Automatically rollback the model if an action within a process fails
Description of the enhancement required: Process rollback upon failure. An example of the enhancement: If an action within a process fails, then all the prior actions that succeeded should be erased How would it help their business process: The fact that a process "half-way" runs and my end user doesn't tell me, has…
Ability to use Enter key for all confirmation dialog messages
Description of the enhancement required: Add shortcut for "clicking ok" within format changes. Typically enter. An example of the enhancement: A hotkey that gives an alternative to clicking the confirmation. How would it help their business process: I would like to start using more keyboard than mouse. Currently, that is…
Sorting items by code or name in number lists
Description of the enhancement: New items are added at the bottom of a list or at the bottom of a node when there is a Parent. How this enhancement will improve you processes: Re-ordering or sorting a list is a one-by-one manual operation that can be time consuming.
Increase limitation on the number of cells drilldown can handle
Description of enhancement requested: Currently the drill down feature has a limitation on the number of cells that can be shown which is an issue when the data I am utilizing has a significant amount of data. I have one division alone that has 200 departments and when I need to drill into that division to try to find why…
Rephrase action delete dialog so it is clear what is begin deleted from the model
A description of the enhancement requested: The customer would like the "Confirm Delete" message for deleting Actions in a model rephrased to not sound like they will be deleting all data within their model. An example of the enhancement: After selecting the Actions you wish to delete, the "Confirm Delete" message will…
History Enhancement: More details around changes to lists
Description of the enhancement: We would like to see which of our users unchecked the Product Data box for a list. There is no logging to identify this and history in the model only shows this as a "Change list". The same applies for workflow, selctive access, and making a list a numbered list.
Allow OFFSET calculation in version formula
Description: Allow OFFSET to be used on summary line item formatted as Formula. Impact/Benefit: I am trying to calculate a percentage change from prior year or prior quarter at the summary level. For example, year-over-year % changes using a formula at the aggregated level: Total Growth in Net Sales / OFFSET(Net Sales, -1,…
Description: Provide 'Undo' functionality throughout product. Could consider only allowing one two 'moves' backward. Could also consider limiting to data changes if needed. Impact / Benefit: This would greatly help our user experience in quickly reverting a change we make.
Add new function AllPeriodsValue
Description of the enhancement required: Add new function AllPeriodsValue An example of the enhancement: The AllPeriodsValue function would work like YEARVALUE, but utilizing periods rather than year. It would have a parameter to choose whether a Brought Forward value should be included in the result. How would it help…
Clear launchpad filters without selecting reset
Description of the enhancement required: We would like the ability to remove filtered values individually, instead of clicking 'Reset' and refiltering the entire model list from scratch each time to wants to remove a filter value. An example of the enhancement: Login to Anaplan.com > Within the launchpad, click Filter to…
Custom time period format
Description of the enhancement required: Include a way to format weekly dates by Start/date - end/date such as in excel. A story for why they want the enhancement: Currently we have a gantt chart view in Excel which shows run dates on the columns with the activity detail in the middle of the grid. It is easier for us…
Match subsets automatically in import mapping when names are identical
Description of the enhancement required: If we create Subsets in a new target list with identical names, Anaplan should be smart enough to match those with the source subsets when running import. Unfortunately, the system appends " / Is Member Of" to the source, causing the matching on name to fail. This causes the user to…
Improve error message where you are unable to give a list item a child
Description of the enhancement: Improve error message where you are unable to give a list item a child, if it has a child item in a different list You are unable to give a list item a child, if it has a child item in a different list. Error: "Parent item has a child item that is in a different list: You can only add a…
Include slicer functionality similar to excel - i.e. save filters in a button
Description of the enhancement required: Enabling slicer facility in Anaplan tool like the one in Excel https://support.office.com/en-gb/article/use-slicers-to-filter-data-249f966b-a9d5-4b0f-b31a-12651785d29d How would it help your business process: Customer would need this facility of Slicer enhancement due to multiple…
"Show Hidden Content" negates restricting access to Roles
Description: If you are not a WSA and certain views have been hidden from you in the "Contents" tab, you can show them using "Show Hidden Contents". This was always possible but wasn't as explicitly available as it is now. Users can edit these 'hidden' modules, probably because they have Write access, but this is not…
Request for keyboard navigation and selection in TreeView of List Settings
Description: With the mouse, I am able to select multiple tree nodes and drag-n-drop them to a new location. This is great. I would like to be able to make the tree selection using keyboard and close with the drag-n-drop, or a Copy-Paste operation to complete this action. Example of enhancement: Steps would be: 1. Focus…
Read/write access by line item
Description: Enable read/write access by line item. Examples: Hide intermediate calculations, and don't let the end user see them even with Show All. Disable data entry where some line items are imported.
Copy/Paste not working for computers set to different number formats. Requires "locale."
Description: When copying a cell in Anaplan, the underlying value gets copied (ignoring the 'Decimal Point:' format set for the line item), and the browser's locale is used to set the decimal separator. This is flawed for companies with users in various parts of the world. eg, Anyone with French browser locale (which uses…
Unhide specific columns without having to unhide all columns in a module
Description: Unhide specific columns instead of the only available current feature of unhiding all columns just to see one or a few specific columns Example of enhancement: Currently, in any module, unhiding one column that was previously hidden is not possible other than unhiding all columns along with the one column you…
Documentation/text on any object in the model (model documentation)
Description: As an administrator, I should be able to put a text description/documentation on any model object in the settings tab or blueprint. This should include: * Line items (in blueprint) * Roles * Versions * Actions * Modules * Dashboards * Lists * Properties * Subsets * Line item subsets Note that I should be able…