I got a slight variance to the results shown. This is what I got. This is what the chapter says.
I am kinda stuck at sprint 3 level 2 INV01 formulas, please check formulas and help me with changes
this is expected result this is my result formulas used - Beginning Inventory - IF 'SYS01 Time Settings By Week'.'Not 1st Week of Timescale?' THEN PREVIOUS(Ending Inventory) ELSE 'DAT01 Beginning Inventory'.Beginning Inventory Forecast Demand - 'DEM03 Demand Forecast'.Final Forecast Reorder Flag - OFFSET(Ending Inventory,…
Loading file in Deployed Mode with same name in Actions "Import Data Sources"
Hi, For the past few years, I was able to load files manually in the Actions pane's "Import Data Sources" by loading a file with the same name. Usually it fails the 1st load, but works the 2nd load. I try doing this method today and this does not work anymore. I tried 2 browsers and tried removing cookies and no success.…
上期・下期の数値を現在の値と比較したいのですが、現在versionの数値と特定versionの数値の比較は特定versionを指定出来ない為出来ておりません。 どうすれば特定versionを指定できますか?