Ability to revert changes made by individual end user
Hi, Currently, reversions can only be applied to a specific timeframe for all end-users. If an end-user would like to revert their changes in the app, how can they do this?
Automated Email Notifications
Would be great if Anaplan could implement a way for users to configure automatic emails based on user defined criteria. User can also control frequency of automated emails This should work exactly like Smartsheet's automatic email function (see attachment) Examples: 1. Alert me if any new items appear on my name fall under…
Adding Timestamps column to 'Enable' or ‘Disable’ a User from the Tenant Administration Area
As a Tenant Administrator, I need to know the timestamps of when a user was Enabled or Disabled from the tenant, So that I can track this action more accurately for compliance purposes. I know this is done when I can see an extra column to report the latest Enable/Disable timestamps in the Users=> Internal section of the…
Mass Delete pages from an App
Hi, It would be great to have an ability to check multiple pages to duplicate/move/delete in an app to allow faster reorg of apps for different use cases. Doing it one by one takes a long time. Thanks,
See Locked Accounts Due to Non-Successful Logins in Administration
We recently had a situation where a user 'locked' their account because they tried to log in multiple times with as a non-SSO user, by providing email address and password, when they were checked as a SSO user in our environment. The result was that their account was 'locked' on the Anaplan side, however we had no…
Allow SSO from Multiple IDP's
Hi All, Within our organisation we are separated into different Divisions, each which has their own, completely separate IDP (all using Azure Active Directory). We need to be able to grant SSO access for users from all IDP's into a single instance of Anaplan, however at present it looks as though we can only enable SSO…
Allow for filtering on Users tab
As a Workspace Administrator, I'd like to be able to filter and sort the Users tab based on values in different columns — just like we can do it for modules. The most important is to allow for filtering on 3 columns: Model Role, Workspace Administrator and Single Sign-on. This could really help with managing users access…
Multi-language Pages & Object names
As a model builder I need the ability to create multi-language Pages for end users, who work within global multinational companies and prefer to make the analysis on the basis of information in their native languages. I see this as an additional settings tab within Anaplan, where languages can be added in Languаge List…
Copy user access settings across all WS in tenant
Hi all, Idea: As an tenant admin I would like to be able to copy user's access settings across the client's workspaces. Case: It is essential in cases where person's e-mail got changed or his/her role is taken by somebody else. Problem: Now I have to do everything manually from model to model. And i have only one ability…
Service Account Password Expiration Exception
It would be helpful to have the ability to grant a service account an exception from an expiring password in Anaplan. For integration if the client doesn't want to get into certificates.
Ability to shut down model's activity
Sometimes the model can be busy for too long. If there's a proccess running there are ability to terminate it with Model Management. However, if the model is busy because of huge view loading or other non-process reason there's no ability to stop it. I think it will be usefull if workspace administartors would have ability…
Allow WSA to Move Models from one workspace to another workspace without changing the Model ID Code
I would love if workspace administrators could move models from one workspace to another workspace without changing the model ID code. Currently, we are still in our "enterprise-wide implementation" meaning we have a few models that are live, but have yet to implement other models in other departments. Because of this, the…
Admin: Ability to sort and filter models view to archive/delete multiple at once
As people are developing and learning, we end up with a lot of little models in the workspaces. In Administration, the ability to sort models by last time used and filter to a date range or names to use to Archive or Delete multiple models at once helps keep the workspace clean.
Enable multiple selection while deleting archived models
Please provide multiple select options for archived models while deleting /doing house cleaning. It's time-consuming and hard to delete models one by one..it takes forever , when we have laundry list of different models in single workspace
Add API Endpoints for exporting History, Users and Roles from the model
Hello! There are many opportunities in Anaplan API, but still there are possibilities for development. Me and my team think that it would be very convenient to be able to export model history, users page and roles page (accesses to modules, versions, actions, etc.). I know that it is possible to create export actions with…
Expanded and Simplified Audit Report For Page and Other Model Artifacts
I would like to be able to export a report that shows how often users interact with pages, modules, actions, lists and other key artifacts. Some of this data can already be accessed using the model history or tenant audit however it is quite limited and often requires data manipulation after extraction. This type of…
Changing/Editing the automated email provisioning
While provisioning new users the email must allow in the body to add additional details such as point of contact, other portal details, or links where details are mentioned. Instead of the standard email where the administrator's email is sent to be the point of contact.
NUX Page History with Restore Options
So we have all done it changed a page and then realised that the original version was better and want to return to the previous version. With the Classic Dashboards we had the option of a Model Restore and or check the Production version of the model before we synchronise the changes. What I would like to see is a Page…
Notes for NUX Pages
Please add Notes to NUX Pages for Page Editors to view. In the Notes for Page Editors we will be able to maintain context/background for individual pages. This could be useful as some pages were used in one way for a particular group/role in classic dashboard, but the page is now used for a broader audience or for a…
Add ability to add a time constraint (filter) to the Bulk copy functionality.
Idea: We are asking Anaplan to consider adding the ability to add a time constraint onto the Bulk copy functionality. For example, when performing a bulk copy, I want to pull in a sub-set of data based on time vs. all data. Business Impact: When doing a copy of my forecast version I copy the entire time scale of my Anaplan…
Allow Workspace Admins to use NUX dashboards when a model is offline
It would be helpful for testing purposes if workspace admins could still use the NUX dashboards when a model is offline.
Cloudworks configure job to run as another account <Service account>
It would be nice to configure Cloudworks integration to run as "user/account" <Service account> instead of using the current account when you create/configure an integration.
Selective Access to Time Scale
It will be helpful to have selective access to timescale as well as there are different people looking into historical data and projection data. We don't want to show projection months data to people. We tried with filters but people can break the filters by pivoting the view from classic and NUX pages as those views…
Enable MFA for secure login to Anaplan
Hi I would strongly like Anaplan to enable us to require MFA for login to Anaplan. Currently we have Anaplan integrated with Azure for SSO logins for internal staff but for external users it is username and password only which is a real worry. As we all know MFA is an absolute must and we would really appreciate this being…
Enhance cell history to show higher level breakback cell data changes when making lower leaf change
When data is input into lower leaf items when breakback is active, the cell history does not update in the higher level summary cells. This can lead to confusion and frustration with nothing detailing where a data change was made, especially when large amounts of data are being manually input. This means some users…
Copy a Process
I am frequently encountering cases where i need to copy and existing Process then edit it slightly. Current example is a DEV model is being rolled out to many regions. I need to have a suite of Processes per Region as they are slightly different in the way they update from Data Hub. Right now i have to create a record of…
blue toaster - on large models
Hi Team, As we work with larger and larger models - Data Hub and now Hyper Models the instances of blue toaster errors are becoming intolerable for most people. Even the slightest error can result in blue toaster for 10mins per time. It other forms of IT there is a distinction between verbose error handling and truncated…
Add Codes to Modules
Idea Add unique system generated codes to modules/lists/actions/dashboards that cannot be changed. Purpose Allow for easier documentation of modules/lists/actions/dashboards by referring to system code. As codes do not change, references will stay valid even if names change. I imagine that unique codes already exist for…
End User display name
I have an end user in Japan who would like his name displayed in double sided in Japanese and English. Idea proposal: Much like a numbered list item can have a display name, so too with end users there would be an option to use either the email address or input text to display as the user name.
ALM Role
Create a new role for ALM admin. This role has the possibility to deploy models and to undeploy models. This way you can prevent that workspace administrators take a model out of deployed model by incident. In our setup we do need people to be workspace admin to be able to assign user roles etc but we do not want them to…