Filter forms
Hi All, When creating a form , it would be very useful to be able to filter the line items requested in the form . For example: The form requests the user to enter a month. Instead of the dropdown having all the months in the model calendar, it would be nice to be able to filter to just the current month , current -1 ,…
Keeping the column width after expanding (maximizing) the grid
When the grid is collapsed on NUX page, we can decide what is the width of each column and save it, to look e.x. like this: But when I maximize the grid it doesn't keep my formatting from "minimized" view but it has it's own default anaplan view that can't be setup. It results in having header column quite wide (comparing…
Delta Load
Is it possible to do a delta load in the Anaplan model? Lets say one flat file is uploaded at 10.00 AM with 5 million records and the same file is uploaded at 11.00 AM with 6 million records. I just want to upload the new 1 million records into my model. How can we achieve that? Thank you in advance!
Sum if on a quarter level line item
Hey i need a little bit of help, i want to sum month values to a quarter level value but the dimension isn't really time related its more like converted The right solution would be 7000 in 'New Quarters Value' on Apr 24. May 24 and Jun 24 actually a simple sum if The upper Month dimension comes from a list(property) which…
OEG Best Practice: Statistical forecasting
Overview The following is a guide for the Statistical Forecasting Calculation Engine Models (monthly and weekly). It includes enablement videos, practice data import exercise, model documentation, and specific steps when using the model for implementations. 1. Enablement videos and practice exercise…
SUM based on Line Item Value
I have a line item that has a list value. In another module, I would like to sum based on that list value -- without adding that list as a dimension in either module. Is this possible? I know this syntax isn't right, but it would be something along the lines of Source.Amount[SUM: IF Source.Line Item = List.Value]
How can I remove label from pie in NUX?
Hello everyone, Here is my problem, I want to be able to remove this part on my pie : When I remove "show percentage " I have that : When I put it back and remove " show data labels " , everything is removed : Do you know if it is possible to obtain my first screenshot? Thanks, Best
Publishing subsidiary views in FluenceXL
Has anyone had any success publishing a subsidiary view line item in Fluence grids? I have a line item in a module that is a subsidiary view used for mapping GLs. I need an end-user to update the mappings. Fluence will not allow me to publish and edit the subsidiary view mappings since the dimensions differ from the…
Subset functionality for the versions where we can selective versions by Boolean
Its great to use subsets on the Lists but can we have same functionality in Anaplan versions? Because not all used cases require all the versions as dimension and this also increase the size
Percentage format flow when using Line item Subsets
having Line item subsets helps greatly but when we want percentage formatted Line item as the source and want that in Target Module with LIS as dimension the formatting is going away and it only shows as numbers(with no percentages) which shouldn't be the case
ログイン後、Anaplanでの操作が10分以上ないと、自動的にタイムアウトされて、再度ログインを行うことが頻発しています。 私は長らくISMSの事務局を担当していましたので、ログオフの設定は必要であり、無操作時間を短くしておくことは理解しています。 当社は予実管理をAnaplanで行っているため、他のファイルを確認して登録することをしていると、いつの間にかタイムアウト、再ログインが頻発しています。 タイムアウトの設定は、Professional Userに設定可能な権限を付与することは検討いただけますでしょうか。 最小単位1分、最大単位30分、といったことができてくれば、私たちユーザー側にとってメリットが出てくるように思います。…
Ability to input text commentary with text formatting options in Management Reporting - New UX
While working on a project, a useful implementation emerged. Currently in Anaplan, via Management Reporting, it is possible to create documentation that cannot be customised by the user. In fact, the end user using the system can only look at the data and comments previously entered by the Page Builder. We tried creating a…
How to do use aggregate value?
Hey everyone, i am stuck at the part where i have to devise a formula for Subtract 1 line item,for that i need the extra value which is 5% in this case ,can be seen in Override-Allocation line item and i need to divide it in those members which do not overriden the values like for LM1,LM2,LM3,LM4 and LM5 which looks like…
Lesson 6.6.4
My module looks identical to the example, except for one additional "YTD" column. Can someone advise how to get rid of that additional column?
