番号付きリストをディメンションとしたモジュールからあるラインアイテムの合計を持ってきたいが、数量が表示されない。 現状:SummaryはSumに設定
Ability to format numbers by multiplying 10000 in the Board/Report eg 0.03% to 3bps with suffix
In as much detail as possible, describe the problem or experience related to your idea. Please provide the context of what you were trying to do and include specific examples or workarounds: For management and board reporting, we need to present % variances into bps (a unit of measurement equal to 1/100th of 1 percent). We…
How to filter time in NUX based on page selector parent.
Hi, I'm struggling to filter a table in NUX based on the page selector. Anaplan wants me to hard code an item to filter on. I want it to use the selected item in the page selector. I have a bunch of projects with their parent category Start and end month is set for each project. This aggregates with min for start and max…
Average Duration for process to be run or Line items to reflect the changes
Hello Community members. Hope you are doing all well. Currently I am optimizing a model for a client that was having troubles with the duration of processes being run or the duration which it takes for line item to reflect manual change by users in a line item . Model has been optimized now. I know that for sure different…
How to display selected line items depending on the selected level in the hierarchical list.
I have a three level list Country->Region->City. How can I display selected line items for a given level in the list. Let's say I have 10 line items in the module and for Country level I want to display 6 selected, for Region level 4 other selected etc.
Security around list updates
Hi, Just a question around how to best set security around who can update lists in our Anaplan model. Initial plan is to have list showing on application, with certain individuals able to update - is this done through page settings and restrict roles? Any advice would be greatly appreciated.
UX idea: Configure pages associated with archived models
Currently, if a page is linked to an archived model I cannot identify which model it is. As a model builder, I want to be able to see which model is linked to a page to be able to remap it. There is no way to remap it without knowing which model is there. The "options" button (…) is unavailable for pages linked to the…
Is it possible to customize the displayed line items in grid view based on the level for the context
My context selector has three levels Country->Region->City, is it possible to prepare three views and display them in grid view based on selected context selector level?
lookup code
Think I must be having a mental block today but could someone advise what formula need to use in order to return the "Code" column shown in the left-hand side to the line item on the module shown on the right-hand side. Many thanks
Need workspace access. Please advise how much time will it take to get access after applying for it?
I have applied for workspace last month, still not got access. Does it usually takes this much time to get access?
Hello, Can we change the rows and columns in a module after the module is created.. For Example product code is defined as column in the module, after the initial creation of the modul i want to change it as rows is it possible Also once a module is created , where can we see the rows and columns defined for that module…
Lesson 1 topic 1.4.2 How to find 'price of tuddy fuddy' in Fijuana?
Can someone please help me with the question from lesson 1, subtopic 1.4.2 , Exploring your model?
About my "Talent Builder Program" application lack of follow up..
HI everyone, last July I completed my Anaplan Way Training and also I also created of course an Anaplan Community account. I applied than for the Talent Builder Program in order to have access to an environment, which was necessary to me, so to kick off with my Model Builder Training. Unfortunately I never receive any comm…
Strategies for clear and significant business insights
Author: Judee Dimapilis is a Certified Master Anaplanner and co-founder at Malaya Tech Consulting. Within the ever-changing landscape of business operations, reporting that is both accurate and informative has never been more crucial. However, there are common reporting challenges that many businesses encounter that makes…
How I Built It: Data locking and validation within processes
Author: Noah Jackson is a Certified Master Anaplanner and Principal Data and Insights Architect at Anaplan. Hello Anaplan Community! I’m excited to share this ‘How I Built It’ video with you. In this tutorial, I walk you through two types of actions that you can add to your Anaplan processes to improve your data access…
Add note / comment out in the formula editor
Ability to add notes / comment out formula parts in the formula editor similar to '- -' in SQL or ' in Microsoft Visual Basic
Comments within formula
There should be a syntax to add comments within the formula. All programming languages provide this feature, for example: /* comment */ is used in Java, plsql. This will help to temporary remove any part of the formula for testing or add meaningful comments for reference.
