Anaplan Integration Sript Generator
Hello, I have just recently heard about an Anaplan Integration Script Generator which really looks like a game changer. Does anybody know how to access it? I can't seem to find it anywhere. Many thanks, Luca
INV01 inventory module formulas
1st photo is expected result after adding formulas, 2nd photo is my result. Where am I going wrong?
User Story 1.3 - help with meaning
Hi, User Story 1.3 includes the words "I will also be able to see the previous years actual revenue data moved forward to the current year (FY20)…" what does this mean by "…moved forward to the current year (FY20"? The more I read this the less I get what is wanted. So can someone help understand what I should be doing…
How to connect my list to module for filter
Hello everyone. i would to seek for your assistance on how can i connect my list to module for filtering. i have a list which has Soft Opening, Pre-Grand Opening and Grand Opening in my module i have the details where i can input all the details of the contract including Opening Category. i created a new module where i can…
90 days free workspace
Hi there, I've completed The Anaplan Way certification today. I would like to move forward to do the Level 1 and Level 2 model building. Can you please provide the free 90 days workspace for me. Please suggest the next steps if I'm missing anything here to get free 90 days workspace. Thanks in advance, Siva Ramakrishna…
Display Actual and Budget in one Module
hi everyone how can i display the actual budget according to the filter month that i have chosen. i have module Actuals and Forecast. and is it possible to change the color for actual as blue and orange for forecast? thank you.
Hi, I have a scenario where I have to take a snapshot every week(forecast periods) -max 6 weeks forecast period. Source Module -Standard Time Scale, Article List, LineItem(which I want to take a snapshot) Target Module- Standard Time Scale, Weekly snapshot LIST(Contains list member of Lag 1, Lag 2, Lag3..6), Article List,…
Did You Know: Tips for using assets in Anaplan
Author: Chad Frantz is a Certified Master Anaplanner and Senior Consultant at Lionpoint Group. I expect that most members of Community who are taking the time to read this have used images and charts on their model building journey. But I wonder how many have also used the Assets functionality in Anaplan? I had been aware…
US$ Currency Display on NUX Boards
Hi, Recently, 2 users from different regions have started to see US$ prefix their cells. We have it configured it be $ in the backend, so we're not sure where the US prefix is coming from. Example shown below: For one of the users, the US$ prefix went away after a day. One user is based on Canada and the other in China. Is…
How I Built It: Solving world’s hardest Sudoku with Anaplan Optimizer
About the Author: Tristan Colgate is a Certified Master Anaplanner and Managing Director at Fidenda. Hi Anaplan Community! I’m excited to bring a new and fun video to the Community ‘How I Built It’ tutorial series. In my video, I’ll walk through how I used Anaplan’s Optimizer to solve the world’s hardest Sudoku puzzle. In…
Workflow: Can we use Import Actions with Source Type = File ?
Dear Community, we are struggling with a topic and would be glad about some help. We want to create a Workflow that starts with an Import Action that requires the User Upload of a CSV file. The user has to deliver a lot of data on various planning dimensions, which is why manual entry of data is no option. Data is coming…
- Update INV01 Inventory Ordering to Allow Override of Order Amount
Builders Challenge! に投稿してみました!
皆様こんにちは。マスターアナプランナーとして活動しているAmayaともうします 日本のコミュニティを盛り上げるべく(再び)情報発信していければと思いますので、どうぞよろしくお願いします! さて今週いっぱいComuunity ではビルダーズチャレンジ!として「あなたが作成した楽しく革新的なAnaplanモデルビルドを共有する機会」というのを開催しています。 私も何か楽しいモデルを作って、世界の人に見てもらいたいと思い、昔懐かしい「15パズル」を作ってみました。New UXだと色も選べて、華やかになりますね。(あとはセンスだけ。) 動く様子を動画に取りましたので、ぜひ見てみてください!…
Current Date and Time
It would be great to have a function to get current date and time. Timezone settings could be common for all users and maintained in the settings section
If parent is numbered list is it necessary for child to be a numbered list
Level 1 Model Building 2.0 (New UX) - Model Building Activity 5
Team! Pls help me, I can't move on. EMP03 Employee Drivers by Role EMP02 Employee Expenses - the task is update the formulas bonus, car , phone… to ref driver data in the EMP03; employees' costs to be driven by role and departent. !!!!!!!!!!!!! I tried all possible scenarios, but I always get zero in the module EMP02 for…
Rotate your Anaplan SSO certificate before the August 21, 2024
Can someone advise on below I received an email to rotate my SSO certificate for Anaplan Following the url - Rotate your Anaplan certificate | Anapedia I don't have an option to rotate my SSO certificate compared to help file Does this mean it has already been rotated? Thank you
Best Practice to combine two or more model data into one output model
Hello Team As project requirement I need to combine information from two different model (i.e. Actual Payroll information and Plan Payroll Information) In different model have calculated this information since calculation is different and in plan payroll end user will make the changes. List used in both models are number…
Level 3 - User Experience Checklist - Sales Rep ccount Responsibility
Hi All. In the User Experience Checklist asks: "Can the user filter the list of accounts to view only those accounts in specific account segment" . Does this mean 1) the list of all accounts, or 2) only those for which the user is responsible? Does have a definitive view? Thanks.
Forms : Choosing Parent (block edits)
Anaplanners, We have a list, P1 Projects List, We're creating project checkpoints as its child, giving options to the end user to create them on the fly. Challenge: While creating the form, its great Anaplan picks up the last selected Project however, Anaplan also provides a dropdown selection, to select another project,…
Can we use Anaplan for capturing everyday expense Actuals and estimate
Can we use Anaplan for capturing everyday expense actuals and estimate, to be updated by multiple users and used on a daily basis. Will the System get hung after a point in time , since we are using daily data instead of monthly or quarterly. How good is Anaplan with handling daily data.
Adding hierarchy using a boolean
Hi, I have a list hierarchy where till level 3 we have imported and now for Level 4 and 5 we want to get a checkbox that will say Relevant data. Once I will check that and click on Add to Hierarchy Level 4 and subsequent Level5 will be created. Level 4 have a fixed 3 items that gets added to all Level 3 items as a child.…
Customise Anaplan Native Workflow email notification
In as much detail as possible, describe the problem or experience related to your idea. Please provide the context of what you were trying to do and include specific examples or workarounds: Anaplan native workflow email notification does not allow end user to configure the email format based on customer's setting (i.e.…
how to complete anaplan way?
More customizations on Assign action in NUX
Business end users expect to have more cusomizations on Assign action in NUX: Decide which fields should be visible while user is running Assign action (e.x. our customer's end users cosider Ancestor and code reluctant in this view; they would prefer to see Ancestor only as a filter) Change width of each field (e.x.…
Change Time Period names by allowing an alternative
Without creating Fake time and having to do mappings in modules, why not allow an alternative to be displayed, which would simplify the build, but also give the customer the desired headings on time. They can have this simply on any other list. The example is a retail customer who has 4,4,5 and a non January start of year.…
Dynamic Rank Functionality
In as much detail as possible, describe the problem or experience related to your idea. Please provide the context of what you were trying to do and include specific examples or workarounds: Currently, we have the RANK function work on one dimension or one attribute. Moreover, it does not relate to the event-driven by the…
プランニング&モデリング ・Polarisの機能アップデート ユーザエクスペリエンス ・階層チャートカードの機能アップデート ・Workflowの機能アップデート
How can I extract a 3 month data from a 5 year module .