Current Date and Time
It would be great to have a function to get current date and time. Timezone settings could be common for all users and maintained in the settings section
New Function To Convert Date Format to Text Format
It would be very useful to have this functionality rather than convert to numbers through DAY, MONTH, YEAR and back to text through TEXT function. Best practice would dictate to split these functions out but this increases clutter and causes unnecessary calculations in models.
Allow for line item subset to be more than just number formatted
Description of the enhancement required: Line Item Subsets are often used to build filter modules, as an alternative to using the Show/Hide functionality. Using a Boolean against a Line Item Subset on a filter module makes it very easy to select which columns should be shown or hidden on a dashboard. An example of the…
Ability to select versions as a list formatted line item for use in lookup statements
Versions are useful as they allow switchover functionality enabling a user to both enter a forecast on a line and see actuals in the same line item. However, comparing versions to eachother (any version to any other version dynamically) requires a "Versions List" and logic to engage that list with the Version you want to…
Avoid the roll back every time the formula is wrong
Every time we create a wrong formula the system runs a roll back that takes about 8 minutes!! We would like to avoid this roll back... it takes so much time during the development phase! They could just send a warning message!
Version Subsets
Ability to create subsets of the versions list Benefits: This will allow versions to be used much more versatile way, as the model-builder will be able to specify which versions will show up in which modules. For example, use forecast & actuals in some modules, but use V1, V2, V3 for scenario planning in other modules.
NOW Function
Use case: As a user, I want to display the current time (e.g. 9/12/2018 5:00AM) in a cell. This should behave similar to the "NOW" function in Excel. Business case: When a user presses a button, we want to display the last time the button was pressed.
Increase Code character limit in List
Description of the enhancement required: Increase Code character limit which is currently max at 60 characters. An error window will appear if character limit is reached. How would it help their business process: Customers have data values that exceed 60 characters when they try to import data into their List. When they…
Today() Function
I'm wondering why in Anaplan we can only have to input current period in Time. As we're using Anaplan as Supply Chain planification tools and we work really at planning on days level. So it's necessary for us to determine "today"'s date. The solution we use now is to launch an automatic import and update the "Today" item.…
PREVIOUSITEM() formula which is like PREVIOUS() but references a list item instead of time
Hi Anaplan, I was searching for the use of the PREVIOUS function but on a list item but it is not currently possible. @peter_mcanena has suggested this but only in a discussion thread. So as his idea suggests: PREVIOUSITEM(x, y) where * x: Any expression * y: List The expression x must be based on the list y.…
Versions as list format
Make Versions available as a list-format. Benefits: Allows the end-user to select the version they want to look at from a drop-down making for better variance reporting. Allows you to map from a normal hierarchy into a version dimension *Excel add-in needs to support & support with filters
Dynamic Cells Calculation (DCC)
This feature would allow to selectively switch between "Calculation" or "Manual Input" on a specific LineItem. Much like the DCA, the DCC would be based on a boolean. When True, the formula would apply but when False the user would be allowed to type data. This would allow to make Anaplan much more dynamic and greatly…
Ability to rename a line item without breaking the import mapping
Description of the enhancement: If a line item which is used as the source of an import is renamed, its mapping is removed and the action must be re-mapped. To re-create: * Setup an import from "LineItemA" in ModuleOne to LineItemB in ModuleTwo. The line items will need manually mapping since they have different names. *…
Pivoting with more than 3 rows
Description of the enhancement required: Need to be able to pivot more than 3 rows How would it help their business process: Reporting many cases of views needed with multiple dimensions with more than 3 lists in rows. Most recent case 1) A module with many dimensions 2) Need to be imported to a flat list 3) Filtering…
Ability to exclude zero values from AVERAGE calculation
A common requirement we see on customer implementations is to be able to calculate the average of a set of values but exclude zero values. For example if we have the following set of values (10,0,0,8,0), the average excluding zeros would be (10+8)/2 = 9. The current AVERAGE function cannot exclude zeroes and so gives an…
Formula for current user
It would be useful to have a formula to determiner a user from the users list so I could write lookup statements to source data from modules with users list in dimensions
Stop the mistake research processing
As a Model Builder, I would like to be able to stop the mistake research by using an action button. This processing can be very long when we are building an heavy model (5-10 minutes) and most of the time we already know where is the mistake (format, etc.). That's why we can save a lot of time if we could click to stop the…
Number Formatting Precision / Stop dividing by 1000
I would like to propose a feature to instead of dividing by 1,000 to show items in thousands or 1,000,000 to show numbers in millions, that this is handled by the number formatting. This is a little used feature in excel where you can apply a format to a cell with the value $32,500 to display as $32.5. In this case the…
Multi-layer sort
Would be very useful to have a multi-layer sort (not filter) like in Excel i.e. Sort by column A alphabetically, then by column B, then by C. Acknowledging the workaround to concatenate the desired fields into a text line item and sort by that, but to me a publicised workaround is always a pointer to a needed/desired…
Format checker
I want Anaplan to check if the FORMAT of my line item correspond the the formula i'm entering BEFORE starting the calculation and if the format doesn't match the expected result, i want Anaplan to hold the calculation until i can change the format to match the formula results.
RANDOM() function
Function that will generate random numbers, between specified min & max values. Excel has two functions to provide random numbers: RAND() generates a decimal value between 0 and 1 RANDBETWEEN( x , y ) generates an integer >= x and <= y It may be worth considering an extension to these functions such as: RANDOM( x , y , z)…
Auto size columns
Description: As a model builder, I'd like to be able to auto-size my columns Example of enhancement: Auto resize option in column settings
Using LOOKUP and SUM with Formula summary method
A detailed description of the enhancement that is being requested. We would like to request an enhancement that would allow to use LOOKUP and SUM with Formula summary method. Currently Anaplan doesn’t allow to do so, although in many cases it is needed and doesn’t break the math. If available, could you please provide a…
Ability to copy a process
It would be nice to have the possibility to copy a process. This will save some time when developing, because you can easily amend a simular process instead of collecting all actions again.
Statistical Functions Package: Normal Distribution
Concept: Include basic Statistical Functions in Anaplan Description: I miss some basic statistical functions among the available functions. These formulas are extremely useful when it comes to calculate chances or risks, which is a common and useful bit within the forecast calculations. A good example is the lack of a…
Open the saved view if you save a view
When creating a saved view, it will not open by default, but you need to open the saved view in order to finetune it. It will benefit the model builders, because now a lot of times you create a saved view and you need to remember to open it again before making more changes to the view and continue saving. A lot of times…
Ability to sum based on boolean
Description of enhancement required Ability to allow to aggregate using Boolean mapping. Currently mapping can only be applied over List elements. It would simplify many formulas if we could simply SUM/PRODUCT over TRUE/FALSE Boolean values. An example of enhancement - See example below *List called "Client" with 3 items.…
Drilldown highlights relevant logic string
When a user uses the drilldown feature it would be awesome if the platform highlighted the particular logic string that was being applied within the formula to determine the final result. This would be helpful to parse long, complex formulas with many possible results. For instance, sometimes formulas have many IF a THEN b…
Enhancement Request for the ability to assign list items to a subset using a formula
I would like the ability to populate a subset based on a line item attribute in another import module that contains the full list.
Ability to create Version subsets allowing to have many different versions without impacting size
Hi Anaplan, As Anaplan grows users will require to create multiple versions allowing them to look at historical information without creating many archived models. The solution to this is to have many versions and be able to subset version lists, therefore saving on space and being able to view historical information…