Field Card drop down blank after selecting same value
In a New UX page, I have a field card with 2 drop-downs. BEFORE If I re-select the same value from a drop-down, then the value no longer displays. For example, if I go to the Forecast 2 drop-down and choose "UAT Forecast" from the selector again, then the field displays nothing per screenshot below. All the data on the…
Context Selectors not syncing
These two cards aren't syncing properly. When selecting a line item the adjustment card doesn't change despite the sync being activated. What am I missing?
I want to put a period filter.
I want to put a period filter like this so that when the user checks the boolean, the data of the months associated with the year will be shown in the below grid. Need some help with this.
Possibility to turn off sorting a grid, double-click the column header.
With the new Anaplan release users in UX can sort a grid using double-click the column header. That feature might appear to be a problem because users can double-click the column by mistake (especially if the columns are used for synchronization). We definetly need the ability to control this feature. It can be a selection…
History Log for NUX
A history log of changes made to the NUX pages similar to the history log present for backend technical changes. This will greatly help in understanding root causes of few user experience issues and also revert to older page templates if needed
Export data from NUX with preserved conditional formatting
Would be great to export data with applied conditional formatting rules
Hierarchy Filter on a Charts
Hello all, I have a plant hierarchy with Region > Location > Plants. On a Ux Board I have published the sales achieved at Region, Location and Plant level. However, I would like the user to be able to select a Region on the chart and be able to see associated locations and plants only. Similarly if the user selects a…
User Subsets
As a model Admin controlling subsets of Users would help with reporting and certain modules that are only required by a certain number of users. Currently the users list must be used as is so if you have a large user base, that could create very large modules. If there are specific reports that only certain users should be…
13.6.4 Activity: Add Line Chart to Margin Summary Page
Hello, I'm in the middle of my L1 model building training and I've ran into an issue that I cannot seem to fix. According to the solution, my "Forecast Volume by Month" line chart should look like this: However, mine looks like this: I know this is because mine has FY totals included in the midst of the module view. When I…
Set conditional formatting by formula
Description of the enhancement required: Improve conditional formatting by allowing formulas. An example of the enhancement: Have it function similar to excel where formulas can be used to test for conditions. How would it help their business process: Extra line items must be used to check for a condition, if conditional…
Unable to choose Months using Time Selectors in New UX
Hi all, I created and published a waterfall chart on an page. The source module is dimensioned by Months, and I did not choose to show/hide any of the time levels before publishing the chart. There are also no filters applied. When I use the time selector for the chart, the data shown in the chart does not align with my…
2.4.8 Activity: Unable to edit 'Override?' and 'Override Forecast' in the new UX
Currently on Sprint 2 and I'm on activity 2.4.8. I have this grid in the UX and I'm trying to make the Boolean boxes for 'Override' editable, such that I can input values for 'Override Forecast'. Right now I am unable to edit either line items in the UX page I have created… This is what I am seeing right now in the UX. In…
Changing parent in numbered list
In this numbered list if we select Parent from the drop-down list the department(parent) of the selected employee will change and will be reflected in all the module that has referenced this List. How can I make an action to publish it on the dashboard where the user can change departments for the employee, should I create…
New Page Builder interface could use some work
Anyone else caught a bit off guard by the new page builder/app interface that was rolled out this morning? Seems a bit clunky. Everywhere you click on the page expands or collapses a section, except for the left-side quick access panel which can't be collapsed or expanded. It's also difficult to distinguish the section…
User wants to change the employee's department.
