Community Says: Accepted Solutions in Forums
Community Says is an ongoing series spotlighting some of the insights, advice, and information posted by our Community members. This week, we're spotlighting the Accepted Solution functionality in Community Forums. Forums are one of the most popular sections of Community, providing a place for members to post and answer…
The Certified Master Anaplanner Program Reaches a Milestone
Master Anaplanners connect at CPX 2019 The Master Anaplanner team has officially welcomed 300 Certified Master Anaplanners into the ecosystem! This is an outstanding accomplishment by these individuals, which demonstrates the continued maturity of the Anaplan ecosystem. These Master Anaplanners have all proved their…
We've Updated The Anaplan Way Guide Experience
Please note: this article is out-of-date. Please visit this The Anaplan Way resource for up-to-date information. …… Have you adopted The Anaplan Way, our tried-and-true methodology for implementing Anaplan applications? If not, now’s the time! We recently updated The Anaplan Way experience on the Anaplan Community,…
The Planual Rises
It’s time. For the last 18 months, we have been working hard to fully understand how the Anaplan engine works, what the associated best practices should be, and how they should be put together in a digestible format. It’s 4:11 p.m. I am in a very hot Pier 29 building in San Francisco, standing in front of an expectant…
Master Anaplanners @ CPX!
The 2019 Connected Planning Xperience (CPX) was an incredible event for everybody who attended—from the unique venue and pier experience to the new product announcements and launching of a comprehensive set of model-building best practices. The experience was particularly special for Certified Master Anaplanners—our…
Transforming IT Project Planning for CIOs
Project planning and tracking is something that falls under the responsibility of most Chief Information Officers (CIO). With many stakeholders, it is a cumbersome process to manage, is disconnected across cost centers and business units, and often does not generate insights at a meaningful level of detail. The Current…
University Connect at CPX
Chief Executive Officer, Frank Calderoni; Student Anaplanner of the Year, Jaymin Patel; and Chief Planning Officer, Simon Tucker. Connected Planning Xperience (CPX) 2019 offered students and faculty the opportunity to join the Anaplan family at the world’s largest business planning conference. This was the first time the…
Connected Planning Internship Program—Minneapolis
After a long winter season, there’s nothing like the energy and excitement of a Minnesota summer to lift your spirits. This year, Anaplan is stepping up its summer game with the introduction of the Connected Planning Internship program. This 11-week program is designed to help build the next generation of talented model…
Community at CPX: Behind the Scenes—Day 2 & Recap
Sampath Gomatam, Senior Vice President, Product, and YY Lee, Senior Vice President, Chief Strategy Officer—in the Platform Innovation Powering Connected Planning keynote. The Connected Planning Xperience (CPX) continued with day two activities. The team was back at it, connecting with customers, learning more about members…
Anaplan's New UX is in Open Early Access
Anaplan's New UX on a tablet and mobile. Anaplan is excited to announce the open early access period for the new Anaplan User Experience (New UX). Take a look below to learn more about where you can gain access to the Your New User Experience area of the Community, as well as all of the benefits and resources you need to…
Community at CPX: Behind the Scenes
Connected Planning Xperience (CPX) has descended upon San Francisco this week, and the team has been hard at work, bringing the best of Community to attendees. After months of prepping and planning, the best part is finally here—connecting with customers and partners, in person, for three whole days! Check out this behind…
Announcing the Community Boss Program!
Announcing the Community Boss program! The Anaplan Community is thriving due to the thoughtful contributions of its members. This year, we’re recognizing customers, partners, and employees who go out of their way to encourage, advise, and share knowledge with their fellow Anaplan Community members. Officially launching…
Happy National Doughnut Day!