Allow end users to view and manipulate hidden context selectors temporarily while pivoting a grid
In as much detail as possible, describe the problem or experience related to your idea. Please provide the context of what you were trying to do and include specific examples or workarounds: Oftentimes, a page builder hides certain context selector because they serve no purpose, introduce unwanted cognitive burden (in the…
Dependent dropdown list with Time Period
It would be great if I could create dependent dropdown lists with Time Period type. E.g. I have 2 line items with FY and HY types. And when I've selected FY18 in the first one, the second dropdown allows to select only H1 FY8 and H2 FY18, excluding items from other years
Duplicate my page
Hi Team Please add the ability for end users to duplicate pages under the my pages section. Currently, they have to goto master page for re-creating any pages. Duplicating from already created pages will save time. Thanks Kudi
Anaplan: Valid To period - 9999
Hi Expert, Good day! Would like to seek your insights on how to upload the ValidTo period as 12/31/9999 and in Anaplan it will become blank (Date format). Since in Anaplan unable to load this period format unless set the format as text. Is there any workaround to handle this one or a system limitation? Thank you in…
Strategic Planning: 6 Steps for Small Businesses
As a small business owner, you’re a member of a unique group of people that face a specific set of challenges when it comes to business planning. You’ve identified the right niche, hired a rock-star team, and are poised to conquer the business world! When the initial buzz wears off and you’re left to compete in an…
Filter Context
Does anyone know would drive filtering to require "Filter Context"? If I select a list item, it will cause problems if another user wants to select an alternate "Entity" in my example. It seems like you hard code the "Entity" by selecting something in the "Context Filter."
Fundamental lessons I learned in 2023
Author: Ethan Rold is a Certified Master Anaplanner and Senior Manager at Grant Thornton LLP. Winter in the U.S. is basketball season, and it is in full swing. When you attend a high school basketball game, more than likely you will hear the crowds of the student body chant “fun-da-men-tals” in a sing-song style to mock a…
- Apply Dynamic Cell Access to Demand Forecast
I struggled in this activity where we applied DCA to Override Forecast the forecast line item. I was thinking of writing a formula here in the Override Forecast Line item like below but I am not sure how to lock the cells once the Override? line Item is checked. Can someone help me how to resolve this issue? Also, do we…
2024 Certificate Maintenance for Certified Master Anaplanners
The 2024 Certified Master Anaplanner Program has begun and there's incredible opportunity for 2024 Certified Master Anaplanners (CMAs) to demonstrate their thought leadership, technical expertise, evangelism, and mentorship capabilities across the entire Anaplan Ecosystem! At their core, a Certified Master Anaplanner is…
New UXの機能アップデート ・条件付き書式によるフォントの色 ・リッチテキスト形式 ・ラインアイテムに基づく条件付きページナビゲーション Workflowの機能アップデート ・ラインアイテムによる意思決定ステップ ・スキップ可能な意思定と承認 ・モデルロールによる意思決定ステップ Administrationの機能アップデート ・管理コンソールでのユーザーの管理
Having boolean true for certain hierarchy levels only
I have a hierarchy consisting three levels (product/product family/total products. Similar to the one in the trainings) and I tried to do some conditional formatting on it (need to use it as other tables on dashboard have list/line item subsets in it so needed to create a consistent outlook) I thought using an if formula…
Remove space/indentation from list items when parent levels are hidden on UX worksheet
When parent levels are hidden on worksheet, there are a lot of white space for list items which is a big waste and also not good visualization. See screenshot below. It'd be great if the space will be shortened or removed when one or more parent levels are hidden/deselected.
show parent hierarchy results in bold in modules and dashboard
As an end user I want my parent hierarchy results to show in bold in tables so that they are quickly and easily distinguishable from the rest of the data Currently the parent item name in the list shows as bold when it is used in a table but not the attached results