Should we build Dashboards along with build in Level 3?
Hello Anaplan Community, I'm working on the Anaplan Level 3 Certification and following the instructions for the build. I'm almost finished with Sprint 1. However, I'm wondering whether I should be creating the dashboard alongside the build (as it's not specified in the instructions), or if this part will come later in the…
What is the process for model builder anaplan certification
Could someone tell me the process on how to register for this certification ?
Level 3 Certification, create new modules or use previous modules ?
Hello Anaplan Community, I'm working on the Anaplan Level 3 certification, and I'm currently at the Assigning Accounts & Sales Reps process. I'm facing some confusion regarding modules while trying to keep the D.I.S.C.O methodology in mind. Can we display SYS modules on the UX? For example, can we add a line item for input…
3.3.12 Product replenishment UX
I have few hiccups.- Add a filter based on the SYS01 Time Settings by Week module, Planning Period Filter line item. - when I do this, all the structure disappears- 2. My filters as below- 3. When I use filter on Planning period, the data is not refreshing. 4. Conditional formatting - gives options only for minimum/…
Plan IQ - Backtest Date
Hi All, Can anyone provide the details steps to import backtest data in Anaplan? Any suggestions appreciated. Thanks Ashutosh
Dynamic Fake Weeks to Fake Months?
Hello ) Need to run FakeWeeks and FakeMonths to support a Optimizer-setup. As a part of the requirement I need to be able to sum FakeWeek-data into FakeMonth-data. As the fake time lists are dynamic and used for a forecast which moves with the current period of the model I can not use a manual mapping. I am close I think,…
Change Chart labels manually
Currently when creating any type of chart, we cannot edit the display labels for the X Axis. We would like the ability to change the display name just like we could change the color.
Export PDF from NUX Page
Hello, I would like to export a dashboard from the NUX as a PDF. But the native export from the NUX page doesn't work for me, because I can't display all my columns on the same page How can I select the same properties than in the classic dashboard export ? If not, how can I save this export definition to publish it in the…
Bat file to Salesforce import
Hello, we use bat files to import data into Anaplan via Stored Proc. Now we're switching to Salesforce. I am new to Salesforce and cannot interact effectively with the Salesforce team. I'm researching how to import data from Salesforce into Anaplan. There is a technique to export as.csv and import. We were unable to…
Hi I am looking for help with applying a filter to an item as I am currently receiving an ‘Unsupported Operation Filter’ error message. I have a module based on a parent and this includes a Boolean to exclude some items. I have another module that is based on the child of the parent and therefore a different dimension. I…
Can I import data into a list from a no dimension module
I have created a staging module without dimension and need to bring data into a list from that no dimensional module. I am getting 0 created 0 Failed 0 Ignored message. Isn't it possible to add a list item from a no dimensional module.
Cloudworks API - Only header is exported
I have set up the export action and give the read access for the list that has selective access to Internal (full access) but it's still only exporting header. What might I have done wrong? Thanks
How to add a code to an item after an assign action
Hi, I am trying to follow the planuals that states that after an assign action, you should add a "create code"' action in a process. —> I tried to combine an assign action and import into a process, but the assign actions doesnt seem to show up in the list of actions ?
Module to List Data import
I need to add list items from a Sys module. The Sys module has no dimension. I have added the components like Name Code L2 Name L2 Code L3 name L3 Code. Now in the Numbered List I am doing the mapping as Code- Code, Display Name - Name and Parent - L2 Code. The Source module has no dimention. Its showing me 0 Created 0…
LOOKUP to a mapping module using a dimension that is TEXT and not LIST formatted
Hi All, Trying to make the below formula work, it is BOOLEAN format so expecting a TRUE result in most cases. 'M#5 AA Description Mapping'.Acquisition[LOOKUP: AA Description, LOOKUP: Cohort List] 'M#5 AA Description Mapping' is a module that contains the dimensions AA Description and Cohort List so formulae itself is…
[Charts] Show data labels when hovering over a legend
It would be great if the data labels in a chart would be shown when a user hovers their mouse over the item in a legend, while not turning on the default of "Show data labels"
Should we absolutely seperate Input & Calculation Modules ?
