Rolling out orders over multiple time axis
Hey community, I need some advice in modelling. The scenario is that we receive orders, which will be partly shipped with some delay over up to 12 month. Each shipment needs up to 12 Month to be delivered. So we implemented the following: Plan monthly order volume Plan the shipment delay in relation to the order month as %…
Dimension order within aggregation square brackets in a formula
Hello there, Out of curiosity, does the order of dimensions within square brackets (aggregation functions) have a significant impact on performance? Is it better if they follow the order in the "Applies To" section (and if so, where does Time fit into this) or does it not matter? e.g. Sales Volume = Quanitity Sold[SUM:…
Are there ways to hide certain line items when end user click drill to transaction?
Hi, I have a query related to drill to transaction. any input will be helpful. I have classic end user dashboard which has information related to employee. Dashboard only contains certain line items from module. but,when end user click on drill to transaction, it went to module and display all line item. I wonder is it…
Data Import Integration
Hello, I have a question for my understanding on data import integration. When data is being imported from a database, source, etc how does Anaplan remove duplicate data from WS02 and are there any specific requirements on the sequence of data, or does that depend on the organization? How does Anaplan remove duplicate data?
Composite List Hierarchy not syncing to production
Hi Everyone, I am having an issue syncing a composite hierarchy from development to production. Below is the list hierarchy structure example:- GL1 Level1(structural list) GL2 Level2 (structural list) GL3 Level3 (numbered list) GL4 Level4 (numbered list) After syncing to PROD the lists items does not sync. Please does…
MailTo Limits in Firefox vs. Chrome
We are using the MAILTO function to generate an email to a BCC-ed list of users of action required in the model. The list of BCC recipients is lengthy (>100 email addresses), and the MAILTO function appears to work in Firefox, but not Chrome (OS = Windows, email client = Outlook). Has anyone run into similar limits? Are…
Revision Tag: Roles -> Actions
Hello, I have a quick question in regards to revision tags. If I were check the box to grant a user access in "Roles → Actions" in DEV, would that require or qualify to use a Revision Tag in order for it to sync to PROD? Or what would be the best way to update the change, so it reflects in PROD?
How can we import data from one version to another version in a same module?
I have custom version list having Version 1 , Version 2 …. etc. I have a system module dimension with version list and fron there I am checking the Boolean "Copy From?" and "Copy To" based on the selection I want to import from version 1 to version 2 or vice versa. I have created the saved views but facing problem in…
Filter on the line with a module which have different dimension
Hi, In a module i have to filter a line with boolean line from another module but both modules have different dimension. in Target module we concatinate 3 attribute, but in source module(where the boolean is) we are using a list with only one attribute. Systen is unable to identify the line. need a formula for filtered…
Production capacity per month
Hi all, How can I use the Time dimension in Anaplan to calculate my factory's production capacity for a given month, taking into account the different number of shifts worked on weekdays versus weekends? I want to calculate the production capacity as follows: Production capacity = (Number of working days in the month *…
How to Use DCA to deactivate boolean selection?
Hi Community I have 2 list. List A & List B. I have created one module using list A and there are two line items Product Family (Formated as list B) and Applicable?(Boolean). I have to disbale boolean if I select Appliacble aginst other list item if I select A(Other A should be not accessible) while I can tick boolean of…
Cost Optimizer - LPP problem solving for supply chain optimizatino
Do wer have LPP optimizer in Anaplan in built.
How to reorder a list automatically?
Hello, How to reorder a list based on a property? I've got some lists that are very long. I'm only able to reorder them via the Order List action using their Display Name provided that the Display Name is a text format. What I've done so far is create a module and get the list's Display Name and sorted the module via the…
Setting a Date formatted line item to Blank
I am trying the following. Not sure if the issue is that the Date format items can´t be blank or something on my formula
Sync on dashboard
Hello All, Hope everyone is doing good! I have 2 different grids on a dahsboard and both are pointing to a common dimension, however when i select a project in one grid ( top one with one of the dimension being the project ) the bottom grid is not in sync with it ( its not chaning the project ) , I noticed that the bottom…
How to fill a line item recursively
Hi! I have one module where one of the line items is my inventory amount and on the columns I have a list where I put diferent fiscal years (note that I cannot use the formula PREVIOUS() because this module is not connected with Time, and I can't connect it either). So my list is composed by: FY22, FY23, FY24, FY25, FY26,…
List Properties - show on UX?
Hello, I am guilty of using List Properties extensively to ease export referencing, and I am aware of the need to 1.05-03 Avoid using List Properties - however, this can be a really good tool that saves on line item space. Does anybody know if it is possible to present List Properties as part of a table in the New UX, or…
Calculation Help - Is there a function or a way to count number of child of a list member
Calculation Help - Is there a function or a way to count number of child of a list member For eg, if I have State - City Hiearchy How can I count how many city does a state have using a formula?
Anaplan Agile App - New UX
Hello, Are there any downloadable NUX pages/reports available to accompany the Anaplan Agile App to ease use, or is this all managed within the model itself? Any help would be much appreciated. Many thanks, Becky
Sort my months descending
Hello all, I have a standard module that will show data by month. But I would like to Sort it starting from Mar 23 and go backwards. How can I make this happen? I was thinking of putting a Sort number in every single column with a date in it. I want it to flip in the screenshot below. Thanks!