Users are automatically getting deleted in bulk from Prod Workspace.
Users in the Anaplan Prod WS are automatically getting deleted and we are continuously receiving reports of users losing access. When I checked the history, it is showing that these users are deleted by <System User> so we are not able to figure out how these users were deleted.
How do I exclude zeros from a MIN aggregation?
I am building an output module to show some statistics around account pipeline by industry. I want to be able to show the smallest pipeline. Since some accounts have zero pipeline, the standard MIN function returns zero, but I want it to return the MIN excluding zeros. How can I do this? Here's an example of what I'm…
Send Email without having to push a button.
Hi All, I was working on a support ticketing project. I had the project scrapped because the end user didn't want to hit a button manually to send an email to notify other parties. It would be nice to have Anaplan automatically send emails without having to hit a link with MAILTO(). For example when "ticket status" is…
Can anyone share the link for Excel Add-in 4.4 exe file please?
I want to install Excel Add-in 4.4 exe file in my laptop. But I am not able to find out the link. Can anyone share the link for Excel Add-in 4.4 exe file please? Sharing the screen shot of website showing the link for Excel Add-in 4.4 exe file which taken few months back
want to know various reasons of UnMapping Issue
I have import csv file. which i mapped to Code to import the Data in to a module. After some when I ran the action its failing . When i checked the import mapping was not there. Want to know various scenarios for this issue
Time Spent on L3 Sections
I am planning to start L3 over the next week. Can someone provide a breakout of how long it took them on average to complete the sections below? Any feedback is greatly appreciated! Level 3 Model Building: Introduction Process Flow & UX Design (Time estimate?) Schema Design (Time estimate?) Sprint 1 (Time estimate?) Sprint…
Solution Architect Application : Can we still modify the modules ?
Hello Anaplan Community, I have just completed both the technical and knowledge exams for Level 3, and now I need to upload the model history and blueprint. My question is: Will we still be able to make modifications to our model after this, in order to prepare for the Anaplan Solution Architect application? Thank you,…
Problem with dimensions
Hello I have a question that I am struggling to solve: I have these two SYS module, Store City here is a property of a numbered list with store code I have second calc module, historical volumes loaded with this set of data And the third calc module, organized with formula. So far so good, the issue is that I cant come up…
Ability to change color of the BLUE Anaplan banner in order to quickly differentiate between models
A helpful enhancement in future roll outs would be the ability to change the blue Anaplan banner to that of a color chosen by the Administrator. This will allow for quick user differentiation between Training and Production models they have access to.
Pro tip: Process & Import IDs
When setting up data integrations the process or import actions are often referred to by name, however, this practice isn't robust and can cause process failures if names are changed in the model. During development and enhancements, a model builder may choose to edit the name of a process or import to the model. This…
errorwithclearrequeststatuspoll exception?
Getting this while inputting in a value in a column.
Importing in Deployed model (Change data Source file)
I have an action import in deployed model to load the changes in the list and before, I able to manage data import sources to have a new source data file and it run successfully. But now I having problem in overriding the existing source data. when I try to manage import it says this "Deployed mode is enabled and you…
7.2.1 Activity: Import Data into Product Details Module Question
Hi there, I am having trouble importing data and I think my mapping may be off. When I get to the Product Details Line Items, there are no selections available. Can anyone advise?
July 2024 platform releases
Check out the latest Anaplan feature updates and enhancements in our July 2024 release notes. The information below offers supplemental information to that post. Planning and modeling On-Demand Calculation in Polaris Polaris will now only calculate aggregate-level intersection when needed, resulting in reduced model size…
Created Time Settings by Year module
Created the SYS01 Time Settings by Year module, added and formatted the line items, and added the formulas .. How do we properly add dimension on this one?
NUX Or Classic Dashboards in Level 3 Certification ?
Hello, For the Level 3 certification, are we required to create dashboards using Classic Dashboards, or can we use the NUX instead? Thank you for your help, Noura