Text boxes that dynamically adjust their size
Description: The ability to enable a text box placed in a dashboard to dynamically adjust its size depending on the amount of content the user puts in. Example of enhancement: As a user fills up the text box, the size of the box will increase (if option enabled in dashboard designer). This would allow the user to always…
Prevent end users from seeing data on dashboard that has not been finalized (or 'freeze' dashboard)
Description: Would like to be able to prevent end users from seeing data that has not been finalized in the Commission Statement Dashboard. Need a mechanism that would prevent data from being populated until the data has been finalized. Example of enhancement: I would like to be able to have a prompt that would say publish…
Manage Columns on Dashboards Using Tick System
Description: Managing columns in modules on dashboards is currently not easily manageable. We would like to control visibility of columns in dashboards via a tick/checkbox system. Example: In addition to the 'Selected' or 'Every Occurrence' Show options, we would like checkboxes to tick which columns to show/hide.
Ability to resize columns and multi-line header row for the Grid View
Description: Resizing of columns and multi-line header row for the Grid View Example of enhancement: Resizing + multi-line, wrapped header to allow narrower columns and, at the same time, seeing untrimmed, whole names of columns. Code column could be smaller. Wrap header to enable longer name without undue space.…
Dashboard Layout Capabilities
Description: Within Dashboards mode we need to go to the next level of features to create more precise and compelling layouts: - Responsive layout across multiple devices/resolutions - Page Layout Options (Cols, Rows, Panels, Etc) - More precise layout options with definable spacing between elements - Snap to Grid - Resize…
Scroll on multiple grids at the time
Description: When Grids on a dashboard show the same module, or maybe even the same list, there should be an option for setting these grids to be fully synchronised which would allow a user the option to scroll on one of the grids and all fully synchronised selected grids will also scroll.
Grid & chart menus - Easier way to access grid functionality like search, filter, sort, pivot
Description: Currently grid functionality is hidden away behind the infamous blue dot icon and users don't know where to find key features like search, maximise and filter. Make these more easily accessible. Feedback from several users discussing benefit/impact: * It's difficult to know if a filter is applied to a chart…
Assign Access by dashboard instead of module by module
Description: Assign Access by dashboard instead of module by module Example of enhancement: If you've got 10 modules on a dashboard, just being able to apply the access to the 1 dashboard, as opposed to the 10 modules that make up the dashboard. Benefit/impact: From a process perspective, biggest benefits are time saving…
Ability to change the text colour on charts
Example of enhancement: Currently we are allowed to change the color of the bars/lines but are not allowed to change the text. We would like an option to change the color of the text as they appear inconsistent from chart to chart. Benefit/impact: Better presentation for our charts.
Allow chart options to be editable by all users
Description: Access to Chart options by read/write users. Today only model builders can access chart options to be able to export charts/graphs into PDF, toggle axis scale, show/hide data labels, etc. Benefit/impact: We'd like to have everyone be able to do this; after all, they are the main users of these graphs and they…
Ability to give names to dashboard containers
Description: Be able to overwrite Module Name as seen on dashboards Example of enhancement: User can define the name displayed with a module when published to a dashboard. Benefit/impact: I sometime show multiple parts of the same module and would like to show a different name per part; custom name per view
Ability to click and drag column widths
Description: The ability to click and drag column widths Example of enhancement: Column widths are able to be defined by the user. Benefit/impact: I spend seconds and seconds changing the width of columns. This doesn't seem like a lot, but time adds up. Please replicate how excel does this.
Allow users to change a dashboard without affecting other users
Description: When multiple people can access the same dynamic chart in a dashboard (dynamic periods) their selecting is overruling one by the other one. Allow multiple users to not be able to affect the period changes from one to another. Example of enhancement: Two users access the same dashboard, one makes a change and…
Ability for modules on a dashboard to scroll together when selecting leaf items
Description: Basically we want the different views of the same module to page up and down together. The Excel functionality is "View Side by Side" (both module views next to each other on a dashboard) and "Synchronous scrolling." Sometimes we might want them to be independent, so we want an option to turn this on and off.…
Ability to customise the width of text boxes on dashboards
Description: Add Width customization box to Text Boxes on dashboards. Example of enhancement: Text Boxes could be sized in the same manner as buttons are since the Dec 9 '17 release. Benefit/impact: Now I can fix my buttons width, but it is still impossible to make my menu dashboard look neat because I can't do this with…
Dynamically update Dashboard graphs
Description: Currently when you publish a graph to a dashboard based off a filter, as the filter updates the graph will update only showing time periods within the original publication. Enhancement: Have graph show all time periods of current filter, regardless if they were in the original publication. Example of…
Clicking 'Open Source Module' should take me to the relevant module view
Description of the enhancement: Clicking "Open Source Module", should take me to the relevant view of the module. It currently take me to the default view. How this would help my business processes: This woul cause less confusion by users looking for more information, and would save model builder time by not having to re…
Allow dashboard buttons to have the same text
A description of the enhancement required: We are looking for a way to add buttons that have the same name. This is not currently possible because an Action has the same name as its 'Button Text'. An example of the enhancement: This could be to add a 'Name' field in the Actions > New Action dialog. This, as opposed to…
Read Only Dashboards
We have some dashboards used solely for reporting purposes. However, the person displaying may have the ability to write to the module displayed on the dashboard allowing the dashboard to be edited during the meeting and the blue distracts the audience. It would be great if we could have the option to have "Read Only"…
Allow to set a model default Time order
When our team views multiple time periods over the year/years, they usually want to see a Trend view (all months in order (Jan-Dec) then Quarters then year to allow the team to evaluate activity over time. It would be nice if there could be a few default options in the Time setting area so that we do not have to reorder…