It’s finally here… Happy National Doughnut Day!!! In the midst of our final preparations for the Connected Planning Experience (CPX) next week in San Francisco, we here in the Anaplan Minneapolis office have paused for a moment to celebrate this fun—and delicious—national holiday. So what’s the big deal? Everyone grabbed a…
Announcing the Centers of Excellence Section of Community
At Anaplan, we know that enabling Connected Planning depends on more than just a technology solution. Our most successful customers are those that invest in a dedicated team of Anaplanners focused on breaking down siloes to truly make the most of cross-functional planning while maintaining high-quality consistency across…
Careers in Planning You Didn't Know Existed
Are you focused, organized, and able to stay calm under pressure? Can you see the big picture, while paying attention to the details? Do you have a natural ability to listen and understand others? Planning might just be the career path for you. With so many jobs that align well with the tendencies of a natural-born…
Interviewing with Anaplan: More Tips for Success
Anaplan is continuously looking for new talent, from interns to senior leaders. Regardless of your experience level, being considered for a new position can be a daunting process; every company is different, with different methods of evaluating potential new employees. If you've applied and are starting to prepare for that…
Anaplan Drinks from Azure Data Lake
Anaplan uses a proprietary storage system that is only accessible via APIs. For primarily Azure data environments, this can present some challenges to keeping fresh data flowing into Anaplan. However, we’ve found a way to accomplish this in an easy and reliable way as part of the common Azure big data architectural style,…
Cal Poly Visits Anaplan Headquarters
The Anaplan University Connect program hosted a group of top undergraduate students from California Polytechnic State University-San Luis Obispo (Cal Poly) Orfalea College of Business at the Anaplan headquarters in San Francisco for an incredibly interactive exploration of Anaplan and Connected Planning, including career…
6 Reasons to Attend an Anaplan Event as a Master Anaplanner
One of the consistently top-rated perks of the Master Anaplanner status is the opportunity to network and connect with like-minded Anaplan experts. With Anaplan’s flagship event, Connected Planning Xperience (CPX), just around the corner, now is your chance to secure your spot among Anaplan’s elite model builders and…
5 Steps to Become a Successful Solution Architect
Learning something new can be intimidating and overwhelming, and learning the ins-and-outs of Anaplan is certainly no different. Lists? Line items? I thought this was just like Excel, so why are all the formulas different? Like most new endeavors, there’s a learning curve with Anaplan. Once you have taken the first small…
2019 CPX Hackathon: What You Need to Know
Welcome to the Hackathon! This one-day, pre-Connected Planning Xperience (CPX) hackathon provides participants with the opportunity to explore the platform, learn something new, receive guidance from Anaplan product experts, and network with like-minded colleagues—all while competing for prizes and bragging rights. Spend…
A Good Plan: Ownership Leads to Accountability
From the very moment an organization decides to implement Anaplan, it is imperative that it starts building the foundation for ownership of the solution from the beginning of requirements gathering to the end of user acceptance testing (UAT). When this is done successfully, clients feel confident in the solution and…
What Makes a Good Anaplanner?
Hello current and future Anaplanners! I’m Josh King and from my perspective as a current Anaplan exclusive partner and former Anaplan VP, I’d like to share the core values and skill sets that make for a great Anaplanner. I joined Anaplan in 2011, just after the product went commercial and was one of the first 10 employees.…
Community Roundtable: The Joys of Planning
The Community Roundtable is back with the sixth installment in the series, and this time we’re focusing on our partners. We've asked three of our partners to share what their favorite part of planning is and what about it gets them excited to go to work every day. Ready for some serious job envy? Keep reading to find out…
The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying Up Your Anaplan Model
Marie Kondo's "The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying Up" seems to be popping up everywhere these days with her book and Netflix show. I decided to take the principles of her KonMari Method and see how we can apply them to how we build Anaplan Models. The KonMari.com website explains the method: The KonMari Method™…
3 Planning Tips from the Rebel Alliance
May the 4th be with you! In recognition of Star Wars Day, we wanted to share some insights on planning that we picked up a long time ago in a galaxy far, far away. In this special dual blog post, we’re analyzing the successes and failures of both the Rebel Alliance and the Galactic Empire throughout “Star Wars: Episode IV…
3 Planning Tips From the Galactic Empire
In celebration of May the 4th (be with you!), we’re analyzing some planning-based highlights from arguably the most famous Star Wars film of them all, “Star Wars: Episode IV – A New Hope.” In this special dual blog post, we’re analyzing what worked, what didn’t work, and what can be learned from the planning successes and…
60 Tips for Acing Your Anaplan Interview
Have you ever wondered what it takes to join the Anaplan ecosystem? Are you in the process of applying and want some insider information on what we look for when interviewing? If so, you’ve come to the right place! We’ve asked Anaplan employees to submit their top tips for interviewing within the Anaplan ecosystem. Ready…
The Truth About Sparsity: Part 2
In part one I defined sparsity, shared how combined hierarchy lists have been a common technique to avoid it, and dispelled some of its associated myths. I also discussed some issues you will encounter when using combined hierarchies. In part two I will discuss the modeling considerations for handling sparsity and the best…
7 Inspiring Books: Anaplan Community Reading List
Tomorrow is World Book Day—a day to celebrate the power of a good book and the impact it can have on our lives! A book that uplifts, excites, and changes us is also a book that we inevitably want to share with others. So, in recognition of this global event, we asked Anaplan leadership to share titles that have affected…