Level 2 Sprint 1 - L1.5.6.2 Import Data into Historic Volumes Module
Hello, I'm stuck on mapping Volume. It says manual mapping is unavailable but I can't see if items are matched correctly through 'Match on names or codes'. Other dimensions are mapped without problem so I don't know what to do with Volumes. Below are the mappings. Please help. Thank you! 😊 Candy
Is it possible to run external Python script from UX page?
Hi, The question is about the following situation: A user makes a change to the grid and I want to perform calculations for another line item. I have the calculation formula written in a Python script and I would like the end user to be able to run it from their UX.
Ability to call external scripts
Hello, Is there a possibility to run external scripts from Anaplan UX Pages? I'd like to run my Python Scripts with calculation formula from UX page using for example Button is it possible?
Reset Index number without affecting Data
Hey community members! I'm facing an issue with resetting the index numbers for List A in my project, and I could use some guidance on how to solve it. Here's the situation: I have a hierarchy consisting of three lists: A, B, and C. Currently, List A has reached its maximum index number. To give you an idea of the item…
Advice on Optimizing Combined Export List in Anaplan
Dear Anaplanners, I hope this message finds you well. I am currently working on a project that involves two separate exports: one containing Project and Project Code, and the other containing Bench Code. Refer excel snip with samples. The receiving system can accept both Project Code and NPI Code, but in Anaplan, we have…
My View on Classic Dashboard Sometimes Changes Options
Has anyone else experienced where My View has changed for a user? This dashboard is hardcoded to only show Actuals, but for some reason it shows Forecast for the user. As you can see the option is grayed out and the selector is not active. When I had the user changed to Master View and back to her My View, it's back to the…
Level 2 Sprint 2 DEM03 Growth Rate % line Item
For this line item, it is needed to align the dimensionality of the Source Module to Target Module, so that the Target Module can reference the Growth Rate % of the Source Module. See below for mapping reference: The issue I am having is that I am unable to properly map the formula. Resulting in various error messages. I…
Importing users in deployed mode
Hello Everyone, Could anyone please advise on how we can import the users in deployed mode? Is it possible to import the selective access fields as well? Thanks in advance..!!
- Import Data Into DAT03 Historic Volumes module
I have been through many related threads but still couldn't resolve this. I get the error: "DAT03 Historic Volumes.Export" could not be located. I tried to remap but get the same error. I provided screenshots for more context. Thanks for any assistance!
Code formula
Hi All, Just another simple one this time. I need to capture the code of the L0 Hospital subsidiary. I tried code(item('L0 Hospital Subsidairy')) formula in a text formatted line item i keep getting an error. i need to put the L0 code on the hospital code column to match the L3 department. the hospital code column is text…
Processes within Processes
It's a really old idea from Exchange - Include Process Within a Process — Anaplan Community I thought I had a workaround of sorts - using Cloudworks but alas the "integration flows" element can't be put onto UX pages even though individually processes can be. Is this because of a page only being attached to a single model…
Incorrect Addition of Line Item Values Showing Exponential Results in Number Format
Description: In Anaplan, when adding a set of line items (all in number format), the result sometimes displays an incorrect exponential value rather than the expected numerical sum. This issue is causing discrepancies in our model calculations and reporting. Since these line items should not be interpreted as…
New card type for videos
As a page builder I want I would like a new card type that I can use to display videos directly within a page so that users can interact with it without the need of having a separate window. I want to be able to drag and drop it into a page, resize it and ideally add a short description that users could show/hide. It would…
Introducing the Anaplan Integration Script Generator: Simplifying Anaplan Connect Scripting
Introduction Anaplan, a leading platform for enterprise planning, has revolutionized the way organizations manage their data and streamline processes. However, leveraging Anaplan's powerful features often requires scripting with Anaplan Connect—a command-line utility for interacting with the platform. To simplify this…
Idea Exchange for Planual
SAs from customers and partners often come across new best practices in the field with only Community to communicate these sort of findings to the Anaplan ecosystem. With an Idea Exchange for Planual, SAs can submit best practices they find, with others commenting/upvoting to confirm the best practice, with the OEG…
Don’t miss these upcoming events!