Hi, There are lists (Department and Employee where the Department is the parent of Employee). I want to make a UX page where the user can select the employee and change his department, therefore details of the employee such as salary will reflect in the new department. Please let me know how I can achieve this. Thanks in…
NUX Card Template Source Models
Hi, I posted the details to community here: https://community.anaplan.com/t5/Anaplan-Platform/NUX-Card-Templates-Disappeared/m-p/135457#M35259 To summarize, I updated the source models to a new workspace and the card templates disappeared altogether. I learned that the templates are tied to the original model. It'd be…
New UX Source Model Dropdown Remembers Selection from Previous Page
I think it would help for adoption of using multiple source models on a single dashboard if the model selection was stored when moving from one page to the next if at all possible. Currently it stays on the last selected dropdown for that individual dashboard but this means if an end user is testing changes, they have to…
NUX - Text Card - Use Hyperlink Line Items as Dynamic Text Values
We are trying to put together a landing page where the user can see basic information about the purpose of the tool + and can have supporting links. With the new edits to the text cards, it is really nice to put together such page. I was trying to use dynamic text value functionality to use the text-hyperlink formatted…
UX - Link to Pages
Hi , I have created a page in 'Model X' and a page in 'Model Y' and I have to link the page from 'Model X' to the page in 'Model Y' so that I can redirect to it and have a look. Is this linking possible between pages from different models ? If so, could you please guide me through the process to achieve it ? Thanks…
Allow for .svg images to be published to a dashboard
Description of the enhancement required: Allow .svg file extensions for image files when publishing image URLs to dashboards. An example of the enhancement: This page includes an array of logos, about 20% are in .svg format. https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/Category:Logos_of_universities_and_colleges_in_Massachusetts…
Add 'Does Not Contain' as condition when performing a filter on a text formatted line item
Many of our users would find it helpful if when filtering on text formatted line items, there was the option to use 'Does Not Contain'. There is a 'Contains' condition, which has proved helpful, however a 'Does Not Contain' would also provide a lot of value.
Calendar in the NUX Pages
Hi, Is it possible to put a calendar wherein I can choose the specific month or date in the New UX pages? if possible, how? Thank you!
New UX Idea - Dafault source model listed in more than one model used as a source for a page
This will be helpful to choose a default out of two or more sources used in a created page. Currently users see the first listed source when they open a page for the first time. And can be confused of the wrong data they see on the screen. The order in the settings of a page below does not affect on how the models will be…
Option to leave no gap between two grids & others on NUX (see pic)
Please refer the picture below. It would be nice to have the following features to make the dashboard look professional: Ability to leave no gaps between two grids Ability to color background of titles. I have done a workaround to able to color the headers in the image below Ability to show/hide…
"Restore Page" button in the New UX
Having a "Restore Page" button in the New UX, like the "Restore App" button that saves Apps up to 30 days. Emailing support@anaplan.com every time you accidentally delete a Page is not very convenient. In other words, too much damage could be done to an App (by deleting a Page) with 2 clicks.
Use KPI Cards to Hyperlink between Apps
Use KPI Cards to Hyperlink between Apps Provide the ability to enter a custom URL in a KPI Card that allows users to click on a KPI card and navigate to a separate Dashboard within a separate App or external website. Currently KPI cards can only link to Dashboards within the same App.…
Allow model builders to differentiate models by changing the color of the "Anaplan" blue header bar
We have many different models our team of builders uses, all of which have a slightly different name, but sometimes that's not exactly obvious if one is working in the Revision 1 model, or the Revision 2 model, Staging, or Production etc. I would like the ability to alter the color of the blue anaplan header bar so that I…
Enable multiple source models for an app
Hello Community Members, We are trying to move from a multi-app set-up (Dev, Test, Prod) for our UX apps to a single app enable with multiple source models. However, in trying to do that I realized that there's no way I can change this setting at an app level; now I end up needing to make that change in ~ 6*20 pages. Since…
Design and Build a Great User Experience
Thank you to everyone who attended the UX training session, Design and Build a Great User Experience. This discussion is meant to be a place to share screenshots of Management Report slides that were built as part of the course. Even if you didn’t attend the session, feel free to share any reports you’ve created. We are…
Management Reporting slides download for multiple page selector at once
Currently we can download slides for each page selector by one by one .It would be great if we can download one slide for all item in page selectors at one click . Scenario - In page selector , we have 100 employees Data in slide changes according to page selector (using dynamic text ) .Customer wants to export slide for…