Calling a pubilshed webservice for Importing data to Anaplan
Can we use published webservice to load the data to Anaplan model. If so can some one provide me a high level guidance
Limit on Model-to-Model Import Size?
Is there a limit on the size of data imports taken through the 'Connect to Anaplan model' route? I am getting server errors, and having to resort to an Excel export from one model and import into the other. The export/import route itself has limitations, as the exports are limited to the 65,000-odd rows that Excel 2007 can…
Import data with a timescale "week"
Hi. I want to import data from a model to another model. Nothing extraordinary. My two models have a timescale “week”.The two modules are in “day”. All the records are rejected with the message:“Invalid date or timescale identifier”. Where is the problem ?
Excel Add-in
Which version of Excel do I need to run the add-in?
How do I clear out a module for items that are not in an import file
I need to clear out list items that are not in my import file but only for a selected version
Using imports as a copy method within a module
A fellow anaplanner had the following question in the FAQ-section. Since Im but a humble user I can't give him a reply there. So here is the question: [quote]We have a situation where we want to import from within the same module from one line item to another. We ran the import two times with different source and…
Import processes showing up in Actions pane
We have a situation where we want to import from within the same module from one line item to another. We ran the import two times with different source and destination line items but within the same module. Once we ran the import once from line item A to B , we saved the import in an Action in the Actions tab. The second…
Import From Saved View to List
I have a group of Actions that build create multiple Lists to create a hierarchy. These actions are made up of Save Views which I use to Import into each List to build up the Hierarchy. This has been working well; however, when the Saved View has no records to add, the Import Action will load the Header Row as a new Line…
Model Map Export
I really appreciate the new Model Map feature. What is the best way to export my entire map to a printable format? My model is rather large and I can't get the view with details out in a usable format.
End user to export all the modules from 1 functional area
Hi is it possible to define export options for all modules in the given functional area, so that end user just presses 1 button - all the text files are sent to his PC with given rules? Thank you!
Adding an additional column from a list while exporting does not work
Hi, I have a simple module with 1 line item, pivoted. I am trying to export with additional column from an original list (as an atribute) and it does not work. I tried all possible export options and it does not work. Maybe there is a trick to build pivot in an other way or sth? Functional area: EG Scorecard, module: EG SC…
Importing List Data to a Module - Matching by Name or Code?
As a best practice, should you match by name or code when importing list data to a module?
Excel add-in, receive data for multiple sheets
Hi, does anyone know a way to retrieve data for multiple sheets/ views. Possibly a macro calling the anaplan add-in button retrieve data?
Subject: Data Import - Replace Unmapped Data with Zero's
I'm importing the budget from a CSV file and 500 was previously entered as a test case in every account in Anaplan. is there a way for my CSV to replace each account, rather than add? For example, if i dont have an account listed, can zero replace the 500 or do i have to replace all the 500's manually?
Anaplan Connect - Remote calling SSIS Packages from Anaplan Script
Can you execute an SSIS package from within the Anaplan Script (Example.sh) if so what is the command line to use within the Anaplan Script?
Run Anaplan Connect from Network Drive
(Solution provided by Ben Speight) In order to run Anaplan Connect from a network drive, an adjustment needs to be made to file 'example.sh' or 'example.bat' in the Anaplan Connect 'examples' folder. (Note: The example.sh or .bat file should first be copied into the main Anaplan Connect folder, and then adjusted using the…
Speed Up File Import
Is there any way to speed up the time it takes to upload a large file into Anaplan?
Direct link between anaplan and microsoft analysis services cubes
Does anyone now whether it is possible to either import or export data directly into a microsoft analysis services cube through the data utility tool?