More advanced Grouping, Sorting and Filtering of the lists of Modules / Dashboards / Actions etc
During Anaplan training a user creates 5 or 6 modules / dashboard etc. Easy. Our model has a staggering list of actions, modules and dashboards. In our model are we have: * 593 Modules * 248 Dashboards * 1767 Actions Model builders need a more robust wayto manage this. Having the ability to filter these lists by a type…
Ability to add Folder structure to Lists, Modules, Actions etc
Being able to keep a model clean and well organised is really important in allowing model builders to understand and work with the model going forward. Often we find that as a model grows, the number of lists, modules, actions etc grows quite large and can start to become difficult to manage. This enhancement idea is to…
Account+Review+CYW+Scenario - Mexico values not matching the scrrenshot - L3 certification
Hello Anaplan community, I am currently working on User story 1.7 - 1.10 (Under section 8 of Sprint 1) and after building the country and segment distribution module, I noticed the values were not matching only for Mexico country.While investigating on this issue I noticed that the "Override" Boolean is checked but with no…
How can I change my default workspace?
Hello. I need to change my default workspace. Currently it is showing a different workspace as my default and I need to change it. I have not come across any helpful solution so far. Please help. Thanks in advance.
Dependent dropdowns doesn't worked
Hello everyone, I'm asking some help. I have a numbered list "CA0" : This list has two propreties : I want to use the propertie "CA2" in a dropdown list. Here is an example. I create a moudle with two line items : CA0 and CA2 The CA0 line item is formatted like that : Here is the result, I have all my list : Can you tell…
Smaller Time Range | Less than a year Time Range | Day granularity
Anaplanners, I would like to have a time range in a granularity for less than a year. Somewhere between a month or a Quarter. We have a business requirement where we have to import and export working hours for each user per project per DAY. This activity will be monthly and may not be necessary to have more than a month,…
DAT.01 module information
I am currently at activity Level 3 Sprint 1 5.2 but looks like I still don't have DAT.01 module. Can anyone tell where can I find details for building this module? Did I miss anything?
Changing a workspace name & model names
Hi guys, So I have a question and I hope that you can help me. I have a workspace containing many apps but its name isn't really relevant. Same for some of the apps within this workspace. I want to change their names and I was wondering if there were some risks linked to that change. For example with Datahubs or other…
Challenge with a fake time list | Data Import | Native time
Anaplanners, Good day ! We are stuck with this peculiar ask from the business and need some guidance on how to proceed with the same. We have a resource planning use case where we have data of the users tagged to a project (this is not based on time). Example User A is tagged to Project Tiger & Project Lion 60% & 40 %…
Performance Comparison - Direct SUM vs Line Item Subset
Hi all, Was looking to get some community feedback on two different SUM approaches and which one would be more efficient from a model engine point of view. The scenario, I'm looking to SUM line items into a central P&L by account. The source module lines do not have account as a list, so we'll be using something similar to…
Version of PREVIOUS that works ad infinitum?
For actuals months I am calculating a 3 month moving average of percentages across several dimensions. For forecast months I want to repeat the results from the final month of actuals all the way to the end of my time range. Is there a formula for this? It seems that PREVIOUS should do this but it is only returning the…
Adding Multiple Leave dates into single line item
I am importing multiple instances of Leave in module. i used select function to get them into module. Now to allow them take maximum 40 days cumulative in a year, i want to store them in single line item. so that i could apply check there.Please suggest.
Conditional Import
I have two columns, Column A and Column B. Column A is a manual input and column B is populated by an import action of the data of Column A. I have created a sperate module with Boolean checks to make the data of Column B not editable using write access driver. However when I run the action to populate column B new list…
Cannot edit chart after publishing page
Hi, I have created a page in My Pages. I have a grid and a chart in it. However, once I have configured the chart for the first time, I cannot find the edit it anymore. The "pencil" symbol simply isn't there. Please help! As you can see, even in designer mode, the edit option is not there for the chart.