Hello Anaplan Community, Following the D.I.S.C.O. Methodology, I understand that it is best practice to separate modules for input and calculation. I'm working on the Level 3 certification and created two modules for account review: one for input and another for calculations, where I referenced the inputs (HOLD / OVERRIDE…
Combining line item number formats
In as much detail as possible, describe the problem or experience related to your idea. Please provide the context of what you were trying to do and include specific examples or workarounds: For certain reporting elements I'm finding that I have to change number formatted line items to text to get the right prefixes and…
Issue with Cloudworks Scheduled Process Not Updating Target Modules
Hi Team, I am facing an issue with Cloudworks. When I run a process manually, it updates the data in the target modules. However, when I schedule the same process in Cloudworks, it runs successfully but the data is not copied to the target modules. There are no Selective Access or DCA applied. Is anyone else facing the…
Copy and Move Page, as part of UX ALM
To deploy a new page from DEV/TEST to PROD, we first duplicate the page in source app, and then move the duplicated page to prod app. Because 'Move' option deletes the page from the source app. A 'Copy & Move' option at each page level (similar to 'copy & archive' for the model) would ease this ALM work.
RANK | Model Optimization Team series
Hello! Welcome to the Model Optimization team's monthly blog post. This is an eight-part series, following the topics we see occurring most frequently in slow customer models. Our aim is to inform and guide how to build with best practice intentions for these model building topics. Each month, two of our analysts will take…
90 day free workspace access
Hi, I have applied for Talent builder program for access on 21 Aug. However, I haven't received any update yet. Should I wait ?? or contact someone as it is 28 August. FYI: I have completed Anaplan way already.
Does PlanIQ retrain the forecast model everytime I run the corresponding forecast action?
I have a time-series forecasting use-case. I am forecasting on a monthly basis, i.e. the forecast horizon is 31 days. As I move into future I'll have more actuals data available, and I want to include those actuals also in the training. For example, while predicting for Jan 24 the training set was upto Dec 24, now i want…
Add more options for Large Read Requests in Transactional API endpoint
We are running different large read requests using the Transactional APIs to ensure 2 things : Quality Insurance : Allow the different teams to secure models changes against regressions by extracting and comparing 2 models datas from different modules that can be picked up from anywhere on the model depending on impact…
Show yearly total every month over multiple versions
I have a module that calculates admin overheads variances between versions (actual, forecast, budget and prior month forecast). I first created a module (PCAL01) that contains the data for all versions and then created a line item subset from this. Next, I created a module that calculates the variance (POUT01) as seen…
Using Auth2.0 authentication for Informatica Cloud
Hi All, I am trying set up auth2.0 authentication inside Informatica Cloud for my Anaplan V2 Connector. Just wanted some feedback from any users who has already tested this successfully. As per Anapedia documentation it mentions we have to input call back URL's in Allowed Callback URL's page while creating a client in…
Sprint2 Historic Volumes
I’m unsure how to specify the Time column when importing data from the saved view "Export" created in the DAT03 Historic Volumes module of the Data Hub model. Could you please help me with this?
Anaplan Weekly Challenge
Hello Anaplanner's, I would like to know if we already have a Weekly challenge' section for Anaplan. We have it in Alteryx and also in Power BI. The challenges help new learners identify, understand and use Anaplan in a better way, all while being a part of the group. If not, I would like to request respective members to…
Level 1 Model Building Exam REP04 Employee Expense Summary
Hi, I'm a little bit confused with REP04 report. I have built up report and in some rows numbers are exactly the same as in Exam (Executive, Senior Director), but some rows differ, for example row Director. Can anyone help?
Help me to prepare my ppt and report for intern learning level 1 and level 2 anaplan model
for 8-10 pages ppt and 20 report