Question on aggregations
I have a module with 4 dimensions - Version, Countries, Projects and Employees. Single line item is worked hours. Hours at employee, project and individual country level correct but not when aggregated at All Countries - the numbers don't look right, why? The aggregations seem fine at individual country level but not when…
NUX user access management : manage by categories, consolidate the list of access etc.
Today, in old UX, we can manage user access by default for the new dashboards to come by functional area. Thanks to this functionality, we can show / hide multiple dashboards easily. We would like to have the same option in New UX thanks to the "Categories" in the landing page for Apps. We would like also to have a global…
Improovment on "ALM" for App thanks to Multiple Sources Models / Preview Function
It's very useful to have multiple sources models for one App in order to have our DEV and PROD model together. However, we nee to improove some functionalities : - Be able to "flag" easily the DEV Model thanks to an icon or color to inform/alert users if they are on DEV or PROD Model - User not Page Builder should not see…
Improove NUX Drill Down : widen nav bar in page and indent formulas
Be able to widen the right navbar in a Page like in classic Dashboards or Worksheek in order to see all information of the calculation without scroolling on the page. We would like also to have indented formulas in Page and Worksheet.
Sort Import actions by process assigned too
Import actions keep building up in the entire project. The import actions are often a mess and difficult to find/search in the huge list. Is it possible to sort the Actions by process they are assigned to ? For example:- In sprint 1 , we created approx. 150 actions and assigned them to some 10 processes. In Sprint 2, we…
First Virtual Group Event for Indian Modelers
Hello Anaplanners in India, Glad to share that we are going to have our first Group event on 7th April 2021 10:00AM IST. Register for the event here Group Event on 7th April 2021 10:00AM IST
Inventory Ordering Module Formulas
Hello everyone Why training course think that it is wrong formula? Confirmed Purchase Order Receipt (INV01 Inventory Ordering) IF Confirmed PO Delivery > 0 THEN OFFSET(Final Shipment Amount, -Final Shipping Time Weeks, 0) ELSE 0
Copy Branch Workaround - From Jan User Group
Here is the explanation of how to do the Copy Branch & Assign workaround as demonstrated at the January User Group
Level 2 Sprint 2 DEM03
I am in the process of adding DCA's to DEM03 and I was checking my work against the example and my % growth rate is too high. It's at 14%. I checked the formula and it looks correct to me. I also checked my DEM02 model and it has the correct growth percentage rates in it. Does anyone have any suggestions about where else I…
Level 2 ( Update Historic Volumes for Baseline Forecast
I'm having trouble creating the formula for this requirement: This is what i came up with: IF 'SYS01 Time Settings By Week'.'1st Forecast Year?' THEN OFFSET(Volumes, -52, 0) ELSE 0 My model is taking this formula without error. This might be a silly question, but how do i check if this is correct? Here is what my module…
Space problem due to reporting
Hi, I have a calculation module that has 6 dimensions as well as by month. This one is then referenced by a reporting module without time (instead a list for MTD, QTD, YTD). The problem is that in order to get the numbers in for QTD and YTD I need to do a TIMESUM in the Reporting module, and since it doesn't allow…
Level 2 Sprint 1 Volumes and Has Data? Query
Hi Everybody, For some reason, in my Has Data? Query, I get this with the right formula, with everything true? To get my volume upload to work, I had to change both the module and the volume line to "week" from model calendar - is this the issue? Not sure what else to show, the figures look as per the following models, so…
Child and Parent mixed level formula
We've come up against an issue we're struggling to resolve. The situation is we have 1 Parent and 2 Children. We have the TotalStaff at the Parent level. Child 1 is prioritised and may require 60 of the staff to meet its SLAs - this is determined in a second line item. What we would like to do is be able to calculate the…
Summary Method - Multiply/Product
Hi all, I currently have one line item with 2 dimensions, and the numbers are percentages. I essentially want to strip out one of the dimensions in a new line item but to have all the percentages multiply by each other for the dimension that was taken out. In simple terms, I'm looking for a 'Summary Method' that multiplies…
Snapshotting Import Problem - Unknown Numbers Being Imported
Hello, An import I have is importing "mysterious", untraceable numbers into fields. I have a module with dimensions of time (month), B3 Sales Org, P2 Material. The line item I want to snapshot is "Sales History(Units) - LAG", with formula: LAG('Sales History(Units)', 12, 0) Sales History(Units) has no formula; its a line…
Anaplan throws an error while trying to hide more than 1000+ month line items
Hi Anaplanners, My existing view consists of 4 line items with 3 line items showing only All periods and 1 line item showing months and years from 2010 till 2035. I need to add a new line item to this view which should show only All periods similar to remaining 3 line items, but when i am trying to hide months and years it…
Error while using cod function in module
Getting error in sys02 region details module while using function Code i have attached error screen shot .please help me out on this
Level 2 Sprint 2 DEM03 line chart saved view
I am trying to create a saved view in DEM03. I have pivoted and filtered the data, but when I try to show only the Baseline and Initial Demand Forecast I get this error. I get the error when I select a row.
