IFP &OWP available in Polaris?
Hello, Do the new Integrated Financial Planning (IFP) and Operational Workforce Planning (OWP) applications support Polaris, or are they only available out of the box on the Classic Engine? Thanks in advance to anyone who can help!
Functionality to Delete a user account at Tenant Level
In as much detail as possible, describe the problem or experience related to your idea. Please provide the context of what you were trying to do and include specific examples or workarounds: Use Case: - Functionality to Delete a user account at Tenant level does not disable. Problem: - For system integration in any…
Import/Upload restrictions on Flat List and Flat List Modules
Hi All, I have a flat list which is a concatenation of Lists - Company Code, Costcenter, Costelement and KPI, ex - IN11_CC2222_CE3333_PL50. There are more than 5000 list members. We already have a module based on this flat list. Users from different regions upload Planning data to this module using offline csv files. The…
Level 1 Exam Activity 6 - Incorrect Value
I have got as far as Activity 6 and added in formulas to pull data into REP004 but the values are incorrect, Medical costs should be 24000 but I have 36000 so not sure what I ve done wrong and how or what to correct. Might be the format and need to pivot differently but I ve come to a complete halt and failed as I was…
Bulk Copy Run Not Visible
Hello, has anyone ever encountered this before? I am trying to execute a bulk copy from one version to another and when I come to the "Are you sure" page the run / ok button is not visible, therefore I am unable to execute the action.
Using Network cards for dynamic org charts
Hi, We came across org charts (Hierarchy Charts) which are a great functionality. However, we want the client to be able to do scenario planning on the hierarchy and by Month. E.g. John could report to Smith in Jan, but in Feb , he report to Molly. Since Org Charts cannot refresh dynamically unless you incorporate time…
Anaplan isn't showing previous certification.
I had completed my level 1 and level 2 sprint 2 trainings a few months ago, now I wanted to complete my level 3 so came to resume my training sessions, but Anaplan tells I haven't even done level 1. I have a copy of completing L2 Sprint 1 exam, but now it says I don't have any certification started.
Anaplan Data Orchestrator (ADO) - AMQP Connector
We have implemented a event driven architecture in order to interface our application (including Anaplan) in "close to real time". However, the Advanced Message Queuing Protocol (AMQP) is not supported for the time being by ADO, which forces us to use an additionnal middleware. This would allow us to implement a seemless…
4月~3月を一つの年度として、認識させたい。 まず、年度のリストを作りました。(2024.2025…. そのリストを、日データ(2024/4/1→2024)につけたいです。 年度算出まではできたのですが、その後どうすればいいか詰まってしまいました。。
Most efficient way to apply bandings to employee list
Looking to apply the bandings below to employee list depending on what salary is and whilst I know could do this by using combination of IF and AND statements I'm thinking there must be a more efficient way to do this calculation wise - any tips or suggestions would be much appreciated.
Pivoting with more than 3 rows
Description of the enhancement required: Need to be able to pivot more than 3 rows How would it help their business process: Reporting many cases of views needed with multiple dimensions with more than 3 lists in rows. Most recent case 1) A module with many dimensions 2) Need to be imported to a flat list 3) Filtering…
How to provide integration access to a user
I am tenant admin and I want to give integration access to one of the user, can anyone help me with how can I provide that access to a user.
Access Restrictions on Flat List
Hi All, I have a flat list which is a concatenation of Lists - Company Code, Costcenter, Costelement and KPI, ex - IN11_CC2222_CE3333_PL50. There are more than 5000 list members. We already have a module based on this flat list. Users upload Planning data to this module using offline csv files. The Process has 2 actions,…
Getting rid of the dimensions in a dashboard
Hey little (maybe stupid) question, A couple of months ago, I was able to get rid of the dimensions in a dashboard by clicking twice on the line between the dimensions of the rows and the grid itself. So when I did this, the dimensions disappeared and only the data was visible. Now, is it possible that this functionality…
The ability to view Anaplan UX adoption data in specific categories
In as much detail as possible, describe the problem or experience related to your idea. Please provide the context of what you were trying to do and include specific examples or workarounds: As an Anaplan Tenant Administrator, I need to be able to view my Anaplan UX adoption data in the following specific categories:…
Export user list
Tenant Admins should be able to export a list of users (similar to how workspaces can be exported). You should also be able to export all attributes including userid/email address. When in Administration> Users you can enable and disable users, search and filter but there is no way to export the data.
