Urgent help assistance
Hi Friends, I am struck with a difficult situation. I have Module 1 and this is the Data Hub and the Date is stored in Text Format. Every quarter I need to pull the data and make it look like Module 2. Now my problem is as the Date is in Text Format, I was trying to find the current year. By converting Text to Number and…
Requesting a serious help
Hi Friends, I want to create an Action process. That will automatically import the current year data. Please assist me in this.
Time out issues with Anaplan Connect v1.4.4 console while importing LARGE files
New to Anaplan, loading large volumes of historical transactional data to support multiple models. We have a clean structure and the process "works" but virtually every import into the module has our session in the console timeout. It appears that the file has loaded successfully, but when the console times-out, I lose…
is there an API Endpoint for all listed import errors?
@jesse_wilson Is there an API endpoint for all import errors? For example, a user can get these types of errors when importing to a model: no items in a list, failed cells, and unmapped line items, etc. I've automated imports with a custom script. I've now purposefully introduced errors into my imports so they fail and…
Mapping numbered lists during module to module import
Hi all, Seems like this should be a straightforward one, but I can't figure it out.. I am trying to import data from one model into another model, using numbered lists. The Source module and Target module (which are in two separate models) both have a list called 'Towns' as a dimension. This list is a numbered list, but…
Excel Add-In tab does not appear
Hi All, I am a new user of Anaplan. This is the first time I try to install Excel Add-in. I have followed all the steps required, up to the point I can see Anaplan Excel Add-In appeared in the Active Application Add-ins list, in Options window of Excel. I have tried checked/unchecked the box several times in the Excel…
Getting more detailed error messages for automated imports
I have a Python script that automates the import of a file to Anaplan: fileData = { "id" : "file_id_here", "name" : 'file_name_here', "chunkCount" : 1, "delimiter" : '"', "encoding" : "UTF-8", "firstDataRow" : 2, "format" : "txt", "headerRow" : 1, "separator" : "," } url =…
Anaplan CA Certificate: Are Sectigo a supported CA?
There's a guide here on procuring a CA Certificate from Sectigo: https://community.anaplan.com/t5/Releases/How-to-Use-Third-Party-Certificates-With-Anaplan/ba-p/49116 However Sectigo aren't on this list. Supported Root certificates:…
When saving a view ignore the case sensitivity
We have a 10-minute rollback sometimes and we are very careful to ensure formulae and entries are correct. The one annoying thing is case sensitivity on views. I had to wait 12 minutes because I saved a view as Customer Data and then saved as Customer data. It does not ask if you wish to replace and it does not allow the…
Import Data into SYS06 Product Details
1) Mapping Tab: I am confused as to what to insert in the time tab as in the course structure it was clearly given whether we want to import it as an actual or forecast data. But here whether to choose fixed time or Ask each time import is run? 2) Line Item tab: How to go back and check the target items having product…
Excel Add-In OLE Action
Hi All, I wanted to see if anyone has been encountering this issue with the Excel Add-In. Oftentimes members of my team will go into Excel, log into the add-in, and then the whole Excel Application feezes. It freezes for a few minutes and then comes up with a message box saying "Microsoft excel is waiting for another…
Import Pop-Up
Hi Team, A user has just started receiving a strange Pop-Up when they use Data - Import when within a Module Normally you start with the Select Source pop-up and move to the mapping items etc while this has no mapping items etc Is this due to access levels? Thanks User Upload Pop-Up Normal Upload Pop-Up
import action not grabbing latest data file
I have an import action for importing data into a module. I've created a process for this action and a button for the process published to a dashboard. When i click the button....sometimes I have to select the file to upload and sometimes I don't. The data in the flat file has changed but I don't see that reflected in the…
Filter by formula
I have a particular existing module. Now I want to create a new module which will only have the filter records. Please assist.
