Changing the Source Model at an APP Level
As part of ALM functionality in New UX, we have an option of changing the source model at the page level. This is a great feature to begin with but we need more robust features on this. Scenario 1: Consider having 100 pages in an app and all of them coming from the same source model, you wouldn't want to change the source…
New UX: Ability to update the color of header bar's and other action cards
Hi, It would be great to have the ability to change the colors for the below: * Ability to change the color of the bar's that appear in the New UX at the top from Blue to any other color as per user's choice * Ability to change the color of the action cards in the New UX from Blue to any other color as per user's choice…
Source Model in Pages - Default model, selection order and visual differentiation
Hi, I would like to request some enhancements regarding the source models in a page: * Default model: allow the page builder to select the default model to be loaded when loading a page for the first time by an end-user. Currently, the default model is the first in the list of source models of the page, and this might be…
Management Reporting - Styling improvements
This concerns specifically the desire to enhance Management Reporting support for additional font sizes, bold text (not limited to headers), support for bullets, additional presentation styling and adding simple shapes. There are some other overlapping Ideas already in Idea Exchange: * @erik.bangsund : you have a very…
Ability to reset to default view of page
Description: As an end user, I want to be able to reset my view of a page back to the page's default settings, so that I can ensure that I'm looking at the page the way it was intended by my build team. It will also make it easier to compare what I'm looking at with my colleagues for analysis, or with my build team while…
Option to display list properties on a grid
Customers very often request reports in which to show together properties and Time dimension as columns, similar to what they are used to see in an Excel: As of today, this is quite difficult to build in Anaplan. The most common solutions to deliver this requirement are: * OPTION A: Nest Time with line items on the columns…
Broken axis for waterfall charts
In cases where waterfall or bridge charts have first and last columns that are quite large relative to the intermediate values, a common visual improvement is to permit "broken" axis to emphasize the intermediate values. Can we get this option added to waterfall charts? See attached image for an example.
Remove space/indentation from list items when parent levels are hidden on UX worksheet
When parent levels are hidden on worksheet, there are a lot of white space for list items which is a big waste and also not good visualization. See screenshot below. It'd be great if the space will be shortened or removed when one or more parent levels are hidden/deselected.
Ability to repeat actions inside a process
I think it would be beneficial to have the ability to repeat an action inside a process. Currently, you can only add an action once inside a process.
Formatting and Variance Analysis from Management Reporting on UX
- It would be amazing to format/color the grid cards on boards similar to Management Reporting. Especially if the colors on row and column headers can be controlled via hex codes similar to regular CF, it will allow end users to implement company color schemas to page. this will definitely increase user adoption and allow…
MAILTO can be added into an Action
The action of sending emails could be linked to an existing action; currently the MAILTO formula only sends when a user clicks a link. If a user could click a Process button (that incorporates other actions) and it automatically create the email based on the user that clicked it. This would be immensely helpful for…
Pull data from multiple models into one report in New UX
Hi, It would be very useful to pull data from multiple models into the different slides of a report in the new UX. For example we have separate models for daily sales/product performance, Finance (P&L etc) and HR (Headcount). Being able to produce a single report that contains data from each of these models would be great…
NUX Comments Overview
Hi, It would be nice to see an overview showing all inserted comments in the Anaplan comment boxes. One could select the dimensions to search on and than show an overview of comments linked to those dimensions. For example: I would like to see all comments entered for my sales area in a specific period over all dashboards,…
Field card which allow multiple selection for List line item
A user request to have a filter/drop down for multiple selections of SKU (SKU is List for this module), it is a cherry-pick in this case as it is not limited to a specific hierarchy in the dimension nor fixed number of SKUs. Expected grid output is where SKU is at Row, and time dimension is at column. Below are the…
Report: Font Size and Spacing
The New Report Designer Font sizes limit you to - Normal, Instructions, Heading 1, Heading 2, and Heading 3 which is on par with other Anaplan functionality in Model design and UX. However, for such a dynamic tool it would be helpful to have the option to set font size similar to other report designer tools which allow you…
UX - Ability to add expandable/collapsable sections to Boards
This idea is for a new card type called a "Section". This card type could be added to a board and then other cards added to it. It would give the functionality of effectively creating sections on a board which could then be expanded or collapsed. This would allow users to collapse areas of the board which they are not…
Hide zero rows in Boards (modeler setting)
I want to be able to setup such a feature which will automatically hide zero lines from a Board if it is turned on. Problem: Filters set by model builders on modules are easily get cancelled if an end user pivots this modules. It may sometimes reveal the data you don't want them to see. My example is when I setup a filter…
UX Page - Dynamic Reporting / Conditional Formatting
It would be good to be able to show a grid with ticks and crosses for the status of different items along a critical path. Currently we will do this by highlighting cells green and red but it would look much better with symbols.
New UX: Dashboard Sorting
Allow page builders within the New UX to specify the sort order of created pages and sections. Currently items are sorted alphabetically even when pre-empted with a number. Would expect 3.1, 3.2, 3.3, 3.4, ... 3.8, 3.9. and 3.10 but the alphabetical sorting makes the list as 3.1, 3.10, 3.2, 3.3, 3.4, ... 3.8, and 3.9.
Page Selector on the top of the grid in New UX
Is it possible to add page selectors on the top of the module/grid in new UX (same as in classic DB)? As of now, page selectors are available on the top right of the page OR at the bottom of the module/grid. Inconvenience with page selectors on the top is publishing several grids with different dimensions and all page…