Leveraging Synchronize Scroll on Same List Structure with and w/o Time
Hi Everyone, Looking to see how others are addressing a certain build request. We commonly get the request to have attribute information next to a metric that is also dimensioned by time. An approach we have started using is having two modules on the same UX page leveraging synchronize scroll. This allows us to have…
Option to overwrite line items with Read Access Driver through an Import action.
Hi All, I am in a situation where the users are uploading a data file into Anaplan, that we are then wanting to create a report based on, to highlight some issues, that the end users then should be able to comment on. The problem I am facing is that loading the data file into a module, we want to show the raw data inputs,…
LOOKUP on Time | Model Optimization Team series
Hello Anaplan Community! Welcome to the Model Optimization team's monthly blog post. This is our last post in an eight-part series, on the topics we see occurring most frequently in slow customer models. Our aim is to inform and guide how to build with best practice intentions for these model building topics. Each month,…
Filtering Actuals based on selected Version in UX
I have (simplified): Actuals Module - dimensioned by Time only Forecast Module - dimensioned by Time and (let's call it) Version List (not the native Version - just a normal list) Settings Module - dimensioned by Version List, which has a line item called "Forecast Start Month" (format: Time/Month) System Module:…
Field no showing on Add Entry screen for some users
Hello, we have a Dashboard and there is a New Entry form, we added a field (unrestricted) for currency in the module, and added it to the entry form. Some users are seeing the old list of fields to add Others are seeing the new field included I cannot work out why this is not showing for all users as there are no selective…
Many to Many Sum in a single step?
I am in the middle of a model build and am running into a situation where I feel like there should be an efficient option to do a calculation, but I can't figure out a way to do it without a 'staging' line item that bloats the model. As the title says, I have a 'Many to Many' relationship - a single Deal can be tagged to…
Unable to show tax rate which is a 2-variable lookup from another module
Hi guys I am facing a problem and thought any kind soul here might be able to help out. In this module HR02, I am unable to display a "Tax" rate which is essentially a look-up from TAX01 Any idea what would cause the lookup to not work? Thanks!
- Update Inventory Ordering to Allow Override of Shipping Method - Final Shipping Time Weeks
i'm stuck while following the hint, it said The formula for this line item is similar to the Shipping Time Weeks line item, except it should reference the Final Shipping Method line item. and the formula for the Shipping Time Weeks is 'TRA01 Shipping Metrics by Week'.'Shipping Time (Weeks)'[LOOKUP: Shipping Method, LOOKUP:…
Bulk PDF Export
We have received a requirement to do bulk export from Management Reporting for all the intersections available. At the moment, we can only do for one intersection and it takes a few seconds for the pdf to be even available for export. Would be great to have this capability to do bulk pdf exports.
- Create Distribution Center Capacity Module
Hi everyone, My values don't seem to be very realistic, would just like to ask for guidance if I'm doing something wrong. Or if someone could check the values.
What Does User Admin do?
Hi all, I couldn't find much useful information on User Admin so I hope someone can shed some light on it. When I dedicate a user an User Admin, will it count towards my WSA limit? Can User Admin who is not WSA create new users, update role, update selective access via a User Management module or import action in NUX?…
Case study: Challenges faced before introducing Anaplan
Author: Jonathan Cushing is a Certified Master Anaplanner and Senior Consultant at Vuealta Consulting. My first experience of Anaplan was building an FP&A model in the company I worked in group finance. The company operated within the construction sector all over the UK with regional offices along with a centralized group…
Make the "model open analysis" available
It is very common to face performance issues with Anaplan models. Examples are not lacking, you just have to have a look to Anaplan Community to realize it. Several “best practices” exist: https://community.anaplan.com/discussion/33530/oeg-best-practice-plans-this-is-how-we-model Moreover, a tool exists, the “Model Open…
- Import into DEM01 Module
Hello, I'm attempting to import Volume Growth Rates.csv. When mapping the time (column headers) on the file, I select Periods, but there is no Y-M or M-Y option. I assume something is messed up that I'm unaware of. Any feedback would be appreciated. Sean O