Level 2 Sprint 1 Import data into P3 SKU
Hi All, I'm trying to import data into the list P3 SKU . I couldnt find the view Build SKU in SYS12 SKU Details module though i have created and see it in the left pane Any suggestions Thanks
8.5.3 Activity: Import Data into Volume Inputs Module
Hello! I have a question - when i created the modules, i deleted Time from dimensions. How to add it back after the module is created? Now I have this But i need to have this Thank you in advance! Anton
Help with understanding how Anaplan works
Hi Everyone, I am able to do the exercises but struggle to understand what is happening conceptually, given I am used to an excel world in finance! For example, with employees, at it's simplest: I would have a tab with all the employee details (name, start date etc), with a unqiue Key - then I would cross reference in…
4.6.6 Import Help
I'm trying to import the product.csv, but I can't seem to make it import properly. It's importing the product code instead of the name, which ends up leaving out important data such as the size and the code. Please help.
Filter using Selective Access on Line Item Specified as a List
I have a data set I would like to open to end user with a line item (Cost Center) set as a list(also cost center) with Selective Access enabled. I would like the functionality to filter the data set so that end users will only gain access to their respective Cost Center(s). I know the workaround for adding cost center as a…
Automatically remap line items in import actions
As a model builder, i would need that in the following conditions : - an import mapping uses manual mappings for line items - the source line item name(s) are changed in the source module, that the manual mapping would be updated automatically or alternatively that we get a blocking mechanism that alerts us upon trying to…
Inputting a formula based on range of dates
Hi All, I'm fairly new to Anaplan and have a module that gets start period and end period. What I want to do is use these time range in order to set a specific amount based on a formula. I want to apply a specific formula on the time periods with respect to the start period and end period. To give an example, in one cost…
Level 3 Models - Time Settings - Should we consider the year as 2021 or 2020?
Hi, I started doing my L3 certification in 2021 and found that some of the data files provided in the training course had 2021 data while the Check your build sections had snapshots of 2020 model data. So I am confused about the time settings we need to use to build our models, should it be 2021 or 2020? I have completed…
Rounding issue
Hello, I'm having an issue in which a sum of rounded items is still showing some unexpected decimals. See screenshot below. Is there a workaround for this other than using formula as the summary method? Thanks, Josh
Error Message
Hi, I have a error message that keeps on popping up when I'm trying to create a formula. Please advice. Image is attached. Thank you
Summarize Boolean
Hi there, Module 1 has a model calendar, and module 2 doesn't use it. The model calendar has two future years & past years. I wanted to summarize the boolean of Module 1 in Module 2. I didn't get the expected result when I was implementing ANY & TIMESUM functions. Please advise me. Thanks,
Ranking across Multiple Dimensions
Ability to rank dynamically can be achieved by using the Group by property/parameter in the RANK function. We will need to determine a method for calculating a group by value based on the values selected by the user. Normally, the RANK function is fixed to the dimensions in the grid, but in our case, we need it to change…