How can I build this filter without using 4 billion cells!
My end users want to see transaction level data being pulled into our model with the ability to filter by account code and time. The filter is currently set up as displayed in the attachment, but takes up way too much space in the model. Any ideas on how I can build a smaller filter for this to continue working? Thanks…
Forecast Moving Average
Hi guys I want ask you, why doesn't the value on FY25 continue? it stops calculating week 1, I want to continue the calculation (for example week2 in FY25 is the sum of week 52 fY24 and week1 FY25 div 2. Is it possible for me to do that? Week 1 FY 25 = (Week 51 FY 24 + Week 52 FY 24)/2 Week 2 FY 25 = (Week 52 FY 25 + Week…
Access to Apps and Pages
Hi, Could someone please help how do I provide access to someone to view the Pages and Apps that I created. I shared the link and the user was not able to view. Should the user be provided 'Page Builder' access even to view an App or Page? Thanks, Gokul.
demand forecast the result is a circular reference screen
How to create multiple file ID for the same process?
My Anaplan model is connected to an outside system by API, user can accept or reject a request in a workflow in the outside system and the result is transferred to Anaplan by API, then Anaplan will refer to the result file and update the status to proved/rejected. However when multiple users run the same workflow at the…
Level 2(Conclusion) Currency Conversion
Hi all… I've been trying to import to Country Currency list but getting errors. Please find my mapping screenshot… I've used Name or Code when mapping because each currency has both country name and code. Thanks in advance!!
Level 2 Sprint 3 Beginning Inventory, Forecast Demand, and Suggested Order Line Items
Hi, I am getting the wrong values for "Beginning Inventory" and "Forecast Demand" in INV01. I have used the following formulas.. Beginning Inventory: IF 'SYS01 Time Settings By Week'.'NOT First Week of Timescale?' THEN PREVIOUS(Ending Inventory) ELSE 'DAT01 Beginning Inventory'.Beginning Inventory Forecast Demand: 'DEM03…
[In Saved View] column in Blueprint
Hi everyone, As the model grows and everchanges to client demands, model builders have to gradually clean up unused/irrelevant line items. For me, I can detect those unused line items when checking the [Referenced By] column in the blueprint, but for those that aren't referenced by any other line items, I need to check…
New UXの機能アップデート ・Line Itemsに対するフィルタ機能追加 ・階層リストの折り畳み/展開機能追加 ・Gridの行/列項目に対する書式設定機能追加
Distributing values based on Mapping.
Hi All, I have a module MOD1 which is dimensioned by Product Group, Customer and Time and has line item Cost. I have another module MOD2 which is dimensioned by Product, Customer and Time and has line item Sales. I have a mapping between Product Group and Product Lists. Every Product Group has multiple products. I want to…
Request for Hints on Level 3 Q2 and Q3
Hi all, I hope you're doing well. I’m looking for some hints regarding Level 3 Q2 and Q3. I tried re-importing the data provided in the files, but for some reason, I can’t retrieve the Amount Increased or the Initial Country Sales Target for Chocolates/US. Could anyone provide a hint on what I might be doing wrong? The…
Getting Invalid date format while data import into module
hi, my source file contain time in format 201901 201902.. etc as line item. while importing i am getting error as above . which time format i have to select.? adding source file below. please help to resolve the error. Thanks Jerin
why all roles empty?
Level 2 training Add Formula to SYS13 Line Item
Help please!! Line item: Has Data? Format: Boolean Formula: IF TIMESUM('DAT03 Historic Volumes'.Volume) <> 0 THEN TRUE ELSE FALSE Somehow, it did not give me correct result. Not sure what's wrong here.
