Filter by table
Hello, I hope you're all doing well. I'm seeking guidance on implementing a filtering mechanism for a table on a UX page. I have a table containing multiple parameters. My objective is to enable filtering such that whenever I modify a parameter in the first table, all subsequent tables are filtered based on the selected…
Hello, I am creating a new model "production" from the revision tag of "dev". The steps i followed : 1- create a model from a revion ( done) 2- doployed the production ( done ) 3- import data from Data Hub ( done ) 4- import data from dev to Production via a revision tag ( failed , the action run correctly but the data…
Dynamic List
Hi All, How to understand the dynamic List? Is there any recorded session or training provided on it ? I have already gone through the number of community pages on dynamic list creation but still could not understand how to create it and what is the purpose of creating it ?
Quarter to month
Hello ^^ How can I convert a line item formatted in quarters (e.g., Q4 FY23) to a line item formatted in months, displaying the last month of each quarter Q4 FY23 =⇒ Dec Q1 FY23 =⇒ Mar etc Thank you
3.3.12 Activity: Create Product Replenishment UX Page
Hello, I am trying to create the UX Page and trying to apply the conditional formatting but, I the conditional formatting is not working on it. So, can anyone pls suggest why it is not working? Regards, Viral Patil
Too many cells for ISFIRSTOCCURRENCE calculation
I Import a C11 list to 2 spoke models from Hub. I use the same DataHub and Same Hub Saved view to import into this list. However the import into list is sucessful for one of the spoke model but not the other. The saved view and the import definition is the same for both the spoke model. For one the process is completed…
how to copy a lIne item from a module to another one ( Text format )
Hello, I hope you're doing well. I'm facing a challenge and could use some assistance. I have three line item text formats in a system module, and I need to retrieve the information in text format from the same line item with the same name from another module. Here's what I've tried: I went to the target module and simply…
Percentage Format issue on UX page
Description: I have a module with PV(dimension) Filters as dimension and I am displaying the Value line item on UX which is same as the Module dimension. But the Value line item is getting the data from other line item Actual vs Scenario 1 % which has ss_Actual vs Scenario 1% (dimension) - Which is a subset of PV filters…
Write a DCA logic to prevent entry from another User if the selected row reserved by another user.
For eg. In the above screenshot if I check reserve row Boolean then the entire column of that row should get lock for other user and only editable for the person who reserved it. Also i want to see the name of the user for whom that line is reserved for.
Import Failure
Actual- Mine- Any help here? Edited- After selecting department as sales, still '82' are Ignored Additional info Supply chain - FP&A model, level-1 -
Copy of list item
Hi, I would like to ask if there is a workaround for this: If I copy List Item 1, the copy should have a "-1" in its list name automatically. The list is a numbered list. TIA. :)
Compare two lines items from different modules
Hello This is my problem. I have a line item A in one module dimensioned by "Depense" list. And I have the line item B in another module dimensioned by "Achat" list. I want to compare if A = B then the item of the list Achat become the parent of the item of the list Depense. I cannot pull any finditem. Is there a way to do…
L3 Model Building Sprint 2 - User Story 3.3
サンプル画像のJanell Wetzelのデータと比較をするが、どうしても少しずれてしまう。 ① SYS01 Time Settings by Monthで、月ごとの年に対する割合を算出した。 ② ①をYearValueを使用したTargetと計算し、月ごとのTargetを算出した。 ③ 月ごとのTargetにNet Commission %を使用し、算出したが計算が合わない。 考えられる原因としては 1.Days in Monthが間違っている 2.Net Commission %が間違っている だと考えているが皆様の意見を伺いたい。
Quarter to Text?
Hello Community, How can i go from the line item Quarter ( Quarter ) to Quarter ( Text ) example : Q3 (Quarter format) to Q3 (Text format) Thank you
Synchronize selective acess with line item using selective Access
Hello all, I have been wondering about a functionality with Anaplan. I created a technical list that i added in Selective Acess (in red) Now, i have a module who has a line item with the List Format of my technical List, but the module dimension is using another dimension. I was expecting to see that when i set my line…
Will lag function works for Boolean Formatted Lineitem?
Hello Community As Anapedia says, lag function can take Boolean formatted lineitem I have a scenario as below I have a module dimensioned by Numbered list and Time scale And I have 3 lineitems as below 1. Lag value - — boolean 2. Lag offset Amount ——Number 3. Output lag ——Boolean Formula for lineitem Output lag = lag(lag…
Time text format?
Hello everyone, I hope you are all doing well. I am writing today to inquire about the best formula to transform text from the format DD/MM/YYYY to DDMMYYYY. For example: 02/04/2024 should be transformed to 02042024. Thank you!
Headcount Growth Assumptions Logic
Hi Anaplan Community, I'm working on a growth assumptions module in my Anaplan model and could use some guidance on achieving a specific distribution. Here's the scenario: In my growth assumptions module, I have two line items: Beg HC (Beginning Headcount) and Joiners Percentage Growth. When a percentage growth is entered…
Level 3 Sprint 2(User Story 3.2) QUO04,QUO05,QUO06Moduleの使い方
SYS07 Sales Rep DetailsのTenureを作るためにQUO04,QUO05,QUO06Moduleを使用して計算をすると予想しているのですが、QUO04,QUO05,QUO06Moduleでは何をするべきなのか見当がつきません。情報が少なすぎます。少しでも良いのでヒントをください。 質問1. QUO06の「Start」「End」「Tenure?」の各ラインアイテムは何を指しているのか? 質問2. QUO05の「Code」「Number」だけのラインアイテムは何を目的としたラインアイテムなのか? 質問3. QUO04の「Low」と「High」の意味が分かりません。何についての「Low」と「High」なのですか?
Two dimensions and Bi-Monthly Formula
RESOLVED: I am trying to write a Formula for Bi-monthly value which also needs to consider in monthly level into 4 parts 0 - 1000, 1000 - 2000, 2000 - 3000 and 3000 and above Here, I create a custom timeline for Bi-monthly calculation. for example: Jan (1- 15) has 2500 and Jan ( 16 -31 ) has 3100. Hence total Jan has 5600.…