Delete record without saved view or filter
Hi Friends, I have a Module from which I want to delete the highlighted records. But without using filter or saved view. I can use any formula to do so. Is is possible by any chance? Kindly help me, if you had worked in a similar restriction.
History from Archived Model
Hi Guys, Does History still works on Archived models (Change the mode from archived to standard). I cannot retrieve data from the production model due to switchover for some cells and I would like to check it out from an archived model. Regards,
Importing a csv file - Question
Hello Anaplan experts! I am very new to Anaplan and am going through the courses to get my Level 1 certification. I am sure this is a vey silly question, but figured I would ask rather than keep spinning my wheels. I have a csv that is attached. I need to Import this file into a Geo Hierarchy, but am having trouble mapping…
L1MB-Part 8: Data Import For Rev
I'm not able to import the data correctly. The mapping of the columns seem off. I'm trying to use column headers for time but it keeps picking up the first column where it says Volume (See attached). Is this because the way I built the module (see screenshot)? Thanks, Kevin
Anaplan API WADL
Hi , We are looking to use the anaplan api with one of our ETL tools which allows us to setup a connection using a rest connection, however it's looking for a WADL. Is this something that exists or will we need to create this ourselves. Thanks D0nmac
Contents of import actions
For import actions it would be good to have a column in Imports tab. suggesting which of the source items(list or lineitems) are mapped to target. Not the natural mapping by anaplan but any thing which is manually mapped and saved rather than opening each action and figuring out.
Db2 integration with Anaplan
Hi All, We are planning to start to integrating data from Db2 into anaplan for planning. First i did not find any search results with Db2 so starting link in case any one ha earlier experience please share your inputs. Secondly, more specific question are their any anaplan recommended connectors for Db2? And third in case…
Line Item Data Connections
If a line item name changes in the source, keep the mapping in actions so that it pulls from the new line item name automatically.
Have the Docusign Add-In Update the Status of Documents Automatically or have an 'Update All' button
* Description: Currently, in the Docusign add-in, you have to manually click into each document and click on update to get the current status. This is painful if you have a lot of documents. * Example of Enhancement: The best solution would be to either have this automatically update regularly, or have an 'update all…
how to update list with hierarchies
i hv created a list with different properties and want to update some properties when end user done some changes in the property published on dashboard and same gets updated in the list. i hv created a system module with two line items same as property in the list and published on the dshboard. once user does some changes…
Excel Add-In Use Cases and Benefits — With Master Anaplanner Alessio Pagliano
Certified Master Anaplanners are Connected Planning pioneers, building industry best practices and shaping the way Anaplanners everywhere utilize Connected Planning solutions every day. They understand the possible and are passionate about helping set the direction of the platform This month, we're sharing insights from…
Model Building Level 2 Training - Import Issue
Hello, I am trying to upload data in OTH01 module of the FP&A model from INV05 in the supply chain model. Every thing looks perfect. I juste have a problem when matching the location. As you can see in the source module i have Mumbai as location while in the target module i have Bombay. Is it normal ? What module should i…
FAILURE_BAD_CREDENTIAL when executing curl command for authentication token
Hi, I'm following the Anaplan API and trying to create an authentication token. I'm using the command with my username and password included: curl -X POST --user YourUser.@anaplan.com:YourPassword https://auth.anaplan.com/token/authenticate However, when I run it I get an error message FAILURE_BAD_CREDENTIAL. I'm using the…
Import Data into SYS06 Product Details
I am having issues when I import, this is what I have done. Only one size gets imported
Bulk Copy over a selection of two or more dimensions
Dear all, Would be great to bulk copy data on a certain combination of dimensions: For example to copy the data of one Store to a specific other store but just for a selection of months and a specific version. And make it possible to create an action out of it; it would allow end-users to pre-populate a new Product, Store,…
SYS08 Importing data
Hi all. I've been constantly running into issues importing the employee details csv file. I'm going to attach the three things I am seeing on my screen. Was anyone successfully able to import data? Let me know how I can do this.