Conversion Number as Text like "1,234" to Number over VALUE Function -> VALUE(txt) w/o NaN
Hi, is there a good best practice to solve Text Conversion "1,234" to a number over Value(txt) giving finally NaN because "," will not be recognized by VALUE(txt). Numbers are given in text format by client as "1,234". Or is it easier to re-format the numbers in the uploadfile...by the client? Thanks in advance for a short…
Missing Data in Production Model
Hello, These line items are working properly on DEV Model. I can choose a value on drop down menu of the line item "DATE CREATION (MANDATORY)", and the data will populate in the other line items. However, in the Production Model there is no data. I can choose a value on "DATE CREATION (MANDATORY)", but the data will not…
Finding Average using Formula
I have a table with Grade,Region,Salary of employees and i neeed to find the average of salary by region in another module and i am getting an error. I am new to the platform.Kindly guide me Kindly guide me.Thanks in advance
Rolling Forecast Chart
Hello, Is there a way I can create a line chart that connects the Actual data and the Forecast? Attached is the screenshot from Excel that I plan to create in Anaplan. Thanks, Tom
SUM by text Property: Calculation function
Hi All, I have a List Dept L3 where I want to SUM my $ Values in a module by its Code i,e not a Code of my item but a text formatted property which says Dept Code. I want to apply Sum by 'Property code'(830) in a list as shown in attached snapshot. Highlighted items are child of different parents. 830 is the Property code…
List referenced by DB
Hi, I'm searching which DB the Lists is referenced by. We can confirm the module which is referenced by DB. How about List?
Bottom-up Summary based on unique list members
Hello everyone, I am aggregating data in a module with three dimensions + Time: M2, which has M1 as a parent and corresponds to models R1, which is a list of roles E3, which is a list of employees and has E2 Team and E1 Group as parents. I am mapping my list of employees to their Roles which is why I have E3 as a dimension…
Level 2- Sprint 1- 1.3.6
Hey everyone, I am hoping someone would be able to provide some clarification for me. I am on lesson 1.3.6 of Sprint 1 for Level 2 and it states that the following items need to be in the saved view. What are the subset line items? "Include: Code, Parent, and subset line items" Thank You, Laura
Hi! I have reached lesson 6.8.2 and I am stuck on the 3rd Time sheet for Regions. Each time I try to enter the formula for code in SYS02 it says "code" does not apply to any lists (it has an empty Applies To) Does anyone know what to do? Thanks! Maira
Monthly data to weekly
Hi, I am very new to Anaplan so forgive me for my ignorance. I am building a model where my calendar type is months/quarters/ years. The module has a list of all products that are ordered per month, broken down by product type and seller. I am trying to create another module with the same data but broken down by weeks…
Sum from list item property
I have a list of accounts and a list of account managers, broken into three categories (IVAM, DIAM, CCAM). Sales managers must assign an account manager from each category to every account. I want to aggregate the account metrics for all the accounts managers in a single table. The first image below shows the account…
Formula to hard code list item
Hi Experts, I have two modules. Module 1 has got lists: Cost Center, Cost Element, and Time. Module 2 has got lists, Cost Center, Cost Element, Time, and Profit Center. I need to bring data from module 1 to module 2. Whatever data will be coming into module 2, will be stored against P9999 profit center. Rest other list…
Formula - last input
Hi I have a module where teams input information on a quarterly basis. I then use this to pull through into a summary and compare against previous quarters etc. However, some teams only input on an annual or half-yearly basis. In my summary, is there a way to pull through the last time teams input? Thanks in advance,
Still ROUND issues with EXACT?
Hi, I was under the assumption that the EXACT rounding method had fixed the issues with floating decimals? My use case requires several rounded export modules out of one calculation module and thought it's good practise to use ROUND() only once in the calculation module and not in every export module. Yet, I just…
Display Fiscal Year Total
Hi Experts, I have created a module, whose default view consists "All Periods & FY19, All Periods & F20, and All Periods & FY21". From this default view, I created a Saved View only comprising all periods of FY20 and all periods of FY21. To achieve, this I used filter based on the system module, created on Time Setting.…
LI Format - Time Period - option to choose several time period types at once
Hello, When choosing the format "Time period" on a line item, there is a choice between several types (month, quarter, year, ...). But it is only possible to choose one type. Is there any workaround to give the end-user the ability to choose a month, or a quarter or a year in the same line item ? Thank you for your help.…
Conditional formatting for List formatted line item
Hi I have expense list (5 list items) and one line item (Key fig list formatted).So for each expense list I need to assign one key fig. Suppose for travel expense list item If I have assigned Key fig1 and for the next expense also i have assigned key fig 1 then it should show in blue color indicating that each expense type…
Find if a list member has already be choosen in a line item in list format
Hello, I have two different lists of employees : the 4.0 list the people that we planned for the budget and the 4.2 list the people in the reality. I couln't link the 2 numered lists because, the matching of the 2 lists can evolve from month to month. I created a module in which the user choose wich person from the 4.2…
Level 2: Activity 1.3.4 Update System Modules
In order to get the SYS05 Country Details module to populate properly to load I had to use the Region codes (AMER, EMEA, APAC) in the Region Flat file, but when I I try to load the SYS07 Location Details module it is looking for the region names to be spelled out (Americas, etc.). TIA
SUMMARY Formula on ITEM(Time Period)
Hi team, I created a ITEM line item in a Time Map (Months) module & set the SUMMARY to formula. I expected it to return the FY but instead it returned the 1st item in the period. EG for FY19 it returned Jul 18 Any ideas on why this is not returning FY19? Thanks