Delete multiple users with single click
Description: As a WSA, If i need to delete some 200 users from 1000 users list. I can upload the file with users list list for deletion and delete only those users available in the uploaded file. Solution: Each users have unique id assigned internally, we refer the unique id and delete the particular users by mapping…
Report/Board: Table Row and Column Height
There are four options for row height in a table output in the Report Designer/Board Designer. Even with the "default/standard" option, there is significant white space between rows. It would be helpful to have a "narrow" height option for table rows, or similar to my request around fonts, and adjustable row height based…
Fake Time (1-31) or Time Dimension
Anaplanners, We're in the process of creating a use case for capacity planning. Users have mentioned the projects they have working on. We will be converting the allocation into hours. Say I'm occupied for project A and Project B 75% & 25 % respectively, I will have 6 hours for Project A and 2 hours for Project B assuming…
Pivoting cards on Excel365
Hi, We are not allowed to import data from a saved custom view and we are never allowed to pivot a template from saved view. So when are we allowed to pivot a card? Thanks.
Not able to launch action in UAT environnement
Talent Builder Workspace Share?
I need to re-take level 1 and level 2 model building for upcoming interviews. Since the Talent Builder applications are temporarily on hold till 3/31/24 I was wondering is there anyone who already has access to a workspace via Talent Builder that would be willing to share access with me? Is that even possible? Thought I'd…
Gantt Chart Ability to Edit Columns
Hello, I would like to edit what is returned in the columns above a gantt chart. Screenshot below is what I currently see. I would like to remove/hide the year 2022 all together, and instead of showing months in the columns, show the numbers 1 through 12. And if that isn't possible, would like to remove the columns all…
Workflow: No assignees
Hi, Currently building a workflow functionality. I have a Group Task that relates to creating a budget transfer request. This task is dependant on the user input, if a request amount is higher than current budget, we would notify the budget holder. My question is: Is it possible to skip the task in the workflow if there…
Exporting CSV from Anaplan, incorrect date displays in Excel
When exporting information into Excel by month it brings the dates through as text, ex “Jan 18” = January 2018 and in Excel appears as “Jan 18” . Conversely when we export CSV files the “Jan 18” is converted to a date format with the wrong year “Jan 18” in Anaplan but = 1/18/19 in the CSV file. Is there a solution for…
PREVIOUSITEM() formula which is like PREVIOUS() but references a list item instead of time
Hi Anaplan, I was searching for the use of the PREVIOUS function but on a list item but it is not currently possible. @peter_mcanena has suggested this but only in a discussion thread. So as his idea suggests: PREVIOUSITEM(x, y) where * x: Any expression * y: List The expression x must be based on the list y.…
How to change code of a list?
Requirement has come to change the codes of existing lists in the Production model without losing data. Please suggest.
Import Action Bug
Note: The action was working fine since a year and suddenly mapping is gone due to has numbers as source . I have a module where I have a saved view to import data in another model . The line item name is same as list name which is a numbered list. During mapping Line item which is code is mapped in target list. But…
Level 1 Model Building Exam activity 7
Hello There, I am on Activity 7, I am able to bring the REP04 list data as described in the question. However, I am struggling with Page Selector, how can I get those dimension drop downs in text box? Secondly, I am also struggling with Line Chart, how to get years on X axis and the different colors for the executive,…
10.2.4 Activity: Import Data into Employee Drivers Module
I have mapped this but all the list items are getting ignored what should i do ? The correct output must be like this !
Level1 exam formulas error (activity5)
I tried to update the formulas but it shows Invalid fomula . Updated formulas for Bonus was below, IF Employed? THEN Salary * 'EMP 03 Employee Drivers by Role.Bonus %[LOOKUP: 'SYS08 Employee Details'.Department, LOOKUP: 'SYS08 Employee Details'.Country] ELSE 0 What exactly am I doing wrong here? Any help would be greatly…
Do you feel it will be good to have Supply Chain related functions ?
Since Supply chain use cases are picking up, do you feel it will be good to have supply chain specific functions in Anaplan. If yes, then kindly promote the new idea I posted.