Export excel number format align with Anaplan data format
We have lineitem set as number with 2 decimal places. We set export file action with excel format template for user to easily upload back to the system. The excel output does not set data format by column but by cell which making us lost decimal number if we did not change format to number. Cell that already has data…
Use Gregorian calendar week numbers instead of fiscal week numbers
Hello community, Currently Anaplan uses its own week numbering to determine the week number. When fiscal period is different from jan-dec, then week numbers do not match at all with calendar week numbers as defined in ISO 8601. This makes it very confusing for users to adapt to these new week numbers, especially when users…
Cloudworks Integration not able to see API files
Hi Team, Our client has decided to use webMethods for their Anaplan integration. When webMethods sends a file through the an Anaplan integration user, the file is set to private and we do not have the ability to change the file to admin or everyone through the API or on the integration user on Actions - Import Data…
3 Improvements for Comments in the New UX
Hi, I'm missing 3 basic capabilities on the current comments' fucntionality to be able to use it for my clients: 1- Comments are not flagged to end user 2- Not recorded in full context (in all dimensions I'm looking at) 3-No option to publish or export from Anaplan This custom fucntionality I built allows me to overcome…
Stop a process in CloudWorks
I kindly ask to add a "stop" option in CloudWorks Integrations Menu, because I have a process which is stuck and I need to spent a lot of time to delete and re-create it every time a process doesn't work. Thanks in advance!
Remove Line Item Mapping when Item is Removed from Import Data Source
Within the Line Items tab of the import dialogue, please can line item sources be removed when these are removed from the import data source. Take the below as an example: If I were to remove Revenue from the import data source, the Revenue line item source would still appear on the left to be mapped to a line item target.…
Excel Add-in: Send and Refresh multiple sheets at once
Hi, I have an Excel workbook to input data into Anaplan. This workbook consists of over 10 sheets connecting to different Anaplan modules. It would be great if we can send and refresh multiple sheets at once as "Refresh Multiple Connections" functionality. I believe this "Send and Refresh Multiple Connections"…
Display an action's Start Date and Time (UTC) on a page for the end user to view
Are there plans to allow the Start Date and Time (UTC) of an action to be forward facing to end users? This could potentially be shown as a tooltip where actions are published on to the page.
Ability to mask or sanitize all of the Production Data within a model
I would like to be able to easily mask all Production Data within a model. Currently, this involves a lot of manual effort. For example, replacing all names with fake names, and all numbers with fake numbers. Being able to do this is useful for a couple of different purposes: * If I need to have Anaplan Support take a copy…
Import error log enhancement in new UX
Suggest to enhance the current import error report in the new UX. The new overview only contains very limited information about any errors which occurred during import and it is not possible to get a preview of the errors as you can in the classic UX. At the same time, the ability to export errors is limited to 50,000 rows…
Make all API's available across tenants.
Currently most API calls only work within the default tenant. As a developer this limits the ability to work with other projects. For all api calls add /customerid/xxxxx-xx-xx-x-x/ to the path to reference another tenant. If tenant id is not supplied then default to the users default tenant. example: When listing…
Export defined in a model should be connected to a view
Hello Team, Currently, when we create exports and save them in actions - they are disconnected from real module views. Example: if you create a new export definition, based on a current view (with a filter or smth else) it is not possible to revisit and amend this view after some time and see what view is feeding an export…
Actions tab -> Imports Tab -> Can we have the ability to export this data into an excel file?
Or can there be a way to combine the data on the Actions tabs with the Imports tabs to pull an entire listing of my Imports and Processes? I am constantly copying and pasting data from the Imports tab into an excel file so I can filter and find the necessary imports and where they come from. Especially after…
Activity Record of List Members
Currently there is no ability to see a detailed record of the list members created after running an import into a list - you can only see that X number of members have been created or updated. Additionally, there is no record of the DateTime that list members were created. Including a Created Date and Time (UTC) column and…
Using Saved Exports as Import Data Sources
I suggest implementing a feature where we can use Saved Export Definitions as Import Data Sources. Right now we can use a File or Connect to Anaplan Model - I would love to be able to select Saved Export Definitions in addition to current option of Lists, Modules and Saved Views. The natural place for this, in my opinion,…
Cloudworks email notification to group email
Hi Anaplan team, We started using cloudworks for scheduling jobs within Anaplan. Sending automatic email whenever there are rejection , to the person who has created that job is a cool feature but I feel it would be great option if we have an option to enter specific email address. Examples email to include team email /…
Excel Add-In Options for Export of Data
While the Excel Add-In has seen significant improvements in both functionality and performance in recent months, it would be useful if a user could have the option to treat the data more of an "Export" and less as a "Pivot" - I am trying to essentially accomplish the below - but through functionality I would expect from…
VBA/macros for Excel Add-In
As a model builder I would like VBA and macros to be supported in the Excel Add-In so that I could further automate workbooks. For example : 1) I would like to be able to create VBA code and macros for the various Anaplan actions so that I could automate a number of tasks (eg Login and refresh data) through macros 2) I…
API call to determine if a model is currently busy
As a data integration owner, I want to be able to check if a model is locked/busy running a process before I initiate a new process, so that I can avoid running excessive processes and have smoother orchestration between my calls. I'll know this is successful when there is an API call when I can submit a model guid and get…
Adjust Anaplan tab in Salesforce to land on specific Page instead of home page
I need to be able to Change the landing page for users who click through to the Anaplan tab from salesforce, to ensure a smooth experience for my end users and push them to the correct Anaplan page to continue their process