Export the Drill Down grid
It would be a great help for the user, if he is able to export/or copy the grid from the drill down, for example if we drill down on the cell in new UX we get all the values that contributes to the calculation, and if the count of the drill down goes over 100 values it gets difficult to analyze the data, neither we can…
Import Shipping Expenses into OTH01 Module error
Hello! I face the problem while importing described below in picture My saved view and the import selections are below Could you please help me to understand what I am doing wrongly? Thank you, Anton
Level 2 - 2.3.91
Good Morning. Please could you give me some pointers? I'm not sure what this error means?
Multiple Imports in same process Using Anaplan Connect
Hi All, I have 50 files in similar format but for different entities and different file names. Now, i only need one process to import these and the same is set up using "entity 1" and works perfect when using dashboard action. Now I created a Anaplan connect import script with 50 different file names & File path's and…
Exam 1 Import
Hello I am having an issue importing
Hello I am running into an error while importing
I am having trouble importing please help
I am having trouble importing data. It keeps giving me this error but I know I have the mapping correct
I am having trouble importing data into REV01. I follow the learning page and map it correctly but some reason it says that my G3 list has no items but I know it does.
4.8.2 is giving me an error saying invalid parent. I mapped it none to E2 department column 3 dept code to parent column 2 code to code column 9 active to e2 employee active column 1 employees to display name please help
visualization problem when exporting as PDF
Hello, I have a page in the new UX, with several dashboard. I want to export the all page in PDF. But some figures don't appear correctly in the PDF file while they appear correctly in Anaplan. I don't know why, it happens here only for the negative figures. Is there a way to avoid this problem ?
I keep getting an error I am not sure what I am doing wrong please help
I am very messed up on my Anaplan Module. When I import the data I follow the example exactly but then I get an error saying Invalid name
I am running into some weird errors while importing
I had a few problems with this one. First I am not sure what to put for the time, then once I imported I got many errors.
It gives an error message when importing saying another row has already been imported with this key and Invalid name
Synchronize filters across tables in Excel add-in
Add ability to synchronize filters across tables in Excel add-in. Working with the Excel add-in and extracting data from different modules, some of the filters across the different extracts overlap. A good example hereof is forecast cycle or specific versions. Currently, we have to change the forecast cycle in each sheet…
Show/hide data labels for end users on a chart card
It could be great if end users can have the choice to show/hide data labels on a chart cards, or as an option for export. we think it's more ergonomic to hide them on a board and display the tooltips. However, this poses a problem when a user wants to export the chart card because he does not have this option.
Excel Add In 3.2 Last Refresh cell
In Excel Addin 3.2, the 'Last Refresh' cell has been moved, adding a new row before the data compared to 3.0. There should be an option to keep the old format. This will allow users to upgrade from 3.0 to 3.2 where they have many formulas referencing data in a row which would be moved.
I am having an error with importing to rev1. Check photos
Custom Time Mapping
Hi Community, If the client has a custom time dimension file how would you go about mapping this file into Anaplan and then dynamically sum the sales by region by account by product by month? Find example data set below. I would normally do a custom time mapping to map from the clients time to Anaplan inherent time period…
Activity 11.3.2 Import data into P&L Actual & Budget - not working
Hi, I have been trying to import data into the DATA01 P&L Actual & Budget Module with no success. I have also checked the Example model and noted that there is no data in this module - I am not sure why? Please see my mapping screenshots Please help as I am stuck
7.2.3 mapping errors
I am having trouble mapping but can not figure out what I am doing wrong. I manually put in the dates for start and leave in the format YYYYMMDD as well. Can anyone help me get past this point without errors? Thank you.
Level 1 Model Building Lesson 10 - Import Data
Hello, I encountered a mapping issue when I tried to import the Employee drivers into the model. The source data has no time period but the mapping requires a time period. How do I fix this? Appreciate your help! Many Thanks Rachael
"error parsing key for this row no values" error while Importing a list from a list in another model
Hi I do not have a module setup for an import of the list from another list from other model. and I get this error 'error parsing key for this row no values'. How can I get rid of this error. Thanks in advance!
Data import error in Level1 training
Hi. I receive the below error when uploading the Employment Details csv file. It doesn't refer to a particular part of the mapping, so I have a hard time figuring out where to find the issue. My mapping setting is as follows. Can you please help?
API Python Workspace and Model IDs
Hello, I have successfully setup my Python environment. I did have a question around a specific requirement. https://community.anaplan.com/t5/Best-Practices/Using-Python-3-with-the-Anaplan-API/ta-p/33150 From the above link, I have tried the “get models”, “get modelinfo”, and “getworkspaces” Python scripts. What I am…
Importing User Data For Selective Access with multiple Items
Hello, I'm trying to design a process to update my user access by importing user data from a module. It works for the most part, except when one user needs access to multiple items in a selective access list. I've tried importing the list items as "Property 1, Property 2", but I get an error "Item not located in Property…
- Import Data into Historic Volumes Module
Am i right to assume the formatting of the volumn line item is incorrect?
Unsupported Media Type : POSTMAN
Hi, I am trying to upload a ".csv" file into Anaplan using Postman. Below is the API used. PUT https://api.anaplan.com/2/0/workspaces/((workspace_id}}/models/{{model_id}}/files/{{file_id}} But it is throwing an error of "Unsupported Media Type". Below images(also uploaded) are the configurations used. Can someone help me…