We have several exciting events coming up — opportunities to learn and have a little fun! Check out what's on the calendar and be sure to RSVP. If you are unable to attend live, be sure to sign up anyway as a recording will be sent out after each event (and also posted in Community). ACE Spotlight: "Builder Community…
- Import Data into Historic Volumes Module
I am facing an error while importing the data for Historic Volumes. The blueprint view of DAT03 Historic Volumes looks like below: The import for Historic Volumes looks like this also, I mapped Volumes data as mentioned below. The Module DAT03 Historic Volumes looks like below: However, my records get ignored after I run…
Unable to Dynamically change Line Items names
Hi all! I tried to follow the steps of this article about dynamic line item names change but I can't get it to work, so I would like some help on why it's not working. For context: I am building a Price/Volume/Mix analysis which I gave the end user the ability to pick which versions they want to see the comparison, naming…
Ability to print in multiple orientation formats from UX Dashboards
When printing an UX Dashboard, it would be beneficial to have to ability to print in multiple orientation formats from one report i.e. portrait and landscape formats so that dashboards are more legible and well formatted, without the need to print pages individually. For example, batch reporting when dashboard one is set…
How do i start training for Anaplan Level 1 Model Building training Anaplan’s NMX
I have been stuck with Unicorn Candy Company Model building Level 1. Since, I am a student i do not have access to Workspace. How do i get workspace so at least i can start practicing model building. I am new to Anaplan any tips to master would be appreciated.
MB Level 2 Sprint 1: 1.5.2 Activity: Import Data into Beginning Inventory
Hi, I currently trouble importing data into the DAT01 Beginning Inventory module. Kindly advise.
Pause calculations while insert Values
In as much detail as possible, describe the problem or experience related to your idea. Please provide the context of what you were trying to do and include specific examples or workarounds: Our Models went quite big for now and some input Dashs take alot of time to change Input values, Anaplan recalc after every value.…
Dynamic renaming of line items
Consider the following situation: As part of a planning process, a planning user requires the following items to be presented in the module: * Current year revenue actuals - year to date, needed to plan for the next year around the third-quarter quarter mark of the year * Current year revenue projection, based on the run…
How to assign specific people in the Notification Designer Panel
Hello, I would like to creat a notification form and assign specific peoples to this action. But Anaplan doesn't show me any users in the drop-down list, despite the fact that we have several hundred active users in this model. Could you help me to fix it please ? Etienne
What are the limitation of Cloudworks Integration?
Hello Community, I am new to the Anaplan cloud works. I just want to know what are the important points we should keep in mind, while creating cloud works integration. some where it is mentioned that per tenant the limit of integration is only 500. What does that mean? after 500 do I need to purchase any subscription for…
皆さん、こんにちは! Workspaceを新規作成、容量変更、または削除を依頼される場合の、依頼内容をまとめました。 依頼時に必要な項目やメール例も記載しておりますので、是非ご活用ください。
Level 2 Sprint 1 -1.5.5 Activity: Create Time Range
I have created the FY19 time range as instructed in the activity shown below My model calendar setting in Level 2 Data Hub Start looks like below: However, when I tried to import the data in DAT03 Historic Volumes, I could not see FY19 in the module. Attached is the screenshot for your reference. Am I missing something to…
- Add DCA to INV01 Inventory Ordering
Hi, I am encoutering several issues with this module compared to the screenshot i have from the training! Fisrtly, the fisrt value for week, the suggested Order Amount for the Month does not appear! Additionally, the shipping costs values, Final Shipping time weeks, Final Shipping costs Shipping Cost Varianvce are…
- Negative Balance in the Beginning Inventory
Hello Everyone ! I have an issue in the Sprint 3 of the training level 2. In fact, my beginning inventory have a negative balance, as you can see in the following picture. However, my formulas seems good. I don't understand. Can you help me ? Thanks, 😅