Integration via Amazon S3
Hi, I created a connection via Amazon S3 without any problem, the status is "Connected", but I don't manage to select a file when I try to create the integration : Thank you in advance for your help. Best Regards Alex
Compare value on current logged in user email
I have a module with historicals captured by different users via another Model. My module has one line Item which has the email ID(Customer Email) of that particular user, however this module is not dimensioned by Users. For this module i only have one dimension which is basically the Index for the records, rest other data…
How to retrieve Current user
Hi everyone. i read some of the post here regarding retrieving current user but unfortunately cant find the answer. Since retrieving current user without user list dimension is not allowed, how can i transfer the current user from module with user list dimension to a module without user list dimension. thank you.
Hot fix
Hi All, I couldn't get clear outlook of implementing hot fix in prod environment, when we have development in progress in dev mode. We don't need the development to go to prod only the issue needs to be fixed and later we must progress with the dev model with out loosing the development. I am unclear of how many revision…
Which of the conditions require the use of a numbered list
This seems to be a tricked question, I can not figured how this is not correct [Image Removed by Moderator] This is the reference from Planual: [Image removed by Moderator]
why I importad data from csv show 100x bigger than the original file?
hello I tried to finish the L1 training and in the 8.5.2 steps when I import the price book data in the anaplan model I saw values that 100x bigger than the original values in the csv file. like example csv file show: 0,84 in my model I see 84.0. not sure what cause this problem. is it coming from my local xls settings? if…
Error in key for this row; refers to invalid list item
Hi everyone, " Error in key for this row; refers to invalid list item : Headcount " I get the above error when I tried to import data into Numbered List, which is uniquely identified by combination of properties. Actually, the list item which is formatted by some "xyz" list has list item ' Headcount' Even after that, I am…
source to target data is getting loaded partially via IICS
Hello, i'm fairly new to Anaplan but come from BI products world. I have a situation, an Import action is created in Anaplan dev. This action picks up the .csv file from source location (This has been working perfectly fine in our environment for last 4 years) and loads it in to one of the Modules. This process has been…
API or Integration to fetch module's history
Hello, Is there a way to fetch module's Change data capture or History through an API?
Links in page tasks in a workflow are not working
Hi all, I have a problem: in a workflow I use a page that contains links. Before when starting a task that takes you to that page you could navigate from those links. Now, the page is "static" and the links do not work when you are in the task page. Is something new? Can it be changed?
Management Reporting - notes commentary boxes
Raising for @EmmaPF In management reporting it would be really useful for end users to have the ability to make notes for presentation - similar to the notes function at the bottom of PPT slides that allows users to add a commentary that doesn't appear in the presentation/pdf version.
Timesum with Date
Hi I want to use Timesum function. In this page, we can use Timesum function with end date to start date. https://community.anaplan.com/t5/Idea-Exchange/Dates-in-Timesum/idi-p/89565 But in Anapedia page, it is not suggested to use Date. https://help.anaplan.com/13d8b551-4e13-413b-a39f-f25579d21e38-TIMESUM Is there some…
Level 3 Sprint 1 9.3 small differences
I have reviewed each step and I dont really know how to get the number of the example… here i have the example given: and here my results after each formula… I have used the next formulas: Percentage %: Initial Account Sales Target / Initial Account Sales Target[LOOKUP: 'SYS99 Lookups'.Target Year] Initial Account Sales…
ALM explained—Part 3: avoiding data loss
Introduction In part two of the new ALM Explained series, we discussed the best practices for testing and validating changes prior to deploying them to production models. However, we also know that testing protocols are not always followed, especially if the change is an emergency patch, and sometimes, the synchronization…
File format vs Anaplan
Hi, I want to ask for help with why while importing, it keeps on reading my code like this xxxxx+12? Attached photos for reference: File: (.csv format) Anaplan: Thanks,
Performance Issue / Page Crashes with Hierarchy Card
We are working on running a Page context using a 9 Level Hierarchy and the idea is to expand/collapse click through the levels while the dependent Grids on 10th Level get updated [ Hierarchy Filter Context Synced] Unfortunately - the card navigation response is a little sluggish and takes 5-6